The Most Popular Culture in Myanmar, Ranked

Choose the culture you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 24, 2024 07:01
In the heart of Myanmar, the dynamic blend of traditions and ideas reflects the diverse culture of its people. Understanding what captivates the interest of its population helps in bridging gaps and fostering a deeper appreciation of its cultural landscape. By ranking popular cultural elements, we provide a snapshot of what resonates most with locals and visitors alike. This dynamic ranking is fueled by your votes, enabling an authentic representation of popular culture as seen through the eyes of those who experience it first-hand. Each vote helps to fine-tune our understanding and adjust the cultural pulse. The results not only entertain but also educate, offering insights into what makes Myanmar's culture so uniquely captivating.

What Is the Most Popular Culture in Myanmar?

  1. 1
    The majority of the population in Myanmar practices Theravada Buddhism, which influences many aspects of their daily life, including art, architecture, and traditional festivals.
    Buddhism is a major religion and philosophy practiced in Myanmar. It encompasses various teachings, beliefs, and practices based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who is known as the Buddha.
    • Number of Followers: Approximately 87% of Myanmar's population identifies as Buddhist
    • Central Belief: The Four Noble Truths – the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering
    • Key Teachings: The Eightfold Path, the Middle Way, Dependent Origination
    • Veneration of Buddhas: Respect and reverence for various Buddhas and bodhisattvas
    • Monastic Order: Theravada Buddhism is the predominant monastic tradition
  2. 2

    Traditional Myanmar dance

    King Alaungpaya
    This dance form is an integral part of Myanmar's culture and is performed during festivals and special occasions.
    The Traditional Myanmar dance, also known as 'Zat pwe', is a classical dance form that has been a part of Myanmar's cultural heritage for centuries. It is a highly stylized and elaborate dance performance that combines graceful movements, intricate hand gestures, facial expressions, and vibrant costumes. The dance is usually accompanied by traditional music played by a live orchestra.
    • Origin: Ancient times
    • Style: Classical and stylized
    • Purpose: Entertainment and storytelling
    • Costumes: Colorful and ornate traditional attire
    • Gestures: Intricate hand movements and facial expressions
  3. 3
    Myanmar cuisine
    Wagaung · CC BY-SA 3.0
    Myanmar's cuisine features a variety of spicy and flavorful dishes, including mohinga (fish soup), laphet thoke (tea leaf salad), and shan noodles.
    Myanmar cuisine is a diverse and flavorful culinary tradition that incorporates influences from neighboring countries like China, Thailand, and India. It is known for its use of fresh ingredients, aromatic herbs and spices, and balanced flavors. The cuisine is deeply rooted in local culture and plays a significant role in Myanmar's popular culture.
    • Rice: Rice is a staple in Myanmar cuisine and is often served as the main component of a meal.
    • Curries: Curries are an essential part of Myanmar cuisine, ranging from mild to spicy, and are typically made with meat or vegetables.
    • Mohinga: Mohinga is a popular traditional soup dish made with rice noodles and fish broth, flavored with lemongrass, ginger, and other herbs and spices.
    • Tea Leaf Salad: Lahpet thoke, or tea leaf salad, is a unique and iconic dish in Myanmar cuisine which includes fermented tea leaves, roasted peanuts, garlic, tomatoes, and various other ingredients.
    • Shan Noodles: Shan noodles are a specialty from the Shan region of Myanmar, featuring rice noodles served with a tangy sauce, pickled vegetables, and your choice of meat or tofu.
  4. 4
    Thanaka is a traditional cosmetic paste made from ground tree bark and is used by both men and women in Myanmar to protect their skin from the sun and as a beauty product.
    Thanaka is a traditional cosmetic paste widely used in Myanmar. It is made from ground bark of the Thanaka tree (scientifically known as Limonia acidissima) mixed with water. Thanaka is applied to the face and sometimes other parts of the body for various purposes such as sunscreen, moisturizer, and as a beauty enhancer. The paste leaves a fragrant, yellowish-white coating on the skin.
    • Origin: Myanmar
    • Ingredients: Ground bark of the Thanaka tree, water
    • Color: Yellowish-white
    • Texture: Powder/paste-like
    • Fragrance: Distinctive herbal scent
  5. 5
    Chinlone is a traditional sport played in Myanmar that involves a group of players passing a woven ball using their feet and other body parts.
    Chinlone is a traditional Myanmar sport that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and ball juggling. It is widely popular and considered the national sport of Myanmar. The objective of Chinlone is to keep a woven cane ball in the air using any body part except the hands, and to perform various graceful and acrobatic movements while doing so.
    • Origin: Myanmar
    • Type: Traditional sport
    • Purpose: Entertainment and physical exercise
    • Players: Usually a team of six people
    • Equipment: Woven cane ball
  6. 6
    The longyi is a traditional garment worn by both men and women in Myanmar. It is a long piece of cloth wrapped around the waist and is often brightly colored or patterned.
    The Longyi is a traditional piece of clothing worn by both men and women in Myanmar. It is a rectangular-shaped cloth garment that is wrapped around the waist and reaches down to the ankles. The fabric used for Longyis is typically lightweight and breathable, making it suitable for the country's hot and humid climate. The Longyi is an essential part of Myanmar's culture and is worn for various occasions, including formal events, casual outings, and everyday activities.
    • Shape: Rectangular
    • Length: Reaches down to the ankles
    • Gender: Both men and women
    • Fabric: Lightweight and breathable
    • Typical Use: Formal events, casual outings, and everyday wear
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    Myanmar puppetry

    U Thant Myint U
    Myanmar puppetry is a traditional form of entertainment that involves the use of intricate puppets, often depicting characters from Buddhist mythology.
    Myanmar puppetry, also known as Yoke Thay, is a traditional form of puppet theater in Myanmar. It involves the manipulation of marionettes made from wood and cloth, and the performances typically depict scenes from traditional folklore, mythology, and historical events. The puppets are intricately designed and beautifully crafted, with detailed costumes and accessories. The puppeteers, called Yoke Thay Ahm, operate the puppets using strings attached to various parts of the body, while hidden behind a bamboo screen. The performances are accompanied by live music, including traditional instruments like the xylophone, drums, and flute. Myanmar puppetry is a cherished cultural art form that has been passed down through generations, continuing to captivate audiences with its charm and storytelling.
    • Traditional art form: Yes
    • Medium: Puppets
    • Materials: Wood and cloth
    • Performance style: Marionette theater
    • Themes: Folklore, mythology, historical events
  8. 8
    Thingyan is Myanmar's New Year festival, which involves water throwing and traditional dancing and is celebrated in April.
    Thingyan, also known as the Water Festival, is the most anticipated and widely celebrated event in Myanmar. It is a New Year festival that takes place in April and is filled with water-throwing activities, parades, music, dance, and numerous festive events.
    • Date: Usually observed between 13th and 16th April
    • Duration: Four days
    • Symbolism: Washing away the past year's bad luck and welcoming the new year with a cleansed spirit
    • Water-Throwing: People joyfully splash water on each other using cups, hoses, water guns, and buckets
    • Pandals: Elaborately decorated pavilions where young people gather for entertainment and water fights
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    Myanmar is known for its intricate lacquerware, which is made by coating bamboo or wood with layers of lacquer and then painting it with intricate designs.
    Lacquerware is a form of decorative art in Myanmar that involves coating wooden objects with layers of lacquer and then embellishing them with intricate designs. The lacquer used is derived from the sap of the Thitsee tree, which is native to Myanmar. This traditional craft has been practiced in Myanmar for centuries and is known for its exquisite craftsmanship and vibrant colors. Lacquerware objects are not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and water-resistant, making them suitable for everyday use.
    • Materials Used: Wood, lacquer, pigments, gold leaf
    • Production Process: Carving the wooden object, applying layers of lacquer, drying, polishing, and decorating with intricate designs
    • Designs: Traditional motifs inspired by Buddhist and mythological themes, flora, fauna, and geometric patterns
    • Colors: A wide range of vibrant colors, including red, black, yellow, and green
    • Finishing: Applying a final layer of lacquer, polishing with ash, and burnishing with a smooth stone
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    Burmese language

    The Burmese language is the official language of Myanmar and is spoken by the majority of the population. It has a rich literary tradition and is an important part of Myanmar's cultural identity.
    The Burmese language is the official language of Myanmar, spoken by the majority of its population. It is a Sino-Tibetan language belonging to the Tibeto-Burman branch. Burmese has a long history and is one of the oldest surviving languages in Southeast Asia.
    • Literary Tradition: Rich history of literature dating back to the 12th century
    • Script: Burmese script
    • Phonology: Syllable-timed tonal language
    • Alphabet: Consists of 33 letters
    • Grammar: Subject-object-verb word order

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Ranking factors for popular culture

  1. Language
    Myanmar has a rich and diverse linguistic heritage, with more than 100 languages spoken across the country. The official language is Burmese, spoken by the majority Bamar ethnic group, but regional languages and dialects are also important in understanding the cultural diversity of the country.
  2. Religion
    The predominant religion in Myanmar is Buddhism, practiced by around 90% of the population. Burmese culture encompasses a strong respect for religious traditions and customs, including many festivals, rituals, and pilgrimage sites. Other religious communities, including Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, also contribute to the cultural fabric of the country.
  3. Traditional arts and crafts
    Myanmar has a rich tradition of arts and crafts, such as lacquerware, wood carving, pottery, and weaving. These traditional skills are passed down through generations and represent a vital aspect of the country's cultural heritage.
  4. Performing arts
    Myanmar has a diverse range of traditional performing arts, including music, dance, and theater. Forms like Anyeint (a combination of music, dance, and comedy) and Zat Pwe (a mix of dance, drama, and music) are essential components of the country's cultural celebration and preservation.
  5. Festivals and celebrations
    Throughout the year, Myanmar hosts numerous religious and cultural festivals that showcase various aspects of its rich cultural heritage. Popular events like the Thingyan Water Festival and Thadingyut Festival of Lights are essential components of the country's social calendar and a vital expression of its unique cultural identity.
  6. Food
    Myanmar's cuisine is a melting pot of flavors, ingredients, and cooking techniques drawn from its diverse ethnic groups and neighboring countries. Staple dishes like mohinga (rice noodle soup) and tea leaf salad highlight the essential role of food in Myanmar's cultural identity.
  7. Architecture
    Myanmar's architectural traditions range from the ancient temples of Bagan to the British colonial-era buildings in Yangon. These structures reveal the diverse cultural influences throughout the country's history and the importance of preserving its architectural heritage.
  8. Literature and storytelling
    Myanmar has a long history of oral and written literature, including folktales, poems, and historical chronicles. Literary traditions can offer valuable insights into the country's cultural identity, values, and creativity.
  9. Ethnic diversity
    Myanmar is home to more than 130 ethnic groups, each with its distinctive culture, language, and traditions. Recognizing and celebrating this diversity is essential in understanding the cultural richness of the country.
  10. Adaptation and influence
    While Myanmar has managed to preserve many elements of its traditional culture, it has also adapted to global influences and modernization. A balanced evaluation of the country's popular culture should account for the interplay between tradition and change, embracing both its historical cultural practices and contemporary expressions.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular culture in Myanmar. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Cultura is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 155 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Cultura once every 24 hours. The rank of each Cultura is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular culture in myanmar

Myanmar, also known as Burma, is a Southeast Asian country with a rich and diverse cultural heritage. Its culture is a unique blend of indigenous traditions and influences from neighboring countries such as India, China, and Thailand. The country has a long and fascinating history, with evidence of human habitation dating back to the Paleolithic era. Myanmar's culture is characterized by its distinctive music, dance, art, literature, and cuisine, which reflect the country's rich cultural heritage. Today, Myanmar remains a popular destination for travelers who are drawn to its natural beauty, historic landmarks, and vibrant cultural scene. In this article, we will explore the most popular aspects of Myanmar's culture, as voted on by our StrawPoll community.

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