The Most Popular Job in Bangladesh, Ranked

Choose the job you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 12, 2024 06:57
Identifying the most popular job in Bangladesh can offer valuable insights for job seekers, employers, and policymakers alike. By understanding which occupations hold the highest appeal, individuals can make more informed decisions regarding their career paths. Additionally, industries can gauge where to focus recruitment efforts and how to best develop their workforce strategies. This dynamic ranking is shaped directly by your votes, reflecting real-time preferences and trends in the job market. By participating, you not only contribute to a clearer picture of the current employment landscape but also help others by sharing your perspective. This interaction ensures that the ranking stays relevant and continues to serve as a useful resource for everyone involved.

What Is the Most Popular Job in Bangladesh?

  1. 1


    Professionals engaged in the education sector, teaching at various levels from primary to tertiary.
    • Number of Teachers: Over 1 million
    • Levels of Education: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
  2. 2


    Workers involved in catching fish and other seafood for commercial purposes.
    • Contribution to GDP: 3.69%
    • Major Fishing Areas: Bay of Bengal, Freshwater Rivers
  3. 3
    Garment Worker

    Garment Worker

    Workers involved in the production of clothing items, primarily for export.
    • Sector Contribution to GDP: 20%
    • Number of Workers: 4.4 million
  4. 4
    Government Employee

    Government Employee

    Individuals working in various capacities for the government, including administrative and clerical roles.
    • Types of Services: Civil, Administrative
    • Recruitment Process: Competitive Examinations
  5. 5


    Owners or workers in small retail outlets selling a variety of goods.
    • Common Types of Shops: Groceries, Clothing
    • Mode of Operation: Family-run Businesses
  6. 6


    Individuals engaged in agricultural activities, including crop and livestock production.
    • Sector Contribution to GDP: 14.23%
    • Workforce Percentage: 40.6%
  7. 7
    Rickshaw Puller

    Rickshaw Puller

    Individuals who operate rickshaws to transport passengers in urban areas.
    • Number of Rickshaws in Dhaka: 1 million
    • Average Daily Earnings: 300-700 BDT
  8. 8


    Individuals who operate vehicles for transporting goods and passengers.
    • Common Vehicles: Buses, Trucks, Taxis
    • Licensing Requirement: Valid Driving License
  9. 9

    Day Laborer

    Workers who are employed on a daily basis for various manual labor tasks.
    • Common Industries: Construction, Agriculture
    • Typical Daily Wage: 300-500 BDT
  10. 10

    Construction Worker

    Laborers involved in the construction of buildings and infrastructure.
    • Common Projects: Residential Buildings, Roads
    • Average Daily Wage: 500-700 BDT

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular job in Bangladesh. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or job is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 3 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each job once every 24 hours. The rank of each job is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Job in Bangladesh

Rank #1 for the most popular job in Bangladesh: Teacher (Source)
In Bangladesh, one job stands out as the most popular among many. This job attracts a large number of people every year. It offers stability and a good income, which are key factors for many. The path to this job often starts with a specific type of education.

Students focus on subjects that will help them in this field. They study hard, sometimes for many years. They also take part in various exams and tests. These exams are tough and competitive. Many students prepare for them with the help of special courses and tutors.

After passing the exams, the next step is training. This training can last for several years. It covers many aspects of the job and prepares the candidates for real-life situations. The training is rigorous and demands dedication. Those who complete it successfully are well-prepared for their future roles.

The job itself involves a mix of tasks. It requires both mental and physical effort. People in this job often work long hours. They may also have to work in different conditions and locations. Despite these challenges, the job is respected and valued. It brings a sense of pride to those who do it.

Many people choose this job for its benefits. It offers a steady income, which is important in a country where financial stability is not always easy to achieve. The job also comes with other perks, such as health benefits and retirement plans. These add to its appeal.

The job also offers opportunities for growth. People can advance to higher positions with experience and further training. This potential for career advancement is another reason why many people are drawn to it. They see it as a way to secure a better future for themselves and their families.

The job has a long history in Bangladesh. It has been around for many years and has evolved over time. Changes in technology and society have influenced it. Today, it is more modern and efficient than ever before. Yet, it still holds on to many of its traditional values.

People in this job often form close bonds with their colleagues. They work together as a team and support each other. This sense of camaraderie is one of the positive aspects of the job. It helps to create a strong and supportive work environment.

The job also plays a crucial role in the community. It contributes to the well-being and safety of the people. Those who do this job are seen as important members of society. They earn respect and appreciation from others.

In conclusion, this job is the most popular in Bangladesh for many reasons. It offers stability, good income, and opportunities for growth. It requires dedication and hard work but also brings pride and respect. It has a long history and continues to be a vital part of the community. Many people aspire to this job and work hard to achieve it.

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