The Most Popular Functional Programming Language, Ranked

Choose the functional programming language you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 06:53
Choosing the right functional programming language can be crucial for both novice and expert developers aiming to optimize their projects. Features such as immutability and first-class functions can greatly impact productivity and the efficiency of the code. However, determining which language best meets specific project needs can be a challenge without understanding what the broader community is using and recommending. Through a live ranking system where every user can cast their vote, this list provides a dynamic snapshot of prevailing trends and communal preferences in functional programming. This tool aids in making informed decisions by reflecting a consensus that adapts to new developments and changing opinions within the field.

What Is the Most Popular Functional Programming Language?

  1. 1


    A statically typed, purely functional programming language with type inference and lazy evaluation.
    • Paradigm: Purely functional
    • First Appeared: 1990
  2. 2


    A general-purpose programming language providing support for functional programming and a strong static type system.
    • Paradigm: Object-oriented, functional
    • First Appeared: 2004
  3. 3


    A modern, dynamic, and functional dialect of the Lisp programming language on the Java platform.
    • Paradigm: Functional, concurrent
    • First Appeared: 2007
  4. 4


    An industrial strength programming language supporting functional, imperative, and object-oriented styles.
    • Paradigm: Multi-paradigm: functional, imperative, object-oriented
    • First Appeared: 1996
  5. 5


    A strongly typed, multi-paradigm programming language that encompasses functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming methods.
    • Paradigm: Functional, imperative, object-oriented
    • First Appeared: 2005
  6. 6


    A general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language in the Lisp-Scheme family, designed to be a platform for programming language design and implementation.
    • Paradigm: Multi-paradigm: functional, imperative, logic programming
    • First Appeared: 1995
  7. 7


    A general-purpose, concurrent, functional programming language, as well as a garbage-collected runtime system.
    • Paradigm: Concurrent, functional
    • First Appeared: 1986
  8. 8


    A strongly-typed functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript, aiming for superior readability and robustness.
    • Paradigm: Functional
    • First Appeared: 2013
  9. 9


    A domain-specific programming language for declaratively creating web browser-based graphical user interfaces.
    • Paradigm: Functional
    • First Appeared: 2012
  10. 10


    One of the oldest high-level programming languages, which remains popular in the realm of artificial intelligence and computational linguistics.
    • Paradigm: Multi-paradigm: procedural, functional
    • First Appeared: 1958

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular functional programming language. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or language is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 144 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each language once every 24 hours. The rank of each language is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Functional Programming Language

Functional programming has gained traction in recent years. It offers a different approach to coding compared to imperative programming. Instead of focusing on how to achieve tasks, it focuses on what needs to be done. This paradigm treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data.

The roots of functional programming trace back to the 1930s. Mathematicians like Alonzo Church developed lambda calculus, which forms the basis of functional programming. This theoretical framework influenced the development of functional programming languages.

Functional programming emphasizes the use of pure functions. A pure function always produces the same output for the same input and has no side effects. This predictability makes programs easier to test and debug. Pure functions also enable better modularity and reusability.

Another key concept in functional programming is immutability. Once a data structure is created, it cannot be changed. Instead of modifying existing data, new data structures are created. This approach can reduce bugs and make concurrent programming easier.

Higher-order functions are also central to functional programming. These functions can take other functions as arguments or return them as results. This allows for more abstract and concise code. It also enables powerful techniques like function composition and currying.

Recursion is often used in functional programming instead of loops. Recursive functions call themselves to solve smaller instances of a problem. This can lead to elegant solutions, though it requires careful handling to avoid excessive memory use.

Functional programming languages often feature strong, static typing systems. These systems catch many errors at compile time, reducing runtime errors. Type inference is also common, allowing the compiler to deduce types without explicit annotations.

Pattern matching is another useful feature. It allows functions to branch based on the structure of their inputs. This can simplify code that deals with complex data types.

Functional programming promotes a declarative style. Instead of specifying steps to achieve a result, programmers describe what the result should look like. This can make code more readable and closer to the problem domain.

Despite its benefits, functional programming has a learning curve. It requires a shift in thinking, especially for those used to imperative programming. Some concepts, like monads, can be challenging to grasp.

Performance is another consideration. Functional programs can be slower than imperative ones due to the overhead of creating new data structures. However, optimizations like lazy evaluation can mitigate this.

Many modern languages incorporate functional programming features. This allows developers to use functional techniques without abandoning familiar tools. It also enables a hybrid approach, combining the best of both paradigms.

The rise of multicore processors has also spurred interest in functional programming. Its emphasis on immutability and pure functions makes it easier to write concurrent programs. This can lead to better performance on modern hardware.

In summary, functional programming offers a powerful and expressive way to write software. It emphasizes pure functions, immutability, and higher-order functions. While it has a learning curve, its benefits can lead to more reliable and maintainable code.

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