The Most Popular Diamond in Steven Universe, Ranked

Choose the Diamond you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:56
Fans of Steven Universe know that each Diamond character has its unique attributes and compelling backstory, affecting the story's arc and the emotional landscape of the series. Determining which Diamond stands out most can enhance understanding of their roles and foster appreciation of the narrative complexities they bring to the show. A ranked list based on fan votes offers a fun way to engage with other parts of the community and see various perspectives on each character. By participating in this voting process, you contribute to a broader consensus on the characters, providing insights into the popularity and impact of each Diamond. This dynamic ranking adjusts and updates as more votes are cast, reflecting the current opinions of fans worldwide. Your participation not only influences the rankings but also enhances the collective experience as fans connect through shared interests and discussions.

Who Is the Most Popular Diamond in Steven Universe?

  1. 1

    Pink Diamond

    Pink Diamond is a former member of the Great Diamond Authority who abandoned her responsibilities to become Rose Quartz. She is the mother of Steven Universe.
    • Alter Ego: Rose Quartz
    • Significant Act: Founded the Crystal Gems
  2. 2

    Blue Diamond

    Blue Diamond is a member of the Great Diamond Authority. She is known for her emotional and compassionate nature.
    • Role: Overseer of Gem colonies
    • Gem Weapon: Pathokinesis
  3. 3

    White Diamond

    White Diamond is the leader of the Great Diamond Authority and is considered the supreme ruler of the Gem race. She is known for her perfectionist and controlling nature.
    • Role: Supreme ruler of the Gem Empire
    • Gem Weapon: Mind control
  4. 4

    Yellow Diamond

    Yellow Diamond is a member of the Great Diamond Authority that governs the Gem race. She is known for her strict and authoritative demeanor.
    • Role: Leader of the Gem Homeworld's military
    • Gem Weapon: Electricity manipulation

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Diamond in Steven Universe. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Diamond is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 124 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Diamond once every 24 hours. The rank of each Diamond is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Diamond in Steven Universe

In the animated series Steven Universe, the Diamonds hold a central role. They are the leaders of the Gem empire and possess immense power. Each Diamond has unique traits and abilities, making them distinct and memorable.

The Diamonds govern Homeworld, the planet where Gems originate. They command respect and fear from other Gems. Their authority is absolute, and their decisions shape the fate of countless beings. The series often highlights their influence and the impact of their rule.

Each Diamond has a specific color and personality. They embody different aspects of leadership and power. Their physical forms are imposing, and they exude an aura of dominance. The Diamonds also have distinct voices and mannerisms, adding depth to their characters.

The story of Steven Universe reveals the complexities of the Diamonds. They are not just rulers; they have emotions and histories that influence their actions. The series explores their relationships with each other and with other Gems. These interactions often lead to conflicts and resolutions that drive the plot forward.

The Diamonds' powers are vast. They can alter the physical world and control other Gems. Their abilities are a testament to their status and importance. The series showcases their powers in various episodes, highlighting the extent of their capabilities.

Despite their formidable nature, the Diamonds are not invincible. The series portrays their vulnerabilities and struggles. These moments of weakness make them more relatable and humanize their characters. The audience sees that even the most powerful beings have flaws and fears.

The Diamonds' influence extends beyond Homeworld. They have a presence on other planets and affect the lives of many beings. The series often depicts the consequences of their rule on different worlds. This adds a layer of complexity to the narrative and shows the far-reaching impact of their decisions.

Steven Universe also delves into the history of the Diamonds. The series reveals their origins and the events that shaped them. This backstory provides context for their actions and motivations. It helps the audience understand why they behave the way they do.

The Diamonds play a crucial role in the development of other characters. Their interactions with Steven and other Gems drive much of the character growth in the series. The Diamonds' actions often serve as catalysts for change and self-discovery.

The series balances the portrayal of the Diamonds' power with their emotional depth. They are not just antagonists; they are complex characters with their own arcs. This nuanced depiction makes them stand out and adds richness to the story.

Steven Universe uses the Diamonds to explore themes of authority, power, and redemption. Their journey is a central part of the narrative, and their evolution reflects the series' broader messages. The Diamonds' story is one of transformation and understanding, mirroring the growth of other characters.

In conclusion, the Diamonds in Steven Universe are more than just rulers. They are multifaceted characters with significant influence on the story. Their power, complexity, and development make them integral to the series. Through their journey, the audience gains insight into themes of leadership, emotion, and change.

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