The Most Popular Drink in Syria, Ranked

Choose the drink you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 22, 2024 07:02
In the heart of Syria, at bustling city centers and tranquil rural areas alike, the shared moments over drinks form a significant aspect of social life. Understanding which drinks hold a special place in the hearts of the locals not only sheds light on cultural preferences but also highlights regional specialties. This ranking offers a snapshot of these beloved beverages, showcasing which ones are most cherished across the country. By casting your vote for your preferred drink, you contribute to a collective insight that helps others learn about and appreciate Syria's diverse drink culture. Whether you are a local with deep-rooted preferences or a visitor who has enjoyed a unique taste during your travels, your input is invaluable. Together, through our votes, we create a live, evolving portrait of Syria's favorite drinks.

What Is the Most Popular Drink in Syria?

  1. 1


    A popular drink in Syria, especially in the morning and after meals. It is often served with sugar and sometimes mint or other herbs.
    Tea is a popular crop grown in the region of Darjeeling in India. It is a type of aromatic beverage made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The tea produced in Darjeeling is highly regarded for its unique flavor, aroma, and high quality.
    • Flavor: Delicate and floral
    • Aroma: Muscatel notes and hints of fruitiness
    • Color: Light golden or amber
    • Caffeine Content: Moderate
    • Leaf Type: Small and tightly rolled
  2. 2
    Coffee is also a popular drink in Syria, and it is often served with cardamom or other spices.
  3. 3
    A traditional alcoholic drink made from aniseed, it is popular in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries.
    Arak is a traditional alcoholic beverage in Syria that is widely consumed and enjoyed. It is an anise-flavored spirit made from distilling grapes and flavored with anise seeds. Arak has a distinct taste and aroma, resembling licorice or fennel, and a translucent white appearance when mixed with water.
    • Main Ingredients: Grapes, anise seeds
    • Alcohol content: 40-60% ABV
    • Production process: Distillation of grapes followed by maceration with anise seeds
    • Serving method: Traditionally, Arak is served in thin, tall glasses alongside small appetizers and usually mixed with water and sometimes ice
    • Color: Translucent white
  4. 4
    A sweet, fruity drink made from grape molasses and rose water, it is often served during Ramadan.
    Jallab is a refreshing and popular drink in Syria, known for its unique blend of flavors. It is typically served cold and is a favorite choice during hot summer months.
    • Ingredients: Jallab is made primarily from grape molasses, date syrup, rose water, and topped with pine nuts and raisins.
    • Flavor: Jallab has a sweet and fruity taste with hints of caramel and floral notes from the rose water.
    • Color: The drink has a deep reddish-brown color.
    • Serving style: Jallab is usually served in tall glasses filled with ice and garnished with pine nuts and raisins.
    • Tradition: Jallab is often enjoyed during the month of Ramadan as it provides energy and hydration after a day of fasting.
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    A refreshing yogurt-based drink, it is popular in Syria and other countries in the region.
    Ayran is a popular traditional beverage in Syria that is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a refreshing and nutritious drink made from yogurt, water, and a pinch of salt. Ayran has a slightly tangy taste and a creamy texture, making it perfect for quenching thirst and providing a burst of energy.
    • Ingredients: Yogurt, water, salt
    • Taste: Slightly tangy
    • Texture: Creamy
    • Nutritional Value: Good source of protein, calcium, and probiotics
    • Serving Temperature: Chilled or with ice
  6. 6
    Freshly squeezed lemonade is a popular drink in Syria, especially during hot summer days.
    Lemonade is a refreshing and tangy citrus-based drink that is popularly enjoyed during the summertime. It is made by combining freshly squeezed lemon juice, water, and sugar or a sweetener of choice. Lemonade has a vibrant yellow color and is often served with ice and a slice of lemon as garnish.
    • Flavor: Tangy citrus
    • Color: Yellow
    • Main ingredients: Freshly squeezed lemon juice, water, sugar
    • Sweetness level: Customizable based on sweetener used
    • Presentation: Served over ice with a slice of lemon as garnish
  7. 7
    Carbonated soft drinks are widely available in Syria, and brands like Coca-Cola and Pepsi are popular.
    Soda is a popular caffeinated drink that is known for its carbonation and variety of flavors. It is a sweet and effervescent beverage that is widely consumed worldwide.
    • Caffeine Content: Varies based on the type of soda, but typically contains around 30-55 mg per 12-ounce serving.
    • Carbonation: Soda is carbonated, which gives it its characteristic fizziness and bubbles.
    • Flavors: Soda comes in a wide range of flavors, including cola, lemon-lime, orange, root beer, ginger ale, and many more.
    • Sweetness: Soda is known for its sweet taste, often achieved through the addition of sugar or artificial sweeteners.
    • Caloric Content: Calorie count varies depending on the type and brand of soda, but it typically ranges from approximately 90-200 calories per 12-ounce serving.
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    Tamarind juice

    Sudanese people
    Made from the fruit of the tamarind tree, this sweet and sour juice is popular in Syria and other parts of the Middle East.
    Tamarind juice is a refreshing and popular drink in Sudan made from the tamarind fruit. It is known for its unique combination of tartness and sweetness, making it a delightful beverage option.
    • Flavor: Tart and sweet
    • Main ingredient: Tamarind fruit
    • Color: Dark brown
    • Texture: Smooth and slightly pulpy
    • Preparation: Tamarind pulp is mixed with water, sugar, and sometimes lime juice
    Tamarind juice in other rankings
  9. 9
    Mint lemonade
    Bernard Gagnon · CC BY-SA 3.0
    A refreshing drink made from freshly squeezed lemon juice and fresh mint leaves, it is a popular choice during hot weather.
    Mint lemonade is a refreshing and popular drink in Syria, especially during hot summer months. It is made by combining fresh lemon juice with mint leaves, sugar, and cold water. The mixture is then often blended or shaken to create a frothy and thirst-quenching beverage.
    • Taste: The drink has a tangy and citrusy flavor, balanced with a refreshing hint of mint.
    • Ingredients: Fresh lemon juice, mint leaves, sugar, and cold water.
    • Preparation: The lemon juice is usually squeezed from fresh lemons, and then mixed with water, sugar, and finely chopped mint leaves. The mixture is then blended or shaken vigorously to ensure a frothy consistency.
    • Serving Style: Mint lemonade is often served over ice in tall glasses or mason jars, sometimes garnished with extra mint leaves or lemon slices.
    • Color: The drink has a pale yellow or light greenish hue, with small particles of mint throughout.
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    A sweet and creamy hot drink made from orchid roots, it is often served during winter months.
    Sahlab is a popular dessert in Yemen that is traditionally made with a starchy flour called sahlab powder. It is a warm, creamy, and aromatic pudding-like dish that is enjoyed during the winter season. The base of the dessert is made by mixing sahlab powder with milk or water, and then cooking it until it thickens. It is often flavored with ingredients like rose water, orange blossom water, ground cinnamon, and crushed nuts. Sahlab is typically served topped with a variety of toppings, such as crushed pistachios, shredded coconut, or cinnamon powder.
    • Ingredients: Sahlab powder, milk or water, rose water, orange blossom water, ground cinnamon, crushed nuts
    • Texture: Creamy and pudding-like
    • Temperature: Warm
    • Flavor: Aromatic and slightly sweet
    • Serving Season: Winter

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Ranking factors for popular drink

  1. Cultural preferences
    Understanding the local cultural preferences and habits can give insights into which drinks are more popular in Syria.
  2. Availability
    The availability of the drink in the local market plays a significant role. A popular drink should be widely and easily available across the country.
  3. Traditions and rituals
    Drinks associated with Syrian traditions, religious practices, or social rituals may be more popular.
  4. Health
    Health-consciousness could play a role, so the drink's nutritional content and potential health benefits may be considered.
  5. Marketing and promotion
    The influence of marketing and promotional efforts in driving the popularity of a drink cannot be ignored.
  6. Seasonal variations
    The popularity of certain drinks might be seasonal, depending on local weather or climate conditions.
  7. Social influence
    Some drinks may become popular due to the social influence of friends and family or a strong endorsement by a social media personality or celebrity.
  8. Historical background
    A drink's role in the country's history may contribute to its popularity.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular drink in Syria. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or beverage is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 147 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each beverage once every 24 hours. The rank of each beverage is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular drink in syria

Syria is a country with a rich cultural heritage, and its cuisine and beverages reflect this diversity. One of the most popular drinks in Syria is tea, which is often served with sugar and mint leaves. However, coffee is also a popular choice, and it is often prepared using traditional Arabic methods. Other popular beverages in Syria include lemonade, pomegranate juice, and arak, a traditional alcoholic drink made from anise. Despite the ongoing conflict in Syria, these popular drinks continue to be enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.

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