The Most Popular Doctor Who Companion, Ranked

Choose the companion you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:56
Doctor Who has whisked countless characters on adventures through time and space, leaving audiences with strong opinions on their favorite companions. Identifying the most cherished of these companions helps new viewers understand who might resonate with them. It also offers long-time fans a space to express their preferences and see how others feel about the various characters who have traveled in the TARDIS. This dynamic website allows users to cast their votes for the companions they believe stand out in the Doctor Who series. As votes accumulate, the rankings update in real time, reflecting the collective opinion of the fanbase. This interactive process not only engages the community but also builds a continuously updated list that keeps pace with new episodes and shifting sentiments.

Who Is the Most Popular Doctor Who Companion?

  1. 1

    Rose Tyler

    The first companion of the Ninth Doctor who also traveled with the Tenth, known for her compassion and resilience.
    • Actor: Billie Piper
    • Tenure: 2005-2006, with guest appearances thereafter
  2. 2

    Sarah Jane Smith

    A journalist who traveled with the Third and Fourth Doctors, known for her bravery and investigative skills.
    • Actor: Elisabeth Sladen
    • Tenure: 1973-1976, with guest appearances thereafter
  3. 3

    Clara Oswald

    Known as 'The Impossible Girl', she traveled with the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors, known for her mystery and bravery.
    • Actor: Jenna Coleman
    • Tenure: 2012-2015
  4. 4

    Donna Noble

    Initially a one-off character, she later becomes the Tenth Doctor's companion, known for her humor and humanity.
    • Actor: Catherine Tate
    • Tenure: 2006, 2008-2010
  5. 5

    Rory Williams

    Amy Pond's husband, known for his loyalty and transformation from a nurse to a warrior over his travels with the Eleventh Doctor.
    • Actor: Arthur Darvill
    • Tenure: 2010-2012
  6. 6

    Captain Jack Harkness

    A time-traveling former Time Agent and the leader of Torchwood, known for his charm and immortality.
    • Actor: John Barrowman
    • Tenure: 2005-2010, with guest appearances thereafter
  7. 7

    Martha Jones

    A medical doctor who traveled with the Tenth Doctor, known for her intelligence and emotional strength.
    • Actor: Freema Agyeman
    • Tenure: 2007-2010
  8. 8

    River Song

    A time-traveling archaeologist with a complex relationship to the Doctor, known for her wit and knowledge of the Doctor's future.
    • Actor: Alex Kingston
    • Tenure: 2008-2015, with guest appearances thereafter
  9. 9

    Amy Pond

    A fiery Scottish redhead who travels with the Eleventh Doctor, known for her strong will and deep bond with the Doctor.
    • Actor: Karen Gillan
    • Tenure: 2010-2013
  10. 10

    Bill Potts

    The first openly gay companion of the Doctor, known for her curiosity and kindness, traveling with the Twelfth Doctor.
    • Actor: Pearl Mackie
    • Tenure: 2017

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Doctor Who companion. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or companion is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 225 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each companion once every 24 hours. The rank of each companion is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Doctor Who Companion

Doctor Who, a British TV series, has captured hearts for decades. The show follows the Doctor, a time-traveling alien, on adventures across time and space. The Doctor never travels alone. Companions join the Doctor, providing help, friendship, and a touch of humanity.

Companions are central to Doctor Who. They help viewers connect with the strange and fantastic worlds the Doctor visits. Each companion brings unique traits and perspectives. They often start as ordinary people. Through their journeys, they grow and change. This growth mirrors the audience's own experiences.

Companions also ground the Doctor. The Doctor, with vast knowledge and power, can seem distant. Companions remind the Doctor of simple, human values. They ask questions viewers might ask. They challenge the Doctor when needed. This dynamic creates a relatable and engaging story.

The role of the companion has evolved. Early companions often needed saving. They screamed and ran from danger. Over time, companions became more active and capable. They now play crucial roles in solving problems. Some even save the Doctor. This shift reflects changing views on gender and power.

Companions come from diverse backgrounds. Some are from Earth, others from distant planets or times. This diversity enriches the show. It allows for varied stories and perspectives. It also shows that anyone can be a hero, no matter where they come from.

The bond between the Doctor and the companion is key. It is often deep and emotional. The Doctor cares for each companion. Losing a companion can be heart-wrenching. These moments highlight the cost of the Doctor's lifestyle. They show the pain of separation and loss.

Companions also bring humor and warmth. They lighten the mood during dark times. Their interactions with the Doctor can be funny and touching. This balance of light and dark keeps the show engaging.

Fans often have strong feelings about companions. Each companion has a unique fan base. Some fans like the bravery of one companion. Others prefer the intelligence of another. This variety ensures that there is a companion for every viewer.

The legacy of companions is lasting. Many former companions remain beloved by fans. They often return for special episodes. Their return brings joy and nostalgia. It also shows the lasting impact of their time with the Doctor.

In summary, companions are vital to Doctor Who. They provide a link to the audience. They ground the Doctor and enrich the story. Their evolution reflects broader social changes. Their bond with the Doctor adds depth and emotion. They bring humor and warmth. Fans cherish them, ensuring their legacy endures.

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