The Most Popular Kingdom Hearts Character, Ranked

Choose the character you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 07:57
Fans of Kingdom Hearts have long debated which character stands out as the favorite in this captivating series. With a diverse cast that has grown significantly over the years, each member brings something unique to the grand storyline. To settle these debates, a reliable measure of character popularity helps provide clearer insights and enhances appreciation for each character's contribution. By casting your vote on this interactive list, you become part of the global fanbase actively shaping how these characters are viewed within the community. Your input not only reflects your personal preferences but also influences emerging trends among fellow fans. This dynamic ranking continuously updates based on new votes, ensuring the results are current and represent the latest fan opinions.

Who Is the Most Popular Kingdom Hearts Character?

  1. 1


    The main protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series, known for his unwavering heart and adventurous spirit.
    • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts (2002)
    • Weapon: Keyblade
  2. 2


    The Nobody of Sora who seeks to understand his own identity and existence.
    • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts II (2005)
    • Weapon: Keyblade
  3. 3


    Sora's best friend and rival, who struggles with darkness but fights for redemption.
    • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts (2002)
    • Weapon: Keyblade
  4. 4


    A Keyblade Master who played a pivotal role in the events leading up to the original Kingdom Hearts game.
    • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (2010)
    • Weapon: Keyblade
  5. 5


    A Keyblade apprentice whose body is taken over by the series' main antagonist, Xehanort.
    • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (2010)
    • Weapon: Keyblade
  6. 6


    A Princess of Heart and a key character whose connections to Sora and Riku are central to the series.
    • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts (2002)
    • Weapon: Keyblade
  7. 7


    A young Keyblade apprentice with a connection to Sora's heart, known for his cheerful personality.
    • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (2010)
    • Weapon: Keyblade
  8. 8
  9. 9


    A former member of Organization XIII known for his catchphrase, 'Got it memorized?' and his deep bonds of friendship.
    • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (2004)
    • Weapon: Chakrams
  10. 10


    The main antagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series, whose actions set in motion most of the conflict throughout the games.
    • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts II (2005)
    • Weapon: Keyblade

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Kingdom Hearts character. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or character is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 253 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each character once every 24 hours. The rank of each character is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Kingdom Hearts Character

Rank #1 for the most popular Kingdom Hearts character: Sora (Source)
Kingdom Hearts is a beloved video game series. It blends characters from Disney and Square Enix. The game has a rich story and memorable characters. One character stands out as the most popular. This character is the heart of the series.

The character wields a unique weapon. This weapon is key-shaped. It is called a Keyblade. The Keyblade has many forms and powers. It can unlock anything. It can also seal away darkness. This weapon is central to the story.

The character has a strong sense of justice. They fight against darkness. They protect their friends. Friendship is a core theme in Kingdom Hearts. The character values their friends above all else. They show loyalty and courage.

The character's journey is long and complex. They travel to many worlds. Each world is different. Some are based on Disney movies. Others are original to the series. The character meets many allies and enemies. They grow and learn with each adventure.

The character has a unique look. They wear a distinctive outfit. This outfit changes in different worlds. Their hair is also iconic. Fans recognize them instantly. Their design is both simple and striking.

The character's personality is a big part of their appeal. They are kind and optimistic. They face many challenges. Yet, they never give up. This resilience inspires players. They are a symbol of hope.

The character's relationships are important. They have close friends who support them. These friends are also key to the story. Together, they face many trials. Their bond is unbreakable. This theme of friendship resonates with players.

The character's voice is also iconic. The voice actor brings them to life. The voice adds depth to the character. It makes them more relatable. Fans love the character's voice.

The character's role in the story is crucial. They are the main protagonist. The story revolves around them. Their actions drive the plot. They are always at the center of events.

The character's popularity extends beyond the games. They appear in other media. There are manga and novels. There are also action figures and merchandise. Fans collect these items. They show their love for the character.

The character has a lasting impact. They are a symbol of the series. New players and old fans alike admire them. They are a timeless hero. Their story continues to captivate audiences.

In summary, this character is the heart of Kingdom Hearts. Their weapon, personality, and journey make them special. They embody the themes of friendship and hope. They inspire players around the world. They are a beloved figure in gaming.

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