The Most Popular GTA RP Server, Ranked

Choose the server you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 15, 2024 06:54
Finding a GTA RP server that fits your style and preferences can be a considerable challenge given the abundance of options available. Each server offers a unique blend of themes, rules, and community vibes. To help gamers find their preferred virtual playground, a curated, constantly updated ranking list of the most attended servers can be incredibly beneficial. This ranking gets shaped by the votes and feedback of players, ensuring it correctly mirrors current trends and preferences. By participating in this interactive poll, every player contributes to a more accurate and democratic portrayal of the GTA RP universe. This not only aids new players in making informed choices about where to start but also helps seasoned players discover other servers they might enjoy. Casting a vote here means you help shape the landscape of the game, allowing for a gaming environment that better reflects the desires and insights of its community.

What Is the Most Popular GTA RP Server?

  1. 1


    The most exclusive and popular GTA RP server, known for its strict application process and high-profile streamers.
    • Popularity: Very High
    • Access: Application Based
  2. 2

    Eclipse RP

    A highly immersive server that offers a comprehensive role-playing experience with a large player base.
    • Popularity: High
    • Player Slots: 200
  3. 3

    Mafia City RP

    Focuses on deep and detailed mafia-related roleplay, offering a unique experience in the GTA RP community.
    • Theme: Mafia
    • Popularity: Moderate to High
  4. 4

    GTA World

    A text-based GTA RP server that provides a unique and immersive experience different from the traditional voice RP.
    • Type: Text-Based
    • Player Slots: 1000
  5. 5


    A well-established server known for its serious role-play and a tight-knit community.
    • Focus: Serious RP
    • Popularity: High
  6. 6


    A server that has grown in popularity due to its association with Twitch streamers, offering both serious and casual RP.
    • Association: Twitch
    • RP Style: Mixed
  7. 7

    New Day RP

    Offers a fresh and innovative role-play environment, with a focus on dynamic storytelling and character development.
    • Innovation: High
    • Storytelling: Dynamic
  8. 8

    Thug Life RP

    Caters to players looking for a more action-packed and less strict role-playing experience.
    • Action Level: High
    • Rules: Less Strict
  9. 9

    Lucid City RP

    Known for its welcoming community and creative role-play scenarios, Lucid City offers a diverse RP experience.
    • Community: Welcoming
    • Popularity: Moderate
  10. 10


    An Australian server that has quickly gained popularity for its engaging role-play and community-driven content.
    • Location: Australia
    • Popularity: Moderate

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular GTA RP server. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or servant is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 135 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each servant once every 24 hours. The rank of each servant is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular GTA RP Server

Grand Theft Auto Roleplay (GTA RP) has taken the gaming world by storm. It offers a unique twist on the popular Grand Theft Auto series. Instead of following a set storyline, players create their own characters and live out their lives in a virtual city. This freedom allows for endless possibilities and creativity.

GTA RP servers are private, multiplayer servers where players can join and immerse themselves in the roleplay experience. Each server has its own set of rules and guidelines. Players must follow these rules to keep the experience enjoyable for everyone. Breaking the rules can lead to a ban from the server.

The appeal of GTA RP lies in its realism. Players take on jobs, build relationships, and face consequences for their actions. They can become police officers, doctors, criminals, or even business owners. The choices are vast and varied. This level of immersion attracts many players who enjoy the depth and complexity of the roleplay.

To join a GTA RP server, players often need to apply and go through a vetting process. This ensures that only serious and dedicated players are allowed in. The application process can involve writing a character backstory and answering questions about roleplay rules. Some servers also require a voice interview. This helps maintain the quality of the roleplay community.

Once accepted, players must download and install the necessary mods. These mods enhance the game and add features that support roleplay. For example, they might include new vehicles, clothing options, and interactive elements like ATMs or hospitals. These additions make the virtual world feel more alive and real.

In-game interactions are key to the roleplay experience. Players communicate using voice chat, which adds a layer of realism. They must stay in character at all times. This means thinking and acting as their character would. Breaking character can disrupt the immersion and is frowned upon.

GTA RP servers often have a strong sense of community. Players form bonds and friendships as they interact with each other. They might join groups or factions that align with their character's goals and interests. These groups can range from law enforcement agencies to criminal gangs. The dynamic between these groups creates engaging and unpredictable storylines.

Events and scenarios are common in GTA RP. Server administrators and players alike can create events that drive the story forward. These events can be anything from a bank heist to a charity fundraiser. They add excitement and variety to the gameplay.

The popularity of GTA RP has grown thanks to streaming platforms. Many players stream their roleplay sessions, attracting viewers who enjoy watching the stories unfold. This has brought more attention to the servers and increased their player base.

GTA RP offers a unique and immersive experience that sets it apart from other games. It combines the open-world freedom of Grand Theft Auto with the creativity and depth of roleplay. This blend creates a rich and engaging virtual world where players can live out their fantasies and tell their own stories. The community-driven nature of the servers ensures that there is always something new and exciting happening. This keeps players coming back for more.

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