The Most Famous Slam Poet, Ranked

Choose the slam poet you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 07:14
In the dynamic world of slam poetry, where voices rise and fall like beats in a song, keeping track of who leads the charge can be as thrilling as the performances themselves. The articulate outpour of emotions and thoughts by poets commands attention, but who resonates most with audiences changes frequently. This curated list of famous slam poets serves to highlight those whose words have not just echoed in microphones but have also left a lasting impact on hearts and minds. By participating in the voting process, you contribute to a collective decision-making that elevates the voices that echo most with the public. This interaction not only supports poets but also guides new enthusiasts to those artists who have mastered the craft of turning breath into poetry. Every vote is a chance to reshape the landscape of spoken word, ensuring that the list remains a true reflection of audience preferences and insights.

Who Is the Most Famous Slam Poet?

  1. 1
    Shane Koyczan is a Canadian poet, author, and performer. He gained worldwide recognition after his spoken-word poem "To This Day" went viral on YouTube. Koyczan has performed at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, TED Talks, and the United Nations.
  2. 2
    Sarah Kay
    Larry D. Moore · CC BY 4.0
    Sarah Kay is an American poet, educator, and performer. She is best known for her TED Talk and her poetry collection "B" and "No Matter the Wreckage."
  3. 3
    Rudy Francisco is an American slam poet and a former National Poetry Slam champion. He has appeared on TV shows such as "The Tonight Show" and "Jimmy Kimmel Live."
  4. 4
    Andrea Gibson is an American poet and activist. They are a four-time National Poetry Slam champion and have released multiple poetry collections.
  5. 5
    Buddy Wakefield
    Boomerwakefield · CC BY-SA 4.0
    Buddy Wakefield is an American poet and performer. He is a two-time Individual World Poetry Slam Champion and has released several poetry collections.
  6. 6
    Anis Mojgani is an American poet and performer. He is a two-time National Poetry Slam champion and has released several poetry collections.
  7. 7
    Phil Kaye is an American poet and performer. He is a former National Poetry Slam champion and has released several poetry collections.
  8. 8
    Warsan Shire is a British-Somali poet and writer. She gained worldwide recognition after her poetry was featured in Beyonce's visual album "Lemonade."
  9. 9
    Lemon Andersen is an American poet, playwright, and actor. He won the Tony Award for Best Special Theatrical Event for his one-man show "County of Kings."
  10. 10
    Taylor Mali is an American poet and teacher. He is best known for his poem "What Teachers Make" and has released several poetry collections.

Missing your favorite slam poet?


Ranking factors for famous slam poet

  1. Impact and Influence
    The poet's impact on the slam poetry community and their ability to influence and inspire other artists.
  2. Performance Skills
    The effectiveness and skillfulness of their performances, including stage presence, delivery, and the ability to connect with the audience emotionally.
  3. Awards and Recognition
    The number and significance of awards and recognition received from reputable slam poetry competitions, festivals, or organizations.
  4. Reach and Audience
    The size and engagement of their audience, both online and at live performances, including the ability to reach diverse demographics.
  5. Body of Work
    The quality and depth of their written poems, publications, and overall artistic portfolio.
  6. Innovation and Creativity
    The poet's ability to push boundaries, introduce new techniques, or approach slam poetry in a fresh and innovative way.
  7. Activism and Advocacy
    Involvement in social causes, activism, or advocacy work, using slam poetry as a platform to address important topics or bring about positive change.
  8. Overall Cultural Impact
    The extent to which the poet has contributed to the growth, recognition, and popularization of slam poetry within mainstream culture.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous slam poet. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Slam poet is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 180 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Slam poet once every 24 hours. The rank of each Slam poet is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most famous slam poet

Slam poetry is an art form that has been gaining popularity over the years. It is a type of spoken word poetry that is performed in front of a live audience. Slam poets use their words and performance skills to captivate their audience and convey powerful messages. In the world of slam poetry, there are many talented poets who have gained a following and have become famous for their work. But who is the most famous slam poet of them all? That's what we aim to find out in this poll. Join us in exploring the world of slam poetry and discovering the most famous slam poet of all time.

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