The Most Popular Hazbin Hotel Character, Ranked

Choose the character you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:57
Fans of Hazbin Hotel often debate which character stands out due to their unique traits and story arcs. A ranking list of the show's characters can be more than just a fun fan activity; it helps new viewers identify key figures and understand character popularity which might enhance their viewing experience. By contributing votes to this character ranking, fans directly influence the standings and can see how their favorites compare with the wider community's preferences. This interactive voting system ensures the ranking reflects current fan opinions, making it a dynamic and engaging way to connect with the Hazbin Hotel community.

Who Is the Most Popular Hazbin Hotel Character?

  1. 1


    The Radio Demon who takes an interest in Charlie's project.
    • Nickname: The Radio Demon
    • Power Level: Extremely Powerful
  2. 2

    Angel Dust

    A porn star and the first patient at the Happy Hotel.
    • Profession: Adult Film Star
    • Species: Spider Demon
  3. 3


    The front desk clerk and bartender at the Happy Hotel.
    • Profession: Bartender
    • Species: Cat Demon
  4. 4

    Sir Pentious

    An inventor and a villain in Hell.
    • Profession: Inventor
    • Species: Snake Demon
  5. 5


    The housekeeper of the Happy Hotel.
    • Obsession: Cleaning
    • Species: Human Demon
  6. 6


    Charlie's girlfriend and the manager of the Happy Hotel.
    • Relationship: Charlie's Girlfriend
    • Eye: X-shaped pupil
  7. 7

    Cherri Bomb

    An anarchist and Angel Dust's best friend.
    • Relationship: Angel Dust's Best Friend
    • Occupation: Anarchist
  8. 8


    A scientist and inventor in Hell.
    • Profession: Scientist
    • Species: Fish Demon

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Hazbin Hotel character. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or character is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 2749 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each character once every 24 hours. The rank of each character is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Hazbin Hotel Character

Hazbin Hotel has captured the hearts of many viewers. The show, with its unique animation style and dark humor, has gained a large following. Among its many characters, one stands out as the most popular. This character's charm and complexity have made them a fan favorite.

The show's setting is in Hell, where demons and sinners reside. The main plot revolves around a hotel that aims to rehabilitate these souls. Each character has a backstory that adds depth to the narrative. The most popular character brings a mix of humor, wit, and a touch of darkness. This blend makes them relatable and intriguing.

Fans appreciate this character's design. The creators have put much thought into their appearance. Every detail, from their clothing to their expressions, adds to their appeal. The character's voice also plays a significant role. The voice actor brings the character to life, adding layers to their personality.

The character's interactions with others are a highlight. They often steal the scene with their quick wit and sharp remarks. These interactions show different sides of their personality. Sometimes, they are playful and mischievous. Other times, they show a more serious and caring side. This balance keeps viewers engaged.

The character's backstory adds to their allure. It gives insight into their motivations and actions. Fans enjoy piecing together these details. The backstory also adds a layer of mystery. Not everything is revealed at once, keeping viewers curious.

Merchandise featuring this character is popular. Fans buy posters, clothing, and other items to show their support. The character's image is iconic, making them a perfect choice for such products. This popularity extends to fan art and fan fiction. Many create their own stories and artwork inspired by the character.

The show's creators often highlight this character in promotional material. They know the character's popularity and use it to draw in more viewers. This marketing strategy has proven effective. New fans often start watching the show because of this character.

The character's popularity is not just limited to the show. They have become a cultural icon in the fandom. Discussions about them are common in online forums and social media. Fans share theories, favorite moments, and more. This active engagement keeps the character in the spotlight.

The character's appeal lies in their complexity. They are not one-dimensional. Their personality, backstory, and interactions all contribute to their popularity. Fans see them as more than just a cartoon character. They see someone they can relate to and root for.

In conclusion, the most popular Hazbin Hotel character has captured the hearts of many. Their charm, wit, and complexity make them a standout. From their design to their interactions, everything about them is crafted with care. This character's popularity is a testament to the show's quality and the creators' talent. Fans continue to celebrate and support this beloved character, ensuring their place in the spotlight.

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