The Most Popular Behavior Analytic Journal in Publication, Ranked

Choose the behavior analytic journal you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 06:40
In the evolving field of behavior analysis, staying informed about current research and methodologies is crucial for professionals and academics alike. However, with a multitude of journals available, identifying the most impactful or relevant publications can be a daunting task. A ranked list of popular behavior analytic journals can assist in navigating this academic landscape, highlighting the ones that are most valued by the community. By engaging with a live ranking system, users contribute to and benefit from a dynamically updated resource that reflects widespread preferences and trends in behavior analysis. This process not only fosters a sense of community involvement but also ensures that the rankings remain accurate and timely. Users are thus equipped with a tool that helps streamline their access to vital research and discussions within the field.

What Is the Most Popular Behavior Analytic Journal in Publication?

  1. 1
    Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

    Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

    A leading journal in behavior analysis, focusing on the application of behavior analysis to improve significant human issues.
    • Impact Factor: 1.847
    • First Issue: 1968
  2. 2
    The Behavior Analyst

    The Behavior Analyst

    Now known as Perspectives on Behavior Science, it publishes research, theoretical, and conceptual articles related to behavior analysis.
    • Impact Factor: Not Available
    • First Issue: 1978
  3. 3
    Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior

    Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior

    Focuses on experimental research on behavior and its controlling variables.
    • Impact Factor: 1.424
    • First Issue: 1958
  4. 4

    Journal of Behavioral Education

    Covers all aspects of educational research that can be informed by the principles of behavior analysis.
    • Impact Factor: 1.197
    • First Issue: 1991
  5. 5

    The Analysis of Verbal Behavior

    Dedicated to research on the analysis of verbal behavior and its implications for the development and maintenance of human language.
    • Impact Factor: 0.5
    • First Issue: 1982
  6. 6

    Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions

    Focuses on research and strategies for supporting positive behavior in individuals with severe disabilities.
    • Impact Factor: 2.105
    • First Issue: 1999
  7. 7

    European Journal of Behavior Analysis

    Publishes research on applications of the science of behavior analysis, as well as theoretical and conceptual articles.
    • Impact Factor: 0.8
    • First Issue: 2000
  8. 8

    Behavioral Interventions

    Aims to report research and practice in the field of behavioral interventions.
    • Impact Factor: 1.089
    • First Issue: 1986
  9. 9

    Behavior Analysis in Practice

    A peer-reviewed journal that provides science-based, best-practice information relevant to service delivery in behavior analysis.
    • Impact Factor: 1.255
    • First Issue: 2008
  10. 10

    Behavior and Social Issues

    A peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that serves as a primary scholarly outlet for articles that advance the analysis of human social behavior.
    • Impact Factor: Not Available
    • First Issue: 1989

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular behavior analytic journal in publication. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Journal is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 118 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Journal once every 24 hours. The rank of each Journal is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Behavior Analytic Journal in Publication

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Rank #1 for the most popular behavior analytic journal in publication: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (Source)
Behavior analysis is a field focused on understanding and changing behavior. It relies on principles of learning and behavior modification. Researchers in this field publish their findings in journals. The most popular behavior analytic journal has a rich history. It plays a key role in advancing the science of behavior analysis.

This journal began in the mid-20th century. It aimed to share research findings and practical applications. Over time, it has become a central hub for behavior analysts. It publishes studies on various topics. These include interventions for autism, techniques for behavior change, and methods for improving learning. The journal also explores theoretical issues in behavior analysis.

Researchers submit their work to this journal for several reasons. First, it has a strong reputation. Being published in it can boost a researcher's credibility. Second, the journal has a rigorous review process. This ensures that only high-quality studies get published. Third, it reaches a wide audience. This includes both academics and practitioners.

The journal follows strict guidelines for submissions. Authors must present clear and concise findings. They need to show how their work contributes to the field. The review process involves multiple experts. These reviewers check the validity and reliability of the studies. They also provide feedback to improve the manuscripts.

One key feature of this journal is its focus on data. Studies must include detailed data and analysis. This allows other researchers to replicate the findings. Replication is important in behavior analysis. It helps confirm the reliability of results. The journal often publishes studies that have been replicated. This strengthens the evidence for certain interventions or techniques.

The journal also values practical applications. Many studies show how to apply behavior analysis in real-world settings. This includes schools, clinics, and homes. Practitioners can use these findings to improve their work. The journal thus bridges the gap between research and practice.

Another important aspect is the diversity of topics. The journal covers a wide range of issues. This includes basic research on behavior principles. It also includes applied research on specific interventions. This diversity helps the field grow in different directions. It encourages innovation and new ideas.

The journal's impact extends beyond its pages. Many conferences and workshops discuss the studies published in it. Researchers and practitioners use these events to share insights. They also collaborate on new projects. The journal thus fosters a sense of community among behavior analysts.

In recent years, the journal has embraced digital technology. It offers online access to its articles. This makes it easier for people around the world to read the latest research. The journal also uses social media to share updates. This increases its reach and influence.

The most popular behavior analytic journal plays a crucial role in the field. It provides a platform for high-quality research. It helps bridge the gap between theory and practice. It fosters a sense of community among behavior analysts. Its impact is felt both in academic circles and in real-world settings. Through its rigorous standards and wide reach, it continues to drive the science of behavior analysis forward.

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