The Most Famous Stalker, Ranked

Choose the stalker you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:50
Tracking the most notorious stalkers through the annals of history helps provide a clearer view of both the past and the measures society has adopted for protection and prevention. The fascination with these figures isn't just about their notoriety but also about understanding the mechanisms that drive such extreme behaviors. This insight assists in reinforcing the social fabric, ensuring such patterns are better recognized and managed. Here on this dynamic listing, every vote cast influences the real-time rankings, offering an updated perspective on who the public finds most notorious. By participating, users contribute to a broader conversation about historical impact and societal response. This interaction not only deepens communal knowledge but also engages a modern audience with the lessons of history.

Who Is the Most Famous Stalker?

  1. 1
    Mark David Chapman

    Mark David Chapman

    John Lennon's stalker and murderer.
    • Victim: John Lennon
    • Outcome: Murder of John Lennon
  2. 2
    John Hinckley Jr.

    John Hinckley Jr.

    Attempted to assassinate U.S. President Ronald Reagan in an effort to impress actress Jodie Foster.
    • Victim: Ronald Reagan
    • Motive: To impress Jodie Foster
  3. 3
    Robert John Bardo

    Robert John Bardo

    Stalker of actress Rebecca Schaeffer, leading to her murder.
    • Victim: Rebecca Schaeffer
    • Outcome: Murder of Rebecca Schaeffer
  4. 4

    Robert Dewey Hoskins

    Repeatedly threatened to kill Madonna, leading to his arrest and conviction.
    • Victim: Madonna
    • Outcome: Arrest and conviction
  5. 5

    Shota Tsukamoto

    Stalked Japanese pop idol Mayu Tomita, stabbing her multiple times before a concert.
    • Victim: Mayu Tomita
    • Outcome: Attempted murder of Mayu Tomita
  6. 6

    Dante Michael Soiu

    Stalked Gwyneth Paltrow over several years, sending threatening letters and packages.
    • Victim: Gwyneth Paltrow
    • Outcome: Several court cases
  7. 7
    Naeem Ahmed

    Naeem Ahmed

    Stalked and harassed British television presenter Emily Maitlis over a period of several years.
    • Victim: Emily Maitlis
    • Outcome: Multiple convictions for harassment
  8. 8

    Arthur Richard Jackson

    Stalked and stabbed actress Theresa Saldana.
    • Victim: Theresa Saldana
    • Outcome: Attempted murder of Theresa Saldana
  9. 9

    Edward Humphrey

    Erroneously linked to the stalking and murder of several women in the Gainesville Ripper case.
    • Association: Gainesville Ripper case
    • Outcome: Erroneously linked
  10. 10

    Margaret Mary Ray

    Stalked comedian David Letterman and astronaut Story Musgrave.
    • Victims: David Letterman, Story Musgrave
    • Outcome: Multiple arrests

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous stalker. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Stalker is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 145 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Stalker once every 24 hours. The rank of each Stalker is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Stalker

Mark David Chapman
Rank #1 for the most famous stalker: Mark David Chapman (Source)
Stalking is a serious crime that affects many people. It involves persistent and unwanted attention. The stalker often follows or contacts the victim. This behavior causes fear and distress.

Stalkers can be strangers, acquaintances, or former partners. They may use different methods to track their victims. Some follow the victim in person. Others use technology to monitor their activities. Social media and smartphones make it easier for stalkers to gather information.

Many stalkers have a history of mental health issues. They may suffer from delusions or obsessive thoughts. Some believe they have a special connection with the victim. Others may want to control or harm the person they are stalking. Their actions are often unpredictable and dangerous.

Victims of stalking experience a range of emotions. They may feel scared, anxious, or helpless. The constant surveillance disrupts their daily lives. Many victims change their routines to avoid the stalker. Some move to new locations or seek help from law enforcement.

Laws against stalking vary by country and state. In many places, stalking is a criminal offense. Victims can obtain restraining orders to keep the stalker away. Police can arrest and charge individuals who violate these orders. However, legal action does not always stop the stalking.

Awareness and education are key to preventing stalking. People should know the signs of stalking and how to protect themselves. Trusting one's instincts is important. If someone feels uncomfortable or threatened, they should seek help. Friends and family can offer support and guidance.

Technology plays a role in both stalking and prevention. Stalkers use devices to track their victims. However, technology also provides tools for protection. Victims can use privacy settings on social media. They can also install security systems in their homes. Awareness of digital footprints helps reduce risk.

Support groups and counseling services assist victims. These resources offer a safe space to share experiences. Counseling helps victims cope with the trauma of being stalked. Support groups provide a sense of community and understanding.

Stalking has long-term effects on victims. Many suffer from anxiety and depression. Some develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The fear of being watched or followed lingers. Recovery takes time and support from loved ones.

Public figures are often targets of stalkers. Their fame and visibility make them vulnerable. Many have shared their experiences to raise awareness. Their stories highlight the need for better protection and support.

Preventing stalking requires a collective effort. Communities must work together to create safe environments. Education programs in schools and workplaces can help. Law enforcement needs training to handle stalking cases effectively.

Stalking is a complex issue with serious consequences. Understanding the behavior and its impact is crucial. By raising awareness, offering support, and using technology wisely, we can help protect victims. Everyone has a role in preventing stalking and supporting those affected.

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