The Most Popular Character in Date a Live, Ranked

Choose the character you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 07:55
Fans of the Date A Live series often find themselves engaged in discussions about which character stands out the most. Each character's unique traits and development across the series contribute to a lively debate on their impacts and roles. Hence, creating a ranked list based on fan votes provides a fun and dynamic way to see which characters resonate the most with the audience. By participating in this voting process, fans have the opportunity to support their favorite characters and potentially influence new viewers of the series. The ranking updates dynamically with each new vote, giving a real-time view of the characters' standings. This engaging and interactive method not only enhances fan experience but also keeps the community active and connected.

Who Is the Most Popular Character in Date a Live?

  1. 1

    Kurumi Tokisaki

    Kurumi Tokisaki is a Spirit known for her enigmatic and alluring nature. She is often considered the series' most popular character due to her complex personality and tragic backstory.
    • Alias: Nightmare
    • Spirit Power: Time Manipulation
  2. 2

    Tohka Yatogami

    Tohka Yatogami is the first Spirit saved by Shido and a central figure in the series. She is beloved for her innocence and her journey from a misunderstood Spirit to a cherished friend.
    • Alias: Princess
    • Spirit Power: Spatial Quakes
  3. 3

    Miku Izayoi

    Miku Izayoi is a Spirit and a famous idol in the Date A Live universe. Her power over sound and her initially antagonistic role make her a memorable character.
    • Alias: Diva
    • Spirit Power: Sound Manipulation
  4. 4

    Kotori Itsuka

    Kotori Itsuka is Shido's adoptive sister and the commander of Ratatoskr. Her dual personality, switching between sweet and commanding, adds depth to her character.
    • Alias: Efreet
    • Spirit Power: Fire Manipulation
  5. 5

    Origami Tobiichi

    Origami Tobiichi is a talented AST (Anti-Spirit Team) wizard who later becomes a Spirit herself. Her obsession with Spirits and complex relationship with Shido are key aspects of her character.
    • Alias: Angel
    • Spirit Power: Light Manipulation
  6. 6


    Yoshino is known for her shy personality and the puppet, Yoshinon, that she carries with her. Her ability to control weather phenomena makes her a unique and sympathetic character.
    • Alias: Hermit
    • Spirit Power: Weather Manipulation
  7. 7


    Natsumi is a Spirit with the ability to transform herself and others. Her insecurity and the growth she experiences throughout the series resonate with many fans.
    • Alias: Witch
    • Spirit Power: Transformation
  8. 8

    Rinne Sonogami

    Rinne Sonogami, although not a main character, has left a significant impact on fans through her role in the game and her deep connection with the main protagonist.
    • Alias: Ruler
    • Spirit Power: Time Reversal
  9. 9

    Maria Arusu

    Maria Arusu is a character from the Date A Live game who has captured the hearts of fans with her quest for understanding human emotions and her role as an AI.
    • Alias: Maria
    • Spirit Power: Emotion Manipulation
  10. 10

    Nia Honjou

    Nia Honjou, introduced later in the series, is a Spirit and a manga artist. Her playful personality and unique ability to see into the future through her drawings have made her a fan favorite.
    • Alias: Beast
    • Spirit Power: Future Sight

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular character in Date A Live. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or character is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 269 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each character once every 24 hours. The rank of each character is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Character in Date a Live

Date A Live, a popular light novel series, has captivated many fans. The story blends romance, science fiction, and fantasy. It revolves around a high school boy who must seal the powers of mystical beings, known as Spirits, by making them fall in love with him. Each Spirit has a unique personality and backstory, adding depth to the plot.

The most popular character in the series stands out for several reasons. This character's design is striking, featuring a blend of elegance and mystery. The character's outfit often includes intricate details that catch the eye. Fans appreciate the visual appeal and the effort put into the design.

Personality plays a big role in the character's popularity. This character shows a mix of strength and vulnerability. The character's strong will and determination inspire many. At the same time, moments of softness and doubt make the character relatable. This balance makes the character feel real and multi-dimensional.

The character's backstory adds another layer of interest. It is filled with hardships and growth. The character has faced many challenges and has grown stronger through them. This journey resonates with fans, who see the character as a symbol of resilience.

Interactions with other characters also boost this character's appeal. The character's relationships are complex and well-developed. Moments of tension, humor, and tenderness create a rich tapestry of connections. These interactions highlight different facets of the character's personality.

The character's role in the story is crucial. Often at the center of major events, this character drives the plot forward. The character's decisions and actions have significant impacts. This central role keeps fans engaged and invested in the character's journey.

Voice acting brings the character to life. The voice actor's performance captures the character's essence. Subtle nuances in tone and delivery enhance the character's presence. This adds another dimension to the character, making them even more memorable.

The character's popularity extends beyond the series. Fans create artwork, write stories, and discuss the character in forums. This character has become a cultural icon within the Date A Live community. Merchandise featuring the character is highly sought after.

The character's popularity is not just about looks or role. It is the combination of design, personality, backstory, relationships, and voice acting. Each element works together to create a character that resonates deeply with fans. This character embodies the spirit of Date A Live, making them a beloved figure in the series.

In summary, the most popular character in Date A Live stands out due to a blend of visual appeal, strong personality, compelling backstory, complex relationships, and excellent voice acting. This character's journey and interactions keep fans engaged and invested. The character's impact extends beyond the series, cementing their status as a fan favorite.

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