The Most Popular Home-built Aircraft, Ranked

Choose the home-built aircraft you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:55
Building an aircraft in one's own garage or workshop is an endeavor that blends precision, skill, and passion. The popularity of various designs varies widely, influenced by factors such as cost, complexity of construction, performance specifications, and aesthetic appeal. By examining which home-built aircraft rise to the top in public opinion, aspiring builders gain insights into which models might best suit their own project goals. This site serves as a dynamic resource where enthusiasts can cast their votes and see real-time rankings of popular home-built aircraft. Each vote helps to shape an evolving picture of community preferences and trends. The collective input not only assists those contemplating their own builds but also highlights shifts in popularity and technology advancements in the amateur aviation community.

What Is the Most Popular Home-built Aircraft?

  1. 1

    Van's RV Series

    The Van's RV series is by far the most popular home-built aircraft in the world, known for its high performance and good handling characteristics.
    • First Flight: 1972
    • Units Sold: Over 10,000
  2. 2

    Cozy III & IV

    The Cozy III & IV are high-performance, canard aircraft based on the Rutan Long-EZ design, offering efficient cross-country flight capabilities.
    • First Flight: 1980s
    • Units Sold: Hundreds
  3. 3

    Kitfox Series

    Kitfox is a series of small, easy-to-build kit planes with a loyal following and versatile flight characteristics.
    • First Flight: 1984
    • Units Sold: Over 5,000
  4. 4
    Murphy Moose

    Murphy Moose

    The Murphy Moose is a high-performance, high-capacity aircraft capable of operating from short and rough airstrips, popular among those looking to carry more payload.
    • First Flight: 1994
    • Units Sold: Over 600
  5. 5

    Sonex Aircraft

    Sonex Aircraft offers a variety of kitplane models that are known for their affordability and performance.
    • First Flight: 2000
    • Units Sold: Over 2,000
  6. 6
    Rutan Long-EZ

    Rutan Long-EZ

    The Rutan Long-EZ is a high-efficiency, canard pusher aircraft that has garnered a cult following for its unique design and long-range capabilities.
    • First Flight: 1979
    • Units Sold: Over 700
  7. 7
    Zenith CH 701

    Zenith CH 701

    The Zenith CH 701 is a STOL (Short Take-Off and Landing) aircraft that is prized for its rugged, reliable performance in a variety of conditions.
    • First Flight: 1986
    • Units Sold: Over 2,500
  8. 8

    Glasair Series

    Glasair offers a range of high-performance aircraft that have been popular among homebuilders for their speed and agility.
    • First Flight: 1980
    • Units Sold: Over 3,000
  9. 9


    Lancair designs and markets high-performance homebuilt aircraft kits known for their speed and sleek designs.
    • First Flight: 1984
    • Units Sold: Over 2,000
  10. 10


    The Bearhawk is a versatile aircraft known for its STOL capabilities and rugged construction, appealing to those needing performance in off-airport operations.
    • First Flight: 1995
    • Units Sold: Hundreds

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular home-built aircraft. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or home-built aircraft is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 21 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each home-built aircraft once every 24 hours. The rank of each home-built aircraft is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Home-built Aircraft

Building aircraft at home has grown in popularity over the years. Many aviation enthusiasts find joy in creating their own flying machines. This passion often starts with a love for aviation and a desire to understand how planes work. People enjoy the hands-on experience and the satisfaction of flying something they built themselves.

Home-built aircraft, also known as experimental or amateur-built aircraft, have a long history. Early aviation pioneers often built their own planes. Today, advancements in technology and materials make it easier and safer to build aircraft at home. Kits are available, providing most of the parts and instructions needed. These kits simplify the process and reduce the time required to complete the project.

The appeal of home-built aircraft comes from several factors. First, they offer a sense of accomplishment. Builders take pride in their work and enjoy the challenge. Second, home-built aircraft can be more affordable than factory-built planes. By building their own, enthusiasts can save money and customize their aircraft to meet their needs.

Safety is a top priority for those who build and fly home-built aircraft. Builders must follow strict guidelines and regulations. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) oversees the construction and inspection of these planes in the United States. Builders must document every step and ensure their aircraft meet safety standards. Once completed, the aircraft undergoes a thorough inspection before it can be flown.

The community of home-built aircraft builders is supportive and active. Many builders join clubs or online forums to share advice and experiences. These groups provide valuable resources, such as tips on construction techniques and troubleshooting. They also offer a sense of camaraderie and encouragement.

Building an aircraft requires time, patience, and dedication. It is not a project to be taken lightly. Builders must have a good understanding of mechanics and aviation principles. They often spend hundreds or even thousands of hours on their projects. Despite the challenges, many find the process rewarding.

Home-built aircraft come in various designs and sizes. Some are small and simple, while others are larger and more complex. Builders can choose from a range of styles, including single-engine planes, gliders, and even helicopters. The choice depends on the builder's experience, budget, and intended use of the aircraft.

Once completed, home-built aircraft offer many benefits. Builders can enjoy the thrill of flying their own creation. They often find the performance and handling of their planes to be superior to factory-built models. Home-built aircraft also provide a unique opportunity for customization. Builders can tailor their planes to fit their specific needs and preferences.

The process of building an aircraft at home is not without risks. Mistakes can happen, and the consequences can be serious. Builders must be diligent and careful. They should seek help and advice when needed and never cut corners. Safety should always be the top priority.

In conclusion, building aircraft at home is a fulfilling hobby for many aviation enthusiasts. It offers a sense of achievement, cost savings, and the chance to create a unique flying machine. With dedication, patience, and a focus on safety, builders can enjoy the rewards of their hard work. The home-built aircraft community continues to grow, fueled by a shared passion for aviation.

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