The Most Popular Day6 Member, Ranked

Choose the member you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 07:18
In the dynamic world of K-pop, the popularity of band members can shift with new releases, public appearances, and social media activities. For fans of Day6, knowing which member is capturing the most attention not only fuels fan discussions but also highlights trends in music and fan engagement. This kind of ranking helps new listeners quickly understand whom to keep an eye on and what might be special about each member. By participating in voting for the most popular Day6 member, fans contribute directly to creating a snapshot of the group's current standings in the eye of the public. This active involvement can also intensify the sense of community among fans, as they share opinions and rally support for their favorite members. Furthermore, the live updating nature of the ranking ensures that the results are always fresh and reflective of the latest developments.

Who Is the Most Popular Day6 Member?

  1. 1


    He is known for his humor, relatable personality, and active presence on social media, where he interacts with fans and shares his thoughts on music and life. He also has a solo music career and hosts a popular podcast.
  2. 2
    Young K
    Shuohyun at Chinese Wikipedia · CC BY-SA 4.0
    He is the main vocalist, bassist, and songwriter for Day6 and has a versatile voice and stage presence. He is also praised for his musical skills and has composed and produced songs for other artists.
  3. 3
    He is the keyboardist and vocalist for Day6 and has a unique voice and style. He is also known for his cute and charming personality and has a large fanbase among female fans.
  4. 4
    He is the leader, guitarist, and main vocalist for Day6 and has a powerful voice and stage presence. He is also praised for his leadership skills and dedication to the group's music and fans.
  5. 5
    He is the drummer for Day6 and has a strong and steady rhythm. He is also known for his cute and shy personality and has gained popularity among fans for his visuals and talent.
  6. 6
    Although he left the group in 2016, he was a former member of Day6 and is still beloved by many fans for his talent and personality. He is now pursuing a solo career as a singer and songwriter.
  7. 7
    This is the collective name for Day6 fans, who are known for their passionate and supportive fandom. They often trend hashtags and organize events to show their love for the group and its members.
  8. 8
    This is the ship name for the friendship between Jae and Sungjin, which is adored by many fans for their hilarious and heartwarming interactions. They often joke around and tease each other on variety shows and social media.
  9. 9
    This is the name of Day6's debut album, which introduced the group's signature rock sound and emotional lyrics. It includes hit songs such as "Congratulations," "Blood," and "Freely."
  10. 10
    This was a year-long project in 2017 where Day6 released a new song every month, along with concerts and fan meetings. It showcased the group's versatility and creativity and allowed them to connect with fans on a deeper level.

Missing your favorite member?


Ranking factors for popular member

  1. Fanbase Size
    The size and engagement of a member's fanbase can be a good indicator of their popularity. Factors like social media followers, fan club memberships, and overall online presence can be considered.
  2. Vocal and Musical Skills
    Day6 is known for their musical talents, so considering the member's vocal abilities, instrumental skills, songwriting contributions, and overall musicality can be important factors in determining popularity.
  3. Stage Presence
    A member's ability to captivate an audience, deliver energetic performances, and showcase their individuality on stage can greatly contribute to their popularity.
  4. Variety Show Appearances
    Participation in variety shows and their reception by the public can also be indicative of a member's popularity. Memorable appearances and the ability to connect with viewers can boost their standing.
  5. Solo and Collab Projects
    Engagements in solo promotions, collaborations, or side projects outside of Day6 can potentially attract attention and contribute to overall popularity.
  6. Personality and Charisma
    The member's personality, charm, and ability to connect with fans on a personal level through social media interactions or fan meetings can greatly influence their popularity.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Day6 member. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or member is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 181 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each member once every 24 hours. The rank of each member is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular day6 member

Day6 is a South Korean rock band formed in 2015 under JYP Entertainment. The band consists of five members: Sungjin, Jae, Young K, Wonpil, and Dowoon. Since their debut, Day6 has gained a massive following both in South Korea and internationally, thanks to their unique sound and powerful lyrics. As with most K-pop groups, fans often have their favorite members, and Day6 is no exception. Each member brings their own talents and charms to the group, from Sungjin's powerful vocals to Jae's witty humor. But who is the most popular member of Day6? This is a question that has been debated among fans for years. In this StrawPoll, we aim to settle the debate once and for all. We've gathered data from thousands of fans and compiled a list of the most popular members based on their votes. So, if you're a Day6 fan looking to find out who reigns supreme in the fandom, look no further than our poll results.

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