The Most Famous Sicilian, Ranked

Choose the Sicilian you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 6, 2024 07:49
Sicily has long been a melting pot of cultures, each leaving its unique imprint on the island's history and identity. This rich tapestry is vividly reflected in the variety of influential figures it has given rise to, spanning diverse fields such as the arts, sciences, and politics. By ranking these prominent Sicilians, we can appreciate not only the individual achievements but also the collective impact they've had on both regional and global stages. Your participation helps shape this ongoing narrative by casting votes for those you believe truly epitomize the spirit and legacy of Sicily. The ranking dynamically adjusts with every vote, reflecting real-time shifts in public opinion and interest. This interactive process ensures that the list remains current and representative of the broader community's views, offering a continuously updated snapshot of Sicilian influence and prominence.

Who Is the Most Famous Sicilian?

  1. 1


    Ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, and astronomer from Syracuse, Sicily.
    • Field: Mathematics, Physics
    • Known for: Archimedes' principle, Archimedes' screw
  2. 2
    Luigi Pirandello

    Luigi Pirandello

    Italian dramatist, novelist, poet, and short story writer awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1934.
    • Field: Literature
    • Known for: Six Characters in Search of an Author
  3. 3
    Salvatore Quasimodo

    Salvatore Quasimodo

    Italian novelist and poet. In 1959, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
    • Field: Literature
    • Known for: His lyrical poetry
  4. 4
    Elio Vittorini

    Elio Vittorini

    Italian writer and novelist, known for his anti-fascist novel 'Conversazione in Sicilia'.
    • Field: Literature
    • Known for: Conversazione in Sicilia
  5. 5
    Vincenzo Bellini

    Vincenzo Bellini

    Italian opera composer, known for his melodious compositions, who was born in Catania, Sicily.
    • Field: Music
    • Known for: Norma, La sonnambula, I Puritani
  6. 6
    Andrea Camilleri

    Andrea Camilleri

    Italian writer. He is considered one of the greatest Italian writers of both 20th and 21st centuries. Best known for his Inspector Montalbano series.
    • Field: Literature
    • Known for: Inspector Montalbano series
  7. 7
    Giovanni Verga

    Giovanni Verga

    Italian realist (Verismo) writer, best known for his depictions of life in his native Sicily.
    • Field: Literature
    • Known for: Cavalleria rusticana, I Malavoglia
  8. 8
    Alessandro Scarlatti

    Alessandro Scarlatti

    Italian Baroque composer known especially for his operas and chamber cantatas. He was born in Palermo, Sicily.
    • Field: Music
    • Known for: Founder of the Neapolitan school of opera
  9. 9

    Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

    Italian writer and the last Prince of Lampedusa. He is most famous for his only novel, 'The Leopard', which was posthumously published in 1958.
    • Field: Literature
    • Known for: The Leopard
  10. 10


    Pre-Socratic philosopher and a citizen of Akragas, a Greek city in Sicily.
    • Field: Philosophy
    • Known for: Theory of the four classical elements

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Sicilian. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Sicilian is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 25 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Sicilian once every 24 hours. The rank of each Sicilian is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Sicilian

Rank #1 for the most famous Sicilian: Archimedes (Source)
Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean, has a rich history. It has been home to many famous figures. These individuals come from various fields such as politics, arts, and science. Their impact on the world is significant and lasting.

Sicily's strategic location made it a melting pot of cultures. Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Normans, and others have ruled the island. This blend of cultures has shaped the people and their achievements. The island's unique environment has also played a role in nurturing talent.

One notable field where Sicilians have excelled is politics. Many have risen to prominence, influencing not just local but also national and international affairs. Their leadership and vision have left a mark on history. They have navigated complex political landscapes with skill and determination.

In the arts, Sicily has produced many renowned figures. These artists have contributed to literature, music, and visual arts. Their works often reflect the island's rich cultural heritage. They draw inspiration from Sicily's landscapes, history, and traditions. Their creations resonate with audiences around the world.

Science is another area where Sicilians have made significant contributions. They have advanced knowledge in various disciplines. Their discoveries and innovations have had a profound impact on society. Their work continues to inspire future generations of scientists.

Sicily's educational institutions have played a key role in fostering talent. They provide a strong foundation in various fields. Many famous Sicilians have benefited from this education. They have gone on to achieve great things, both locally and globally.

The island's vibrant culture also plays a role in shaping its people. Festivals, traditions, and a strong sense of community are integral to Sicilian life. These elements contribute to the development of well-rounded individuals. They instill a sense of pride and identity in the people.

Sicily's natural beauty is another source of inspiration. The island boasts stunning landscapes, from beaches to mountains. This beauty often finds its way into the works of Sicilian artists. It also provides a serene environment for thinkers and innovators.

The challenges faced by Sicilians have also shaped their character. The island has a history of resilience and determination. Its people have overcome various hardships over the centuries. This resilience is evident in the achievements of its most famous figures.

Sicilians are known for their strong family ties and sense of loyalty. These values often influence their work and achievements. They strive to make a positive impact on their communities and beyond. Their contributions reflect a deep sense of responsibility and commitment.

In summary, Sicily has produced many famous individuals who have left a lasting impact on the world. Their achievements span various fields, including politics, arts, and science. The island's rich history, culture, and environment have played a significant role in shaping these figures. Their legacy continues to inspire and influence future generations.

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