The Most Popular Board Game Company, Ranked

Choose the board game company you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 06:40
Board games bring joy and challenge to gatherings with family and friends, creating lasting memories and sparking competitive spirit. Knowing which company consistently delivers enjoyable and high-quality games can be an invaluable resource for enthusiasts looking to expand their collections. This site lists the top board game companies as voted by you, the users. Each vote helps potential buyers and gaming aficionados make informed choices about their next purchase. By participating, you not only contribute to the accuracy of the rankings but also help highlight the manufacturers who truly stand out in the industry.

What Is the Most Popular Board Game Company?

  1. 1


    Known for iconic toys and games, Mattel also has a significant presence in the board game market.
    • Headquarters: El Segundo, California, U.S.
    • Founded: 1945
  2. 2


    An American multinational conglomerate with a major focus on board games and toys.
    • Headquarters: Pawtucket, Rhode Island, U.S.
    • Founded: 1923
  3. 3


    A German game company known for its high-quality puzzles, board games, and educational toys.
    • Headquarters: Ravensburg, Germany
    • Founded: 1883
  4. 4


    A French publisher of board games, card games, and role-playing games.
    • Headquarters: Guyancourt, France
    • Founded: 1995
  5. 5

    Fantasy Flight Games

    Specializes in board, card, and role-playing games. Known for thematic games and high production values.
    • Headquarters: Roseville, Minnesota, U.S.
    • Founded: 1995
  6. 6

    Days of Wonder

    A publisher of board games best known for the Ticket to Ride series.
    • Headquarters: Los Altos, California, U.S.
    • Founded: 2002
  7. 7
    Czech Games Edition

    Czech Games Edition

    Known for designing and publishing thematic board games like Codenames and Galaxy Trucker.
    • Headquarters: Prague, Czech Republic
    • Founded: 2006
  8. 8
    Wizards of the Coast

    Wizards of the Coast

    A publisher of fantasy and science fiction games, known for Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons.
    • Headquarters: Renton, Washington, U.S.
    • Founded: 1990
  9. 9

    Games Workshop

    A British manufacturer of miniature wargames, best known for Warhammer.
    • Headquarters: Nottingham, England
    • Founded: 1975
  10. 10

    Z-Man Games

    Publisher of innovative board games, including the Pandemic series.
    • Headquarters: Mahwah, New Jersey, U.S.
    • Founded: 1999

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular board game company. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or company is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 97 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each company once every 24 hours. The rank of each company is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Board Game Company

Rank #1 for the most popular board game company: Mattel (Source)
A well-known board game company has shaped the way people enjoy leisure time. It began as a small family business. The founders had a vision to create games that brought people together. They focused on simple, engaging concepts. This approach helped them grow quickly.

In the early days, they produced games by hand. Each piece was crafted with care. The company gained a reputation for quality. Word of mouth spread, and more people became interested. Soon, they expanded their operations. They moved to a larger facility and hired more staff.

The company’s success continued to climb. They introduced new games regularly. Each release was met with excitement. Players eagerly awaited the next game. The company’s catalog grew. It included a variety of themes and mechanics. This diversity appealed to a wide audience.

Innovation played a key role in their growth. They were not afraid to take risks. They experimented with new ideas. Some games were hits, while others were not. But they learned from each experience. This willingness to adapt kept them ahead.

Marketing strategies also helped. They used clever campaigns to reach more people. Advertisements appeared in magazines, on TV, and later, online. They sponsored events and tournaments. These efforts increased their visibility. More people became aware of their games.

The company also valued community. They listened to feedback from players. They made improvements based on suggestions. This approach built loyalty. Fans felt connected to the brand. They knew their voices mattered.

Partnerships were another factor in their rise. They collaborated with designers and artists. This brought fresh perspectives to their games. It also helped them stay relevant. They kept up with trends and preferences.

The digital age brought new challenges and opportunities. The company adapted by creating digital versions of their games. This move expanded their reach. People could now play on computers and mobile devices. It opened up a global market.

Despite changes, their core values remained the same. They focused on quality, innovation, and community. These principles guided their decisions. They helped the company navigate ups and downs.

Today, the company is a leader in the industry. Their games are played by millions. They have won numerous awards. Their influence is undeniable. They continue to inspire new generations of players.

Their journey is a testament to hard work and vision. They started small but dreamed big. They faced challenges but persevered. Their story shows the power of creativity and dedication.

In a world of digital entertainment, they remind us of the joy of face-to-face interaction. Their games bring people together. They create memories and laughter. They foster connections that last.

The company’s legacy is secure. They have left an indelible mark on the world of board games. Their impact will be felt for years to come. They have proven that with passion and perseverance, anything is possible.

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