The Most Popular Batcha Coffee, Ranked

Choose the Batcha Coffee you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 25, 2024 06:29
In a world where coffee aficionados continually search for the next best brew, the allure of Batcha Coffee stands out with its unique flavor profiles and brewing techniques. Knowing the top-rated varieties helps enthusiasts find high-quality selections and enhances their coffee-drinking experience. This live ranking, fueled by community votes, offers a dynamic snapshot of the top Batcha Coffees as chosen by those who know and love them. It's not just about finding the best cup; it's about participating in a community of like-minded individuals who appreciate the finer nuances of this beloved beverage.

What Is the Most Popular Batcha Coffee?

  1. 1
    Known for its floral aroma, citrusy acidity, and strong berry notes, Yirgacheffe is one of the most popular and highly sought-after coffees in the world. It has a light to medium body and is typically grown at high altitudes in Ethiopia.
    Ethiopian Yirgacheffe is a popular specialty coffee that originates from the Yirgacheffe region in Ethiopia. This coffee is known for its exceptional quality, distinct flavor profile, and delicate floral and citrus notes. It is often considered one of the finest coffees in the world and is highly sought after by coffee enthusiasts.
    • Country: Ethiopia
    • Region: Yirgacheffe
    • Altitude: 1,700 to 2,200 meters above sea level
    • Processing Method: Washed
    • Varietal: Typica, Heirloom
  2. 2
    Grown on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, this coffee is known for its earthy, herbal flavor profile. It has a heavy body and low acidity, making it a popular choice for espresso blends.
    Sumatran Mandheling is a highly sought-after batcha coffee that originates from the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. It is known for its distinct flavor profile, which is characterized by deep earthy notes, low acidity, and a full body. The coffee beans are carefully cultivated and harvested in the region surrounding Lake Toba, then processed using the unique wet-hulled method that contributes to its characteristic flavors.
    • Origin: Sumatra, Indonesia
    • Varietal: Typica, Bourbon
    • Altitude: 1,100 - 1,500 meters (3,600 - 5,000 feet) above sea level
    • Processing Method: Wet-hulled
    • Roast Level: Medium to dark
  3. 3
    Guatemalan Antigua
    Simon Burchell · CC BY-SA 4.0
    This coffee is grown in the Antigua region of Guatemala and is known for its balanced flavor profile, with notes of chocolate, caramel, and nuts. It has a medium body and medium acidity.
    Guatemalan Antigua is a highly regarded specialty coffee known for its exceptional quality and rich flavors. It is grown in the Antigua region of Guatemala, which is renowned for its volcanic soil and optimal climate conditions for coffee cultivation. The coffee beans are carefully harvested and processed to preserve their unique characteristics, resulting in a highly desirable and complex cup of coffee.
    • Origin: Antigua, Guatemala
    • Altitude: 1,500 - 1,800 meters above sea level
    • Variety: Arabica (Typica, Bourbon, Caturra)
    • Processing Method: Washed, sun-dried
    • Flavor Profile: Notes of chocolate, caramel, and smoky undertones
  4. 4

    Costa Rican Tarrazu

    Costa Rican coffee farmers
    Grown in the Tarrazu region of Costa Rica, this coffee is known for its bright acidity and fruity notes. It has a medium body and is often described as having a clean and crisp taste.
    Costa Rican Tarrazu is a type of coffee known for its exceptional quality and flavor. It is produced in the Tarrazu region of Costa Rica, which is famous for its high altitude and ideal climate conditions for coffee cultivation. The coffee beans are carefully grown and harvested in this region, resulting in a rich and smooth taste.
    • Origin: Tarrazu, Costa Rica
    • Altitude: 1,200 - 1,800 meters above sea level
    • Variety: Arabica
    • Processing Method: Washed
    • Roast Level: Medium to Dark
  5. 5

    Colombian Supremo

    Colombia's coffee farmers
    Colombia is one of the largest coffee producers in the world, and Supremo is one of its most popular varieties. It has a medium body and is known for its balanced flavor profile and mild acidity.
    Colombian Supremo is a high-quality coffee originating from the rich coffee-growing regions of Colombia. It is renowned for its exceptional taste, flavor, and aroma, making it one of the most popular choices among coffee enthusiasts worldwide.
    • Origin: Colombia
    • Bean Type: Arabica
    • Roast Level: Medium
    • Grind Type: Whole Bean
    • Tasting Notes: Rich, smooth, and well-balanced
  6. 6
    Kenyan AA
    Daryona · CC BY-SA 3.0

    Kenyan AA

    Coffee farmers in Kenya
    This coffee is grown in Kenya and is known for its bright acidity and strong fruity notes, often described as having a "winey" taste. It has a medium to full body and is typically grown at high altitudes.
    Kenyan AA is a highly regarded batch of coffee known for its rich flavor and unique characteristics. It is produced in Kenya, a country renowned for its high-quality coffee beans. Kenyan AA is classified as a specialty coffee, indicating its superior quality and unique taste. The coffee cherries are grown in the rich volcanic soil of the country's high-altitude regions, which contributes to its exceptional flavor profile.
    • Origin: Kenya
    • Classification: Specialty Coffee
    • Flavor Profile: Rich, full-bodied, and vibrant
    • Acidity: Bright and lively
    • Aroma: Fruity and floral
  7. 7
    This coffee is grown in Tanzania and is known for its bright acidity and strong berry notes. It has a medium to full body and is named after its unique round-shaped beans.
    Tanzanian Peaberry is a highly regarded and sought-after batch of coffee beans grown in the southern highlands of Tanzania. It is known for its unique round shape, vibrant flavor profile, and distinct aroma. The peaberry beans are created when a cherry produces only one small oval-shaped seed, instead of the usual two flat-sided seeds. This phenomenon results in a concentrated and intense flavor in the beans.
    • Origin: Southern highlands of Tanzania
    • Roast Profile: Medium to dark
    • Flavor Notes: Bright acidity, fruity undertones, hints of chocolate and citrus
    • Aroma: Earthy, floral, and slightly spicy
    • Body: Medium-bodied with a smooth mouthfeel
  8. 8
    Hawaiian Kona
    Travisthurston · CC BY-SA 3.0
    Grown on the slopes of the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii, Kona coffee is known for its smooth, mild flavor profile and low acidity. It has a medium body and is highly prized for its unique growing conditions.
    Hawaiian Kona is a highly sought-after gourmet coffee known for its smooth and rich flavor. It is grown exclusively on the slopes of the Mauna Loa volcano in the Kona District of Hawaii. The coffee beans are hand-picked and sun-dried, resulting in a complex and delicate taste profile with notes of chocolate, nutty undertones, and a hint of citrus. Hawaiian Kona coffee is a true luxury for coffee connoisseurs around the world.
    • Acidity: Medium
    • Body: Medium to full
    • Caffeine Content: Moderate
    • Origin: Kona District, Hawaii
    • Growing Region: Mauna Loa volcano
  9. 9
    Jamaican Blue Mountain
    Mariordo Mario Roberto Duran Ortiz · CC BY-SA 3.0
    Grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, this coffee is known for its mild flavor profile and low acidity. It has a medium body and is highly prized for its limited availability and high quality.
    Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is one of the most sought-after and highly regarded coffees in the world. It is known for its smooth flavor, mild acidity, and a rich aroma with hints of chocolate and fruit.
    • Origin: Jamaica
    • Altitude: 800 to 1,800 meters above sea level
    • Variety: Arabica
    • Processing Method: Washed
    • Roast Level: Medium
    Jamaican Blue Mountain in other rankings
  10. 10
    This coffee is grown in India and is known for its unique flavor profile, which is the result of a special processing method that involves exposing the beans to monsoon winds. It has a heavy body and is often described as having a "spicy" taste.
    Indian Monsooned Malabar is a unique variety of coffee that undergoes a special monsooning process, resulting in a distinctive flavor profile. The coffee beans are exposed to moisture-laden monsoon winds, which cause them to swell and lose acidity, resulting in a mellow and uniquely fermented taste. This coffee is known for its low acidity, heavy body, and earthy flavor notes.
    • Origin: Malabar Coast, India
    • Processing Method: Natural
    • Bean Type: Arabica
    • Roast Level: Medium to dark
    • Flavor Profile: Mellow, earthy, with hints of spice

Missing your favorite Batcha Coffee?


Ranking factors for popular Batcha Coffee

  1. Flavor profile
    The taste, aroma, and flavor notes present in the coffee, such as fruity, floral, or dark chocolate, play a significant role in its popularity.
  2. Bean quality
    The type, size, and quality of coffee beans used in the Batcha coffee, including factors such as varietal, elevation, and processing method.
  3. Roasting
    The coffee's roast level (light, medium, or dark) and roasting technique, which can influence its taste, aroma, and overall appeal to consumers.
  4. Origin
    The country and region from which the coffee beans are sourced, which can impact the coffee's flavor profile, quality, and uniqueness.
  5. Price
    The cost of the coffee, as affordability can be a significant factor for many consumers.
  6. Packaging and branding
    The visual appeal of the packaging, overall brand reputation, and marketing efforts can influence a consumer's likelihood to try or purchase the coffee.
  7. Sustainability and ethical sourcing
    Consumers are increasingly placing importance on factors such as fair trade certification, environmentally-friendly farming practices, and support for local coffee-growing communities.
  8. Review scores and customer feedback
    The opinions of expert reviewers, baristas, and consumers can help to determine a coffee's overall popularity and appeal.
  9. Availability and distribution
    The ease of purchasing and finding the coffee, both online and offline, can impact its popularity.
  10. Awards and recognition
    Coffees that have won awards or earned industry recognition are often well-regarded and highly sought after.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Batcha Coffee. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Batcha Coffees is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 137 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Batcha Coffees once every 24 hours. The rank of each Batcha Coffees is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most popular batcha coffee

Bacha coffee, also known as Turkish coffee, is a traditional coffee beverage that originated in the Ottoman Empire. It is made by finely grinding coffee beans into a powder and then boiling it in a pot with water and sugar. The result is a strong, aromatic coffee with a thick foam on top. Bacha coffee has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many coffee shops and restaurants offering it on their menus. It is also a popular choice for home brewing, with specialty coffee shops selling the necessary equipment to create the perfect cup of Bacha coffee. There are many variations of Bacha coffee, with different regions and cultures adding their own twists to the traditional recipe. Some popular variations include adding cardamom or cinnamon to the brew, or serving it with a side of sweet treats like Turkish delight or baklava. With its rich history and delicious taste, it's no wonder that Bacha coffee has become a beloved drink around the world. So, what is the most popular Bacha coffee? Let's dive into the polls and rankings to find out!

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