The Most Famous Woodworker, Ranked

Choose the woodworker you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:52
Choosing the right woodworker for your project can be a daunting task, given the array of skilled artisans out there. Each woodworker brings a unique set of skills and creative vision to the table. Therefore, having a ranked list of notable woodworkers can help simplify your decision-making process, ensuring you find someone whose expertise aligns perfectly with your project's needs. This live ranking offers a continuously updated list based on user votes, reflecting current preferences and opinions in the woodworking community. It allows you to see which woodworkers are currently making waves in the field and why. Your votes matter as they help others in the community make informed choices, encouraging a knowledgeable and engaged audience.

Who Is the Most Famous Woodworker?

  1. 1

    Sam Maloof

    An American woodworker and furniture designer known for his unique, handcrafted wooden furniture.
    • Style: Handcrafted wooden furniture
    • Award: MacArthur Fellowship
  2. 2
    James Krenov

    James Krenov

    A Russian-American woodworker and author, Krenov is renowned for his fine cabinetmaking and his philosophical approach to woodworking.
    • Approach: Philosophical
    • Specialty: Cabinetmaking
  3. 3
    George Nakashima

    George Nakashima

    A Japanese-American woodworker, architect, and furniture maker, celebrated for his innovative joinery techniques and organic aesthetic.
    • Design Philosophy: Organic Aesthetic
    • Technique: Innovative Joinery
  4. 4
    Thomas Chippendale

    Thomas Chippendale

    An 18th-century English cabinet-maker and furniture designer, known for his distinctive style and the creation of the 'Chippendale' furniture style.
    • Era: 18th Century
    • Style: Chippendale
  5. 5

    Wharton Esherick

    An American woodworker and sculptor, known as the 'dean of American craftsmen' for his pioneering work in the studio furniture movement.
    • Movement: Studio Furniture
    • Style: Sculptural Woodworking
  6. 6
    Roy Underhill

    Roy Underhill

    A woodworker and television personality known for his show 'The Woodwright’s Shop', which focuses on traditional woodworking techniques.
    • Show: The Woodwright’s Shop
    • Focus: Traditional Woodworking
  7. 7
    Paul Sellers

    Paul Sellers

    A British woodworker and educator, Sellers is known for his mastery of hand tools and his commitment to teaching traditional woodworking techniques.
    • Specialty: Hand Tools
    • Approach: Educational
  8. 8

    Bob Ross

    While primarily known as a painter, Bob Ross is also celebrated for his woodworking skills, often crafting the frames for his iconic paintings.
    • Primary Skill: Painting
    • Secondary Skill: Woodworking
  9. 9
    Norm Abram

    Norm Abram

    Famous for his role in 'This Old House' and 'The New Yankee Workshop', Norm Abram is known for his skills in carpentry and woodworking.
    • Show: This Old House
    • Specialty: Carpentry, Woodworking
  10. 10

    Tage Frid

    A Danish-American woodworker and educator, Frid was a major influence in the development of modern woodworking techniques and education.
    • Nationality: Danish-American
    • Contribution: Modern Woodworking Education

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous woodworker. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or woodworker is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 156 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each woodworker once every 24 hours. The rank of each woodworker is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Woodworker

Woodworking has a rich history. It spans centuries and cultures. Early humans used wood for tools and shelter. They carved and shaped wood with simple tools. Over time, woodworking evolved into an art form. Craftsmen refined their skills and techniques. They passed down knowledge through generations.

In ancient Egypt, woodworking reached new heights. Craftsmen built furniture and decorative items. They used simple but effective tools. The Greeks and Romans also valued woodwork. They created intricate designs and structures. They used advanced techniques for their time.

During the Middle Ages, woodworking flourished in Europe. Guilds formed to protect and teach the craft. Apprentices learned from masters. They honed their skills over many years. This period saw the rise of fine furniture and detailed carvings. Woodworkers became respected artisans.

The Renaissance brought a renewed interest in art and design. Woodworkers embraced new ideas and styles. They experimented with different types of wood. They created pieces that were both functional and beautiful. This era produced some of the most exquisite woodwork.

The Industrial Revolution changed woodworking forever. Machines began to assist human hands. Production became faster and more efficient. However, traditional woodworking skills remained important. Craftsmen continued to create unique, handmade items.

Today, woodworking is both a profession and a hobby. Modern woodworkers use a mix of old and new techniques. They have access to a wide range of tools and materials. Some focus on furniture making. Others specialize in carving, turning, or cabinetry.

Woodworkers often start with a plan or design. They select the best wood for the project. They cut, shape, and join pieces with precision. Sanding and finishing bring out the beauty of the wood. Each step requires skill and patience.

Woodworking demands attention to detail. A small mistake can ruin a piece. Craftsmen must understand wood's properties. They need to know how it reacts to different conditions. This knowledge helps them avoid problems and achieve the best results.

Many woodworkers take pride in their work. They enjoy the challenge of creating something from raw materials. They find satisfaction in a job well done. Their creations often become family heirlooms. They are passed down through generations.

Woodworking also fosters creativity. Craftsmen can express their ideas through their work. They can experiment with new designs and techniques. This keeps the craft fresh and exciting. It allows for constant growth and improvement.

Woodworking connects people to the past. It preserves traditional skills and methods. It honors the craftsmanship of earlier generations. At the same time, it looks to the future. It embraces innovation and new possibilities.

The world of woodworking is vast and varied. It includes many styles and specialties. Each woodworker brings their own vision and expertise. They contribute to a long and proud tradition. Their work enriches our lives and our homes.

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