The Most Popular Beer in Switzerland, Ranked

Choose the beer you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:39
In Switzerland, a country renowned for its diverse culinary traditions, beer holds a special place. With a rich variety of local and regional brews, each offering unique flavors and histories, determining the most favored can be both challenging and enlightening. Such rankings help enthusiasts and visitors alike gain insights into the preferences that shape the local beer culture. By participating in the ranking process, individuals contribute to a broader understanding of popular tastes and trends in the Swiss beer market. This dynamic collection of votes continuously informs and updates the rankings, reflecting real-time shifts in popularity. It's not just a list—it’s a reflection of collective taste and an invitation to engage with Switzerland's beer heritage.

What Is the Most Popular Beer in Switzerland?

  1. 1


    Switzerland's leading beer brand, known for its lager that's brewed in Rheinfelden.
    • Founded: 1876
    • Headquarters: Rheinfelden, Switzerland
  2. 2


    One of the oldest Swiss beer brands, based in Fribourg, known for its range of lagers.
    • Founded: 1788
    • Location: Fribourg, Switzerland
  3. 3


    Popular beer from the Appenzeller Bier brewery, known for its fresh and crisp taste.
    • Brewery: Appenzeller Bier
  4. 4


    A traditional brewery located in Interlaken, known for its wide range of beers including lagers and ales.
    • Founded: 1866
    • Location: Interlaken, Switzerland
  5. 5

    Löwenbräu Zürich

    Not to be confused with the German brand, this Swiss brewery offers a range of traditional beers.
    • Location: Zurich, Switzerland
  6. 6


    Established in 1779, it is the oldest brewery in Switzerland, offering a variety of traditional beers.
    • Founded: 1779
    • Location: St. Gallen, Switzerland
  7. 7


    A traditional Swiss beer brand known for its lager, based in Winterthur.
    • Location: Winterthur, Switzerland
  8. 8


    A beer brand that originates from Chur, offering a variety of beers including a popular lager.
    • Location: Chur, Switzerland
  9. 9

    Zurich Bier

    A craft beer brand from Zurich, known for its innovative and diverse range of beers.
    • Style: Craft Beer
    • Location: Zurich, Switzerland
  10. 10


    A brewery located in Lucerne, known for a wide selection of beers including lager, ale, and dark beer.
    • Founded: 1834
    • Location: Lucerne, Switzerland

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular beer in Switzerland. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or beer is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 64 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each beer once every 24 hours. The rank of each beer is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Beer in Switzerland

Rank #1 for the most popular beer in Switzerland: Feldschlösschen (Source)
Switzerland, known for its mountains and chocolates, also has a rich beer culture. The Swiss enjoy their beer, and it holds a special place in their social life. Beer brewing in Switzerland dates back to the Middle Ages. Monasteries played a key role in early brewing, creating recipes that laid the foundation for today’s beers.

Swiss beer has evolved over time. The 19th century saw the rise of commercial breweries. These breweries began to dominate the market, producing beer on a larger scale. They introduced new brewing techniques and improved quality. The Swiss beer industry grew, and beer became more accessible to the general public.

The Swiss prefer lagers. These beers are light, crisp, and refreshing. They are perfect for social gatherings and everyday drinking. Lagers dominate the Swiss beer market. They are brewed using bottom-fermenting yeast at low temperatures. This process gives the beer a clean taste and a smooth finish.

The Swiss also enjoy wheat beers. These beers have a cloudy appearance and a fruity flavor. They are brewed with a significant amount of wheat, which gives them a unique taste. Wheat beers are popular during the summer months. They are often served with a slice of lemon to enhance their citrus notes.

Craft beer has gained popularity in recent years. Small breweries have sprung up across the country. They experiment with different styles and flavors. This has led to a diverse beer scene. Craft beers offer unique tastes that differ from traditional lagers and wheat beers. They often use local ingredients, adding a Swiss twist to their brews.

The Swiss take pride in their beer. Many festivals celebrate this beloved beverage. The most notable is the Swiss Beer Day. It takes place in April and marks the start of the brewing season. Breweries open their doors to the public. Visitors can tour the facilities and taste different beers. It is a great way to learn about Swiss beer culture.

Beer is also enjoyed in Swiss pubs, known as "bierhalles." These establishments have a cozy atmosphere. They are perfect for enjoying a pint with friends. Many bierhalles serve traditional Swiss food, such as sausages and pretzels. This combination of beer and food enhances the drinking experience.

The Swiss government regulates the beer industry. Breweries must meet strict standards. This ensures high quality and safety. The regulations cover everything from brewing methods to labeling. This helps maintain the reputation of Swiss beer.

Switzerland’s beer culture is diverse and vibrant. From traditional lagers to innovative craft beers, there is something for everyone. The Swiss value quality and tradition in their brewing. This is reflected in the wide range of beers available. Whether you are a local or a visitor, enjoying a Swiss beer is a must. It is a way to experience a piece of Swiss culture and history.

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