The Most Popular Non-Copyrighted Song, Ranked

Choose the non-copyrighted song you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 25, 2024 06:44
In a world brimming with musical creativity, non-copyrighted songs hold a special place, allowing artists to share their work freely and fans to enjoy it without restriction. This ever-growing pool of music offers an eclectic mix, from rising indie hits to timeless acoustic melodies. By ranking these songs, listeners can more easily find tracks that resonate with their tastes and perhaps discover their next favorite tune. Your votes help shape the continuously updating list, making it a reflection of what is truly cherished by the community of music lovers. Each click not only uplifts a song but also supports the artists behind them, offering encouragement to keep creating and sharing their art. Dive into this dynamic collection and help decide which songs deserve the spotlight.

What Is the Most Popular Non-copyrighted Song?

  1. 1
    This song is widely recognized as the most popular non-copyrighted song. It was originally written in 1893 and is now considered to be in the public domain.
    Happy Birthday to You is a widely recognized and popular song used to celebrate birthdays. It is sung to honor someone on their special day and is typically accompanied by the presentation and cutting of a birthday cake.
    • Year of creation: 1893
    • Melody composers: Mildred J. Hill and Patty Smith Hill
    • Lyricist: Patty Smith Hill (disputed)
    • Language: English
    • Duration: Around 15-20 seconds
    Happy Birthday to You in other rankings
  2. 2
    The Entertainer
    Scott Joplin · Public domain

    The Entertainer

    Scott Joplin
    This classic ragtime composition was written by Scott Joplin in 1902 and is now part of the public domain. It has been used in numerous films and TV shows.
    The Entertainer is a ragtime piano composition that became one of the most famous tunes in the world. It is often associated with lively, upbeat, and syncopated music of the early 20th century.
    • Genre: Ragtime
    • Length: Approximately 4 minutes
    • Key: C major
    • Meter: 2/4 time signature
    • Year of composition: 1902
    The Entertainer in other rankings
  3. 3
    This traditional English folk song dates back to the 16th century and has been covered by many artists. It is now in the public domain.
    Greensleeves is a traditional English folk song that is widely recognized for its beautiful melody and lyrics. It is a popular tune that has been performed and recorded by numerous artists in various genres.
    • Genre: Folk
    • Language: English
    • Time Signature: 3/4
    • Key: E minor
    • Melody: Complex and haunting
  4. 4
    Oh Susanna
    Stephen Foster · Public domain

    Oh Susanna

    Stephen Foster
    This American folk song was written by Stephen Foster in 1848 and is now in the public domain. It has been covered by many artists over the years.
    Oh Susanna is a popular American folk song that has become a popular standard. It was composed by Stephen Foster in 1848 and is known for its catchy melody and simple lyrics. The song tells the story of a man who is traveling to seek his fortune during the California Gold Rush. Oh Susanna has remained a beloved song throughout the years and has been recorded by numerous artists in various musical styles.
    • Year of composition: 1848
    • Genre: American folk song
    • Lyricist: Stephen Foster
    • Melody: Catchy and upbeat
    • Story: Man traveling during the California Gold Rush
  5. 5

    Camptown Races

    Stephen Foster
    Another popular Stephen Foster song, "Camptown Races" was written in 1850 and is now in the public domain. It has been covered by many artists, including Elvis Presley.
    Camptown Races is a popular non-copyrighted song that originated in the United States during the mid-19th century. It is a lively and catchy tune that is often associated with American folk music and minstrelsy. The song's upbeat and repetitive melody, along with its playful lyrics, make it a favorite for community sing-alongs and children's songs. The song tells the story of a horse race, bringing about a sense of excitement and fun.
    • Genre: American folk music
    • Date of creation: 1850s
    • Composer: Stephen Foster
    • Lyricist: Stephen Foster
    • Length: Approximately 2 minutes
  6. 6
    Yankee Doodle
    Goh wz · Public domain
    This traditional American song has been around since the mid-18th century and is now in the public domain. It has been used in many movies and TV shows.
    Yankee Doodle is a popular American patriotic song dating back to the 18th century. It is often associated with the United States and has become a symbol of American pride. The melody is catchy and upbeat, making it a favorite for parades and celebrations.
    • Genre: Patriotic, Folk
    • Year of Composition: Late 18th century
    • Language: English
    • Subject Matter: Mocking British troops during the American Revolution
    • Musical Key: D Major
    Yankee Doodle in other rankings
  7. 7
    This American folk song has been around since the early 19th century and is now in the public domain. It has been used in many cartoons and commercials.
    Turkey in the Straw is a traditional American folk song that originated in the early 19th century. It is often associated with various forms of entertainment, including minstrel shows, square dances, and ice cream trucks. The tune is catchy and has a lively, upbeat tempo, making it popular for dancing and sing-alongs. It is often played on instruments like the fiddle, banjo, and piano.
    • Genre: Folk
    • Year of Origin: Early 19th century
    • Associated Entertainment: Minstrel shows, square dances, ice cream trucks
    • Popular Instruments: Fiddle, banjo, piano
    • Usage: Dancing, sing-alongs
  8. 8
    Amazing Grace
    John Newton · Public domain
    This Christian hymn was written by John Newton in the late 18th century and is now in the public domain. It has been covered by many artists and is often sung at funerals.
    Amazing Grace is a timeless Gospel song that has touched the hearts of millions with its powerful message of redemption and grace. It is considered one of the most beautiful and beloved hymns in the Christian tradition. The song's lyrics express gratitude for God's mercy and forgiveness, and its haunting melody evokes a sense of solace and peace.
    • Lyrics: The song's lyrics are deeply reflective and explore themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the transformative power of God's grace.
    • Melody: The melody of Amazing Grace is simple yet profound, with a gentle and contemplative quality that resonates with listeners.
    • Popularity: Amazing Grace is widely recognized and cherished by people of diverse backgrounds and religious beliefs, making it one of the most universally loved Gospel songs.
    • Historical Significance: The song played a significant role in the abolitionist movement, serving as an anthem of hope and freedom for enslaved African Americans.
    • Authenticity: The emotional honesty and personal testimonial nature of the lyrics have contributed to the enduring popularity and impact of Amazing Grace.
    Amazing Grace in other rankings
  9. 9
    This traditional American gospel song has been around since the early 20th century and is now in the public domain. It has been covered by many artists, including Louis Armstrong.
    When the Saints Go Marching In is a widely recognized spiritual hymn that has become synonymous with the celebration of Mardi Gras. Its lively melody and uplifting lyrics evoke a sense of joy and celebration.
    • Genre: Gospel / Jazz
    • Year of Creation: Unknown (Traditional folk song)
    • Language: English
    • Origin: United States
    • Popularized by: Louis Armstrong
  10. 10
    Auld Lang Syne
    Bbaker516 · Public domain
    This Scottish folk song is traditionally sung on New Year's Eve and is now in the public domain. It has been covered by many artists and is often used in movies and TV shows.
    Auld Lang Syne is a traditional Scottish folk song that is often sung during New Year's Eve celebrations as well as at the end of various events and occasions. The song carries a sentimental and nostalgic tone, reflecting on friendships and memories of the past.
    • Genre: Scottish folk song
    • Lyrics Language: Scots language
    • Melody: Based on a traditional folk tune
    • Theme: Nostalgia, friendship, and the passage of time
    • Significance: Often associated with farewells and endings
    Auld Lang Syne in other rankings

Missing your favorite non-copyrighted song?


Ranking factors for popular non-copyrighted song

  1. Number of plays or views
    Counting the number of streams or views on platforms like Spotify, YouTube, or SoundCloud can help gauge the popularity of a song. The higher the number of plays, the more popular the song.
  2. Social media engagement
    Analyzing the number of likes, comments, and shares on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok can help you see how popular a song is on social media platforms.
  3. Public performance
    If a song is frequently played in public places such as bars, clubs, or restaurants, it might indicate its popularity.
  4. Chart performance
    Look for the song's position on music charts like the Billboard Hot 100, iTunes charts, or other regional or genre-specific charts. The higher the position, the more popular the song.
  5. Covers and remixes
    The number of covers or remixes by other artists can be an indicator of a song's popularity, as they may not cover it if it isn't well-known.
  6. Cultural impact
    If a song has had a significant impact on society or has inspired trends, challenges, or memes, this can be a sign of popularity.
  7. Earned media
    Reviews, mentions, and features in print and online publications, radio shows, podcasts, or television programs can indicate a song's popularity.
  8. Public opinion
    Word-of-mouth or conversations around the song can also help to determine its popularity.
  9. Influencer endorsements
    If influential figures or celebrities endorse a song, either offline or online, this may increase its popularity.
  10. Awards and accolades
    Songs that have won awards or received critical acclaim can signify their popularity in a broader context.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular non-copyrighted song. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or non-copyrighted song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 164 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each non-copyrighted song once every 24 hours. The rank of each non-copyrighted song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular non-copyrighted song

Music has been an integral part of human culture for centuries. It has the power to evoke emotions, trigger memories, and even bring people together. However, with the rise of technology, creating and sharing music has become easier than ever before. As a result, copyright laws have become increasingly important in protecting the rights of musicians and artists. Non-copyrighted music, on the other hand, refers to music that is not protected by copyright laws. This means that anyone can use and distribute the music without permission or paying royalties to the creator. Non-copyrighted music is often used in videos, podcasts, and other forms of media where copyright restrictions can limit creativity and expression. With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which non-copyrighted song is the most popular. At StrawPoll, we've gathered data from thousands of users to help answer this question. From classic instrumental pieces to modern pop hits, our polls showcase a wide range of non-copyrighted music that has captured the hearts of music lovers around the world.

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