The Most Popular Music Disc in Minecraft, Ranked

Choose the music disc you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 06:44
In the expansive world of Minecraft, music discs add a unique layer of enjoyment, providing a soundtrack to players' adventures and creations. Knowing which discs resonate most with the community can enhance your gameplay, guiding you to seek out and cherish those popular tunes. This ranking gives you a snapshot of what is currently trending in the Minecraft universe, inviting you to contribute your opinions and influence the list. Whether you are a new player or a seasoned builder, your votes help shape the collective musical experience, ensuring that the most cherished tracks stand out.

What Is the Most Popular Music Disc in Minecraft?

  1. 1
    This is the most iconic and recognized music disc in Minecraft. It is often used in Minecraft videos, and has become a fan favorite.
    The Minecraft song 'Sweden' is a tranquil and nostalgic track that is known for its beautiful and melodic composition. It was composed by C418, also known as Daniel Rosenfeld, who is the official composer of Minecraft. 'Sweden' is one of the most iconic and beloved songs in the Minecraft soundtrack, often associated with the game's peaceful and atmospheric moments. The track's soothing and minimalist melodies have resonated with players around the world, making it a cherished piece of Minecraft's audio landscape.
    • Length: 3 minutes and 36 seconds
    • Genre: Ambient music
    • Release Date: 2011
    • Album: Minecraft: Volume Alpha
    • Instruments: Piano, strings, synthesizer
    "Sweden" by C418 in other rankings
  2. 2
    This is another popular music disc in Minecraft. It has a calming and relaxing tone, making it a popular choice for players who want to unwind.
    "Wet Hands" by C418 in other rankings
  3. 3
    This music disc has a cheerful and upbeat tune, making it a popular choice for players who want to add some energy to their gameplay.
    The "Mall" by C418 is a popular music disc in Minecraft. It is a calming instrumental track that adds a relaxed and ambient feel to the game. The music has a slightly melancholic yet uplifting tone, perfect for creating a serene atmosphere while exploring or building in the game.
    • Track number: 13
    • In-game category: Disc
    • Duration: 1:59
    • Released: 2013
    • Genre: Ambient
  4. 4
    This music disc has a mysterious and haunting melody, making it a popular choice for players who want to create a spooky atmosphere.
    Mellohi is one of the most popular music discs in Minecraft. It is a soothing and melodic track composed by C418, the renowned artist behind the iconic Minecraft soundtrack. Mellohi encapsulates a sense of relaxation and introspection, making it a favorite among players for creating a peaceful ambiance in the game. With its enchanting melodies and gentle rhythm, this music disc adds a touch of tranquility to any Minecraft world.
    • Length: 2 minutes, 58 seconds
    • In-game ID: mellohi
    • Disc color: Green
    • Introduced: Beta 1.8
    • Rarity: Common
  5. 5
    This music disc has a unique and funky sound, making it a popular choice for players who want to add some personality to their Minecraft world.
    Stal is a music disc in Minecraft created by C418. It is one of the most popular music discs in the game, known for its soothing and laid-back tunes. The disc is easily recognizable by its dark green label with a white circle in the middle.
    • Disc Type: Music
    • In-game ID: minecraft:music_disc_stal
    • Length: 3 minutes and 5 seconds
    • Rarity: Common
    • Available Versions: Java Edition, Bedrock Edition
  6. 6
    This music disc has an eerie and unsettling tone, making it a popular choice for players who want to create a horror-themed Minecraft experience.
    "11" by C418 is a haunting and melancholic music disc in Minecraft. It is known for its eerie tune and dark atmosphere, often setting a chilling ambiance in the game. The track is named after its disc number, which is 11 in the game's music disc collection.
    • Disc Number: 11
    • Length: 1:11 minutes
    • Genre: Ambient
    • Mood: Melancholic
    • In-game Description: Strange, mysterious and a little creepy
  7. 7
    This music disc has a relaxing and mellow vibe, making it a popular choice for players who want to create a peaceful atmosphere.
    The "Strad" by C418 is a music disc in Minecraft that was added in the game's official soundtrack. It is known for its soothing and calming tones that create a relaxed atmosphere in the game. The disc has a unique sound that sets it apart from other music discs, making it a popular choice among players.
    • Length: 2 minutes and 30 seconds
    • Genre: Ambient music
    • In-game source: Found randomly in dungeons, stronghold libraries, desert temples, mineshafts, and woodland mansions
    • Release date: November 9, 2013
    • Disc ID: 13
  8. 8
    This music disc has a playful and upbeat melody, making it a popular choice for players who want to add some fun to their Minecraft world.
    Blocks is a popular music disc in Minecraft composed by C418. It is known for its calming and melodic electronic music, which often resonates with players exploring the game's vast landscapes. The track has a nostalgic and relaxing vibe, making it a favorite among Minecraft players worldwide.
    • Genre: Electronic
    • Mood: Calming
    • Style: Melodic
    • Popularity: High
    • In-Game ID: minecraft:music_disc_blocks
  9. 9
    This music disc has a dreamy and nostalgic sound, making it a popular choice for players who want to create a sentimental Minecraft experience.
    Far is a music disc in Minecraft created by C418. It is one of the most popular music discs in the game, known for its peaceful and calming tune. Upon playing it in a jukebox, the music creates a serene atmosphere that perfectly complements the game's exploration and relaxation elements.
    • Disc Name: Far
    • Music Length: 3 minutes and 7 seconds
    • Melody Type: Instrumental
    • Genre: Ambient
    • Released: March 4, 2011
  10. 10
    This music disc has a cheerful and playful tune, making it a popular choice for players who want to add some lightheartedness to their Minecraft world.
    The "Cat" by C418 is a music disc in Minecraft that plays a cheerful and upbeat tune. It is often considered one of the most popular music discs in the game, enjoyed by players around the world. The creator of the music disc is C418, who is also known for composing the entire Minecraft soundtrack. The "Cat" music disc has the following important specifications:
    • Title: Cat
    • Duration: 3 minutes and 4 seconds
    • Music Genre: Electronic, Chiptune
    • In-game Obtainability: Can be found in dungeon chests, stronghold chests, mineshafts, desert temples, and NPC villages
    • Disc ID: 13

Missing your favorite music disc?


Ranking factors for popular music disc

  1. Melody
    The tune or theme of the music disc should be pleasant and enjoyable to listen to by a majority of players.
  2. Player Preferences
    Consider the music preferences of different players, as some individuals may prefer calm and peaceful tunes while others may enjoy faster and upbeat music.
  3. In-game Atmosphere
    Take into account the in-game environment and how well the music disc complements the playing experience. The disc should enhance the gaming atmosphere and not be disruptive or out of place.
  4. Emotional Impact
    Evaluate the emotional impact the music disc has on the player, whether it evokes a sense of nostalgia, excitement, or calmness.
  5. Rarity
    Some music discs are rarer than others in the game and can only be obtained through specific means. The rarity of a disc may contribute to its popularity, as players may value it as a collectible or unique item.
  6. Composer
    Consider the reputation and talent of the composer who created the music, as well-known composers in the gaming industry may have a more significant impact on a disc's popularity.
  7. Community Opinion
    Assess the opinions and preferences of the Minecraft community as a whole. Evaluate gaming forums, social media platforms, and reviews to gauge the overall consensus on a music disc's popularity.
  8. Replayability
    The music disc should have a high replay value, meaning that players should enjoy listening to it repeatedly over time.
  9. Integration
    Consider how well the music disc integrates with other elements of the game, such as matching the rhythm of a player's actions, or setting the mood for specific in-game areas.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular music disc in Minecraft. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Album is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 235 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Album once every 24 hours. The rank of each Album is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular music disc in minecraft

Minecraft has been a popular game since its release in 2011, and with its open-world sandbox environment, players have been able to create and share their own unique experiences. One of the game's features is the ability to play music discs, which can be found in chests or dropped by certain mobs. With a variety of music discs to choose from, players can listen to everything from calming melodies to intense battle music. But which music disc is the most popular among Minecraft players? Let's find out.

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