The Most Popular Microgreen, Ranked

Choose the microgreen you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:01
As the interest in healthy eating grows, so does the popularity of microgreens among culinary enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals. By participating in a ranking of the most beloved microgreens, people can share insights and help others learn about the various types available. This kind of collective input is valuable as it reflects current trends and preferences in the culinary world. Ranking this category allows users to voice their opinions on which microgreens add the best flavor and nutritional value to their meals. It's an engaging way for the community to influence what is seen as top-rated and popular. Through voting, users help to continuously update and adjust the standing of each type, making the results a dynamic reflection of widespread culinary practice and health trends.

What Is the Most Popular Microgreen?

  1. 1
    Pea Shoots

    Pea Shoots

    Pea shoots are sweet, tender, and packed with vitamins A, C, and E, making them a delicious and nutritious choice.
    • Flavor: Sweet
    • Growth Time: 8-14 days
  2. 2


    Mustard microgreens are spicy and flavorful, offering a quick growth time and a punch of heat to salads and sandwiches.
    • Flavor: Spicy
    • Growth Time: 4-6 days
  3. 3


    Radish microgreens are popular for their spicy flavor and ease of growth.
    • Flavor: Spicy
    • Growth Time: 4-6 days
  4. 4


    Amaranth microgreens are not only visually striking with their vibrant red color but also offer a mild, earthy flavor.
    • Flavor: Mild, earthy
    • Growth Time: 7-10 days
  5. 5


    Cilantro microgreens have a strong, distinctive flavor similar to the adult plant and are rich in vitamins and minerals.
    • Flavor: Strong, distinctive
    • Growth Time: 14-21 days
  6. 6


    Sunflower microgreens are known for their nutty flavor and crunchy texture, making them a favorite for salads and snacks.
    • Flavor: Nutty
    • Growth Time: 7-10 days
  7. 7


    Beet microgreens offer a beautiful color and a sweet, earthy flavor to dishes, along with nutritional benefits.
    • Flavor: Sweet, earthy
    • Growth Time: 8-10 days
  8. 8


    Kale microgreens are a superfood, rich in nutrients and antioxidants, with a slightly sweet, earthy flavor.
    • Nutrient: High in vitamins A, C, and K
    • Growth Time: 7-9 days
  9. 9


    Broccoli microgreens are highly nutritious and offer health benefits similar to mature broccoli but in a smaller size.
    • Nutrient: Rich in vitamins A, C, and E
    • Growth Time: 7-14 days
  10. 10


    Arugula microgreens have a peppery flavor, similar to their mature counterparts, and add a spicy kick to dishes.
    • Flavor: Peppery
    • Growth Time: 5-7 days

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular microgreen. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Microgreen is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


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  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Microgreen once every 24 hours. The rank of each Microgreen is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Microgreen

Pea Shoots
Rank #1 for the most popular microgreen: Pea Shoots (Source)
Microgreens have gained popularity in recent years. These young plants are harvested just after the first leaves develop. They are small but pack a punch in flavor and nutrients. They come from a variety of vegetables and herbs. Their vibrant colors and intense taste make them a favorite among chefs and home cooks.

Microgreens are easy to grow. They need only a small amount of space, light, and water. Many people grow them on windowsills or in small containers. They can be ready to harvest in as little as one to three weeks. This quick turnaround makes them appealing for those who want fresh, home-grown produce without a long wait.

Nutrition is a key factor in their popularity. Studies show that microgreens can contain higher nutrient levels than their mature counterparts. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This makes them a great addition to a healthy diet. They can help boost immunity, improve digestion, and support overall health.

Their flavors range from mild to spicy, sweet to bitter. This variety allows them to be used in many dishes. They can be added to salads, sandwiches, and soups. They can also be used as a garnish to enhance the look and taste of a meal. Their bright colors add visual appeal to any dish.

Growing microgreens at home is simple. Start with a shallow container and fill it with soil. Sprinkle the seeds evenly over the surface and press them down gently. Water the seeds lightly and cover the container with a lid or plastic wrap. Place the container in a sunny spot. Check the seeds daily and water them as needed. Once the seeds sprout and the first leaves appear, they are ready to harvest. Use scissors to snip the greens just above the soil line.

Microgreens can also be grown hydroponically. This method uses water instead of soil. It can be a cleaner option and reduces the risk of soil-borne diseases. To grow hydroponic microgreens, use a tray with a mesh or perforated bottom. Place the seeds on a damp paper towel or growing mat. Keep the tray moist and in a well-lit area. Harvest the greens when they reach the desired size.

Microgreens are not only nutritious but also environmentally friendly. They require less water and fewer resources than traditional farming. Their short growth cycle means they have a lower carbon footprint. Growing them at home reduces the need for packaging and transportation, further lowering their environmental impact.

In conclusion, microgreens are a versatile and nutritious addition to any diet. They are easy to grow and can be ready to harvest in a matter of weeks. Their wide range of flavors and vibrant colors make them a favorite in many kitchens. Whether grown in soil or hydroponically, they offer a sustainable way to enjoy fresh, healthy greens.

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