The Most Popular Booktuber, Ranked

Choose the booktuber you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:55
In the sea of content creators focusing on the joys of reading, it can be quite a challenge to find those who truly resonate with your literary tastes. Figuring out which booktubers to follow often involves sifting through countless channels, seeking out those who share your enthusiasm for your favorite genres or provide insightful critiques that can enhance your own reading experience. With this live ranking, fans like you have the opportunity to cast votes for the booktubers they value most. This dynamic list not only highlights the most appreciated voices in the book community but also assists new viewers in discovering content creators who are likely to match their reading preferences. Your participation directly shapes this ongoing tally, ensuring the list remains current and reflective of the community's true preferences.

Who Is the Most Popular Booktuber?

  1. 1

    Better Than Food: Book Reviews

    Cliff Sargent hosts Better Than Food: Book Reviews, a channel that diverges from the typical young adult focus of booktube to discuss classic and contemporary literature.
    • Subscribers: Over 100,000
    • Content Focus: Classic & Contemporary Literature
  2. 2


    Christine Riccio, the face behind polandbananasBOOKS, combines humor and deep analysis in her book reviews, hauls, and bookshelf tours, focusing mainly on young adult novels.
    • Subscribers: Over 390,000
    • Content Focus: Young Adult
  3. 3

    Hailey in Bookland

    Hailey Leblanc, the Canadian booktuber behind Hailey in Bookland, is known for her passionate book reviews and discussions, with a strong emphasis on young adult literature.
    • Subscribers: Over 250,000
    • Content Focus: Young Adult
  4. 4


    Zoe Herdt from readbyzoe brings her love for books to her audience through engaging book reviews, recommendations, and 24-hour read-a-thons, mainly focusing on young adult novels.
    • Subscribers: Over 180,000
    • Content Focus: Young Adult
  5. 5


    Sanne Vliegenthart, the Dutch booktuber behind booksandquills, has been sharing her love for literature through book reviews, hauls, and discussions, with a focus on a wide range of genres.
    • Subscribers: Over 170,000
    • Content Focus: Various Genres
  6. 6


    Emma Giordano, the face of emmmabooks, is a booktuber known for her enthusiasm for young adult novels, providing her audience with reviews, vlogs, and discussion videos.
    • Subscribers: Over 160,000
    • Content Focus: Young Adult
  7. 7


    Jesse George, known as JesseTheReader, is a vibrant and enthusiastic booktuber who brings a lot of energy and fun to discussions about books, especially in the young adult genre.
    • Subscribers: Over 400,000
    • Content Focus: Young Adult
  8. 8


    Lily C, the personality behind LilyCReads, stands out for her candid and often humorous book reviews, covering a variety of genres but with a special love for young adult fiction.
    • Subscribers: Over 150,000
    • Content Focus: Young Adult
  9. 9


    Sasha Alsberg, known as abookutopia, is one of the most popular booktubers who dives into fantasy and sci-fi genres, offering reviews, hauls, and discussions.
    • Subscribers: Over 370,000
    • Content Focus: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  10. 10


    Regan, the creator of PeruseProject, has a keen interest in young adult and fantasy genres, offering her followers in-depth reviews, recommendations, and monthly reading wrap-ups.
    • Subscribers: Over 290,000
    • Content Focus: Fantasy & Young Adult

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular booktuber. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Booktuber is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


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  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Booktuber once every 24 hours. The rank of each Booktuber is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Booktuber

Booktubers have become a vital part of the online book community. They create content about books, from reviews to discussions and book hauls. Their influence on reading habits is significant. Many people turn to these creators for book recommendations and insights.

The rise of booktubers began in the early 2010s. With the growth of YouTube, readers found a new platform to share their love for books. These creators started small, often filming in their bedrooms. They shared their thoughts on recent reads, favorite genres, and upcoming releases. Over time, their audiences grew.

Booktubers come from diverse backgrounds. They bring unique perspectives to their content. Some focus on young adult fiction, while others prefer classics or fantasy. This variety helps viewers find someone who shares their tastes. It also introduces them to new genres and authors.

The format of booktube videos varies. Some booktubers create monthly wrap-ups, where they discuss all the books they read that month. Others film reading vlogs, showing their day-to-day lives as they read. There are also book tags, where creators answer questions about their reading habits. These different formats keep the content fresh and engaging.

One key aspect of booktube is the sense of community. Viewers and creators interact in the comments section. They share their own opinions and recommendations. Many booktubers also host live streams, where they can chat with their audience in real-time. This interaction fosters a strong bond between creators and viewers.

Booktubers often collaborate with each other. They may film joint videos or participate in readathons together. These collaborations help them reach new audiences and build friendships within the community. They also create a sense of unity among book lovers.

The impact of booktubers extends beyond YouTube. Many of them have branched out into other platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter. They use these channels to share more content and engage with their audience. Some have even written their own books, drawing on their experience as avid readers.

Publishers have taken notice of the influence booktubers wield. They often send these creators advanced reader copies of upcoming releases. This allows booktubers to review and promote new books before they hit the shelves. In turn, their recommendations can drive sales and boost an author's visibility.

Booktubers also attend book conventions and events. They participate in panels, signings, and meet-and-greets. These events provide an opportunity for fans to meet their favorite creators in person. They also allow booktubers to network with authors, publishers, and other influencers.

The success of booktubers lies in their passion for reading. Their enthusiasm is contagious. They inspire their viewers to pick up new books and explore different genres. They create a space where book lovers can come together and share their love for literature.

In conclusion, booktubers have become an essential part of the book community. Their content, engagement, and influence have changed the way people discover and enjoy books. They continue to grow and evolve, bringing new and exciting content to their audiences. Their impact on the literary world is undeniable.

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