The Most Popular Jobs in South Korea, Ranked

Choose the jobs you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 17, 2024 06:16
As the career landscape shifts in nations around the globe, understanding the trends in job popularity provides insight into economic shifts as well as educational priorities. In South Korea, a dynamic workforce mirrors the country's innovations and cultural adaptations. This makes it significant to track which jobs hold the highest appeal and why they are sought after. Ranking these jobs not only aids potential job seekers in making informed career choices but also helps industry leaders and policymakers gauge where to focus their resources for future development. Here, users have the unique opportunity to vote for what they believe are the top jobs, directly influencing the rankings you see. This direct user engagement helps paint a clearer picture of the job market in real time.

What Are the Most Popular Jobs in South Korea?

  1. 1
    Graphic Designer

    Graphic Designer

    Graphic designers create visual concepts to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivate consumers.
    • Average Salary: Approximately $40,000 per year
  2. 2

    Content Creator

    Content creators produce entertaining or educational material to be expressed through any medium or channel.
    • Average Salary: Varies widely
  3. 3


    Teachers in South Korea are responsible for educating students in a variety of subjects.
    • Average Salary: Approximately $40,000 per year
  4. 4

    Marketing Manager

    Marketing managers plan, execute, and oversee marketing strategies and campaigns.
    • Average Salary: Approximately $55,000 per year
  5. 5

    Human Resources Manager

    Human resources managers oversee recruitment, training, and welfare of company employees.
    • Average Salary: Approximately $50,000 per year
  6. 6

    Financial Analyst

    Financial analysts provide guidance to businesses and individuals regarding investment decisions.
    • Average Salary: Approximately $55,000 per year
  7. 7

    Software Engineer

    Software engineers design, develop, and maintain software applications or systems.
    • Average Salary: Approximately $50,000 per year
  8. 8
    Mechanical Engineer

    Mechanical Engineer

    Mechanical engineers design, analyze, and manufacture mechanical systems or devices.
    • Average Salary: Approximately $45,000 per year
  9. 9

    Sales Manager

    Sales managers oversee sales teams and strategies to increase revenue.
    • Average Salary: Approximately $60,000 per year
  10. 10
    Civil Engineer

    Civil Engineer

    Civil engineers design, build, supervise, operate, and maintain construction projects and systems.
    • Average Salary: Approximately $45,000 per year

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular jobs in South Korea. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Job is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 34 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Job once every 24 hours. The rank of each Job is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Jobs in South Korea

Graphic Designer
Rank #1 for the most popular jobs in South Korea: Graphic Designer (Source)
South Korea's job market has grown rapidly over the past few decades. The country has transformed from a war-torn nation to a global economic powerhouse. This growth has led to a diverse range of job opportunities. Many people seek employment in various sectors that reflect the nation's strengths and needs.

The technology sector is a major player in the job market. South Korea is known for its advancements in electronics, software, and telecommunications. Many people work in companies that produce cutting-edge devices and services. These jobs often require a strong background in engineering or computer science.

Another prominent sector is the automotive industry. South Korea is home to some of the world's largest car manufacturers. Jobs in this field range from design and production to sales and marketing. Workers in this sector often need skills in mechanics, design, or business.

The entertainment industry also offers many job opportunities. South Korea has a vibrant culture of music, film, and television. This industry attracts creative individuals who work as actors, musicians, producers, and writers. The global popularity of Korean pop culture has boosted job prospects in this field.

Healthcare is another key sector. The country has an advanced healthcare system that requires a large workforce. Jobs in this sector include doctors, nurses, and various medical specialists. The demand for healthcare professionals is high, given the aging population and focus on quality care.

Education is highly valued in South Korea. Many people work in this sector as teachers, administrators, and researchers. The emphasis on education leads to a strong demand for qualified professionals. Jobs in this field often require advanced degrees and specialized training.

Finance and banking also play a crucial role in the job market. South Korea has a robust financial sector with numerous banks, investment firms, and insurance companies. Jobs in this field range from financial analysts to customer service representatives. Strong analytical skills and business knowledge are often needed.

Manufacturing remains a significant part of the economy. Many people work in factories producing goods for both domestic and international markets. These jobs can be physically demanding but offer stable employment. Skills in machinery operation and quality control are often required.

Retail and service industries provide many jobs as well. These sectors include positions in stores, restaurants, and hotels. Many people work in customer service roles, which require good communication skills and a friendly demeanor. These jobs are essential for the functioning of daily life.

Government jobs are also popular. Many seek employment in public administration, law enforcement, and social services. These positions often offer job security and benefits. A background in law, public policy, or social work can be beneficial.

In summary, South Korea's job market is diverse and dynamic. The country's rapid development has created a wide range of employment opportunities across various sectors. People can find jobs that match their skills and interests, contributing to the nation's continued growth and prosperity.

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