The Most Popular Mii, Ranked

Choose the Mii you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:58
When creating or selecting a Mii, the options can feel endless and somewhat overwhelming. With each face feature or accessory, a personality begins to take shape that can vary widely from user to user. Understanding which Mii designs resonate most with the community can be both intriguing and useful, guiding new users in creating Miis that feel right at home in the vibrant ecosystem. By providing a platform where users can voice their preferences through voting, an accurate and dynamic ranking of popular Miis is generated. This list not only reflects current trends but also helps the community engage actively with one another, sharing their thoughts and preferences. It’s a democratic way to see which characteristics stand out and are cherished by the collective.

Who Is the Most Popular Mii?

  1. 1


    A Mii known for his roles in Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, particularly as a champion in Boxing and Swordplay.
    • Popularity Reason: Famous for being one of the toughest opponents in Wii Sports.
  2. 2


    A Mii character who is the Table Tennis champion in Wii Sports Resort.
    • Popularity Reason: Known for her high skill level in Table Tennis.
  3. 3


    A Mii character famous for his appearances in Wii Sports, particularly in Golf and Baseball.
    • Popularity Reason: Notable for his distinctive look and skills in Golf and Baseball.
  4. 4


    Notable for being the champion in Wii Sports Tennis and a Pro in Bowling.
    • Popularity Reason: One of the first and most memorable champions encountered by players.
  5. 5


    Appears in Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, known for his participation in multiple sports.
    • Popularity Reason: Recognized for his all-around participation and skill level.
  6. 6


    A Mii known for his appearances in Wii Sports, especially in Boxing where he's a tough opponent.
    • Popularity Reason: Notable for his strength in boxing, making him a memorable challenge.
  7. 7


    A Mii character who appears in various Wii Sports games, known for her all-around skills.
    • Popularity Reason: Admired for her versatility across multiple sports.
  8. 8


    A young Mii who is a Pro class opponent in Wii Sports Club Tennis and Baseball.
    • Popularity Reason: Recognized for his youthful appearance and skill in sports.
  9. 9


    A Mii character who is skilled in Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, particularly in Tennis and Bowling.
    • Popularity Reason: Known for her competitive edge in Tennis and Bowling.
  10. 10


    A skilled Mii in Wii Sports, known for his proficiency in Tennis and Boxing.
    • Popularity Reason: One of the earliest challenging opponents in Wii Sports.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Mii. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Mii is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 20 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Mii once every 24 hours. The rank of each Mii is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Mii

The Mii characters first appeared on the Nintendo Wii in 2006. These avatars allowed players to create digital representations of themselves. The process was simple and fun. Players could customize face shapes, hairstyles, eyes, noses, and mouths. This personalization made the Mii characters unique and memorable.

The Wii console came with a game called Wii Sports. This game featured the Mii characters in various sports activities. Players could see their Mii avatars playing tennis, bowling, boxing, and more. This interaction made the Mii characters popular and engaging. Families and friends enjoyed creating and playing with their Mii avatars together.

Mii characters also appeared in other games on the Wii. Titles like Wii Fit and Mario Kart Wii included these avatars. In Wii Fit, players used their Mii characters to track fitness goals and participate in exercises. In Mario Kart Wii, players raced against each other using their Mii avatars. These appearances helped solidify the Mii characters' popularity.

When Nintendo released the 3DS in 2011, Mii characters continued to play a role. The handheld console featured a built-in Mii Maker. This tool allowed players to create and share Mii characters through StreetPass. The 3DS also included games like Mii Plaza, where players could interact with other Mii avatars they encountered.

The Wii U, released in 2012, further integrated Mii characters into its system. The console's user interface, called Miiverse, used Mii avatars to represent players. This social platform allowed players to share messages, drawings, and game tips. Mii characters also appeared in various Wii U games, continuing their legacy.

In 2014, Nintendo introduced Mii characters to the mobile gaming world. The app Miitomo allowed users to create Mii avatars and interact with friends. Players could answer questions, dress up their Mii characters, and share photos. This app brought the charm of Mii characters to a new audience.

The Nintendo Switch, released in 2017, kept the tradition alive. Players could still create and use Mii characters on the new console. Games like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate featured Mii avatars. These appearances ensured that Mii characters remained a beloved part of Nintendo's ecosystem.

The appeal of Mii characters lies in their simplicity and customization. They are easy to create and fun to use. Players enjoy seeing their personalized avatars in games. The Mii characters have become a symbol of Nintendo's inclusive and family-friendly approach to gaming.

Over the years, Mii characters have evolved, but their core appeal remains the same. They represent the player's identity in the game world. This connection makes the gaming experience more personal and enjoyable. The Mii characters continue to be a significant part of Nintendo's legacy.

In conclusion, Mii characters have captured the hearts of players since their debut. Their presence in various games and platforms has made them iconic. The ability to create and customize Mii avatars has brought joy to millions. As Nintendo continues to innovate, the Mii characters will likely remain a cherished part of the gaming experience.

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