The Most Famous Scout, Ranked

Choose the Scout you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 07:49
Scouts have always played a pivotal role in shaping youthful skills and concepts, setting precedents for leadership, self-reliance, and community service. As these individuals vary in their contributions and legacies, having a clear ranking helps fans and followers see which Scouts have had the most significant impact over time. This clarity can be especially beneficial for those new to Scouting, giving them exemplars from which to draw inspiration and learn. By participating in the ranking process, users contribute to a collective assessment that enhances the appreciation of historical and contemporary Scouts. Each vote helps to adjust the standing, offering a dynamic view of who is considered most influential at any given moment. This interactive system not only enriches the user’s understanding but also fosters a sense of community and participation in celebrating the distinguished figures of Scouting.

Who Is the Most Famous Scout?

  1. 1
    Robert Baden-Powell

    Robert Baden-Powell

    Founder of the Scout Movement
    • Birth: 1857
    • Death: 1941
  2. 2
    Bear Grylls

    Bear Grylls

    Chief Scout of the UK Scout Association and adventurer
    • Appointed Chief Scout: 2009
  3. 3
    Olave Baden-Powell

    Olave Baden-Powell

    World Chief Guide, wife of Robert Baden-Powell
    • Birth: 1889
    • Death: 1977
  4. 4
    Dan Beard

    Dan Beard

    Founder of the Boy Scouts of America
    • Birth: 1850
    • Death: 1941
  5. 5

    Steve Fossett

    Record-setting aviator and adventurer, and Scout
    • Birth: 1944
    • Death: 2007
  6. 6

    Lord Rowallan

    Chief Scout of the British Commonwealth and Empire
    • Term as Chief Scout: 1945-1959
  7. 7
    Ernest Thompson Seton

    Ernest Thompson Seton

    Co-founder of the Boy Scouts of America
    • Birth: 1860
    • Death: 1946
  8. 8

    William Hillcourt

    Influential Scoutmaster and author in the Boy Scouts of America
    • Birth: 1900
    • Death: 1992
  9. 9
    Lord Somers

    Lord Somers

    Chief Scout of the British Empire
    • Term as Chief Scout: 1941-1945
  10. 10
    Juliette Gordon Low

    Juliette Gordon Low

    Founder of Girl Scouts of the USA
    • Birth: 1860
    • Death: 1927

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Scout. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Scout is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 85 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Scout once every 24 hours. The rank of each Scout is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Scout

Robert Baden-Powell
Rank #1 for the most famous Scout: Robert Baden-Powell (Source)
Scouts have a rich history. They began as a movement to teach young people skills and values. The idea was to help them become responsible citizens. The movement spread quickly across the world. It focused on outdoor activities, teamwork, and self-reliance. These elements made it appealing to many.

The founder of the Scouts had a military background. He used his experience to shape the program. He believed in learning by doing. This hands-on approach became a core part of the Scouts. Activities included camping, hiking, and learning survival skills. These activities were designed to build character and confidence.

The Scouts grew rapidly. They attracted boys from different backgrounds. The movement aimed to be inclusive. It welcomed anyone willing to learn and grow. This open approach helped it gain popularity. Soon, there were Scout groups in many countries.

Scouting had a clear structure. It included different ranks and badges. Each rank required specific skills and knowledge. Badges were awarded for achievements in various areas. This system motivated Scouts to improve. It also provided a sense of accomplishment.

The Scouts placed a strong emphasis on community service. Helping others was a key part of the program. Scouts took part in various service projects. These projects ranged from local clean-ups to helping in times of disaster. The goal was to instill a sense of duty and compassion.

Leadership was another focus. Scouts were encouraged to take on leadership roles. They led their peers in activities and projects. This helped them develop important skills. It also prepared them for future responsibilities.

The Scouts also had a set of values. These values were outlined in the Scout Law and Promise. They included principles like honesty, loyalty, and respect. Scouts were expected to live by these values. They served as a moral guide.

Over time, the Scouts evolved. They adapted to changing times and needs. New activities and programs were introduced. These changes kept the movement relevant. Despite changes, the core principles remained the same.

The impact of the Scouts was significant. Many former Scouts went on to become leaders in various fields. They often credited their success to the skills and values learned in Scouting. The movement also had a positive effect on communities. It fostered a spirit of cooperation and service.

The Scouts faced challenges too. They had to address issues like inclusivity and modernization. These challenges required careful consideration. The movement worked to stay true to its roots while adapting to new realities.

Today, the Scouts continue to thrive. They remain a popular choice for young people. The movement still emphasizes outdoor activities and community service. It continues to teach valuable life skills. The Scouts have a lasting legacy. They have made a difference in the lives of many. They have also contributed to the betterment of society.

In conclusion, the Scouts have a storied history. They began with a simple idea and grew into a global movement. Their focus on skills, values, and service has remained constant. This consistency has been key to their success. The Scouts continue to inspire and educate new generations. Their impact is felt around the world.

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