The Most Popular Karaoke Song in the Philippines, Ranked

Choose the song you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:58
Karaoke is more than just a pastime in the Philippines; it's a vibrant element of social gatherings and a beloved way to express joy and creativity among friends and family. With so many songs to choose from, finding the crowd-pleasers can often be a subjective journey. A ranked list of popular Karaoke songs aids enthusiasts in making selections that are sure to be hits at any party or gathering. Engaging with a live ranking system allows users not only to see what tunes are trending but also to contribute to real-time shifts in popularity by casting their votes. This dynamic interaction keeps the list refreshed and relevant, providing a snapshot of current musical tastes within the community. The feedback from users directly influences the ranking, making it a fun and interactive experience for everyone involved.

What Is the Most Popular Karaoke Song in the Philippines?

  1. 1

    Pusong Bato

    A novelty song that became a karaoke hit in the Philippines, originally performed by Aimee Torres.
    • Artist: Aimee Torres
    • Original Release Year: 2003
  2. 2

    My Way

    A classic karaoke song by Frank Sinatra that has become notoriously famous in the Philippines.
    • Artist: Frank Sinatra
    • Release Year: 1969
  3. 3


    A song by Parokya ni Edgar that has become synonymous with serenading and is a karaoke favorite.
    • Artist: Parokya ni Edgar
    • Release Year: 1997
  4. 4


    A Filipino song by Freddie Aguilar that tells the story of a parent's love for a wayward child, popular in karaoke bars.
    • Artist: Freddie Aguilar
    • Release Year: 1978
  5. 5

    Kahit Maputi Na Ang Buhok Ko

    A classic Filipino song by Rey Valera, popular among all ages for karaoke.
    • Artist: Rey Valera
    • Release Year: 1977
  6. 6

    Pangarap Lang Kita

    A humorous and catchy song by Parokya ni Edgar featuring Happee Sy, popular in karaoke sessions.
    • Artists: Parokya ni Edgar, Happee Sy
    • Release Year: 2011
  7. 7


    A love song by Yeng Constantino, popular for weddings and karaoke sessions.
    • Artist: Yeng Constantino
    • Release Year: 2014
  8. 8

    Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang

    A popular Filipino love song by Freestyle and Pops Fernandez, often sung in karaoke sessions.
    • Artists: Freestyle, Pops Fernandez
    • Release Year: 1995

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Karaoke song in the Philippines. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 2 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each song once every 24 hours. The rank of each song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Karaoke Song in the Philippines

Karaoke is a beloved pastime in the Philippines. It brings people together. Families and friends gather to sing and have fun. Karaoke machines are common in many homes. They are also found in bars and restaurants. This popularity is rooted in Filipino culture. Music plays a big role in daily life. Songs are a way to express emotions and tell stories.

The most popular karaoke songs in the Philippines often reflect shared experiences. These songs are easy to sing. They have catchy melodies and relatable lyrics. Many are about love, heartbreak, and hope. These themes resonate with many Filipinos. Singing these songs allows people to connect with each other. It also provides a form of emotional release.

Another reason for the popularity of certain songs is their familiarity. People hear them on the radio and at events. They become part of the collective memory. When someone picks up the microphone, they choose songs everyone knows. This ensures that everyone can join in. It also makes the experience more enjoyable for the group.

The influence of Western music is also evident. Many popular karaoke songs are international hits. These songs are often translated into Filipino or sung in English. The mix of local and foreign music creates a diverse karaoke repertoire. This blend reflects the Philippines' rich cultural history.

Karaoke is more than just singing. It is a social activity. It breaks down barriers and creates bonds. People of all ages participate. Children, teens, and adults all enjoy karaoke. It is a way to celebrate special occasions. Birthdays, weddings, and holidays often feature karaoke sessions.

The accessibility of karaoke also contributes to its popularity. Machines are affordable and easy to use. Mobile apps make it possible to sing anywhere. This convenience allows people to enjoy karaoke anytime.

In summary, the most popular karaoke songs in the Philippines are those that resonate with the heart. They are easy to sing and familiar to many. These songs capture the essence of Filipino culture. They bring joy and unity to those who sing them. Karaoke is more than entertainment; it is a cherished tradition.

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