The Most Famous Sir, Ranked

Choose the sir you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:49
Throughout history, numerous individuals have been honored with the title of 'Sir,' signifying recognition of their significant achievements or notable contributions to society. While some names are widely known and celebrated, others may not be as prominent but still hold substantial merit. This site allows a dynamic evaluation of these figures based on public perceptions and current interest. By participating in the voting process, users contribute to a live ranking that reflects collective opinions and preferences. This not only provides a snapshot of which figures hold contemporary relevance but also stimulates engagement with historical and cultural achievements. Your votes help in shaping an informed list that goes beyond mere popularity, delving into what makes these individuals genuinely respected and celebrated by society.

Who Is the Most Famous Sir?

  1. 1
    Sir Winston Churchill

    Sir Winston Churchill

    British statesman, army officer, and writer who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during World War II.
    • Nobel Prize: Literature (1953)
  2. 2
    Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton

    English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, and author who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time.
    • Known for: Laws of motion and universal gravitation
  3. 3
    Sir Elton John

    Sir Elton John

    English singer, pianist, and composer who has worked with lyricist Bernie Taupin since 1967 on more than 30 albums.
    • Hits: "Candle in the Wind", "Rocket Man"
  4. 4
    Sir Paul McCartney

    Sir Paul McCartney

    English singer, songwriter, musician, and record and film producer who gained worldwide fame as co-lead vocalist and bassist for the Beatles.
    • Band: The Beatles
  5. 5
    Sir David Attenborough

    Sir David Attenborough

    English broadcaster and natural historian. He is best known for writing and presenting the nine natural history documentary series forming the Life collection.
    • Known for: Nature documentaries
  6. 6
    Sir Anthony Hopkins

    Sir Anthony Hopkins

    Welsh actor, director, and producer. He won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 1992 and has received various accolades throughout his career.
    • Oscar-winning role: Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs
  7. 7
    Sir Stephen Hawking

    Sir Stephen Hawking

    English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge.
    • Known for: Black hole radiation theory
  8. 8
    Sir Alexander Fleming

    Sir Alexander Fleming

    Scottish biologist, physician, microbiologist, and pharmacologist best known for discovering the enzyme lysozyme and the antibiotic substance penicillin.
    • Nobel Prize: Physiology or Medicine (1945)
  9. 9
    Sir Alfred Hitchcock

    Sir Alfred Hitchcock

    English film director and producer, widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in the history of cinema.
    • Notable films: "Psycho", "Rear Window", "Vertigo"
  10. 10
    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    British writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes.
    • Famous character: Sherlock Holmes

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous sir. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Sir is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 169 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Sir once every 24 hours. The rank of each Sir is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Sir

Sir Winston Churchill
Rank #1 for the most famous sir: Sir Winston Churchill (Source)
Knighthood is a prestigious honor. It dates back to medieval times. Knights were warriors who fought for their lords. They followed a code of chivalry. This code stressed bravery, honor, and respect for women and the weak.

In modern times, knighthood is symbolic. It is a mark of distinction. It recognizes outstanding contributions to society. These contributions can be in various fields. They include arts, science, charity, and public service.

To become a knight, one must be nominated. The nomination comes from peers or the public. A committee reviews the nominations. They select those who have made significant impacts. The final approval lies with the monarch. The monarch bestows the title in a formal ceremony.

The ceremony is grand. It takes place in a historic setting. The monarch uses a sword to tap the shoulders of the honoree. This act symbolizes the conferring of knighthood. The new knight then swears an oath. This oath is to serve the nation and uphold the values of knighthood.

Knights use the title "Sir" before their names. This title is a sign of respect. It sets them apart from others. It also comes with certain privileges. Knights may be invited to state functions. They may also receive other honors and awards.

Knighthood is not hereditary. It cannot be passed down to descendants. Each individual must earn it on their own merit. This ensures that the honor remains meaningful. It is a recognition of personal achievement and contribution.

Knights often use their status to further causes. They engage in charity work. They support various social initiatives. Their influence can help raise awareness and funds. This adds to their legacy and impact on society.

The tradition of knighthood has evolved. It now includes people from all walks of life. It is not limited to military or noble backgrounds. Anyone who has made a significant contribution can be considered. This inclusivity reflects modern values.

Knighthood remains a symbol of excellence. It celebrates those who go above and beyond. It honors dedication, hard work, and service. The title of "Sir" carries weight and respect. It is a lasting recognition of one's achievements.

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