The Most Popular Omori Character, Ranked

Choose the character you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 07:58
Fans of Omori often have heated discussions about which character is the most compelling, citing various attributes and moments from the game. Having a ranked list based on community votes can provide an organized reflection of which characters have made the most significant impact on the audience. It offers an analytical snapshot that goes beyond personal bias to highlight community preferences. By participating in the ranking process, every fan contributes to a dynamic and continuously updated list that adjusts with new votes. This method ensures that as perspectives and opinions shift, so too does the ranking. The result is not just a list but a living testament to the game's evolving impact on its community.

Who Is the Most Popular Omori Character?

  1. 1


    The titular character of the game, Omori is a complex figure with a deep narrative.
    • Role: Protagonist
    • Realm: White Space
  2. 2


    A cheerful and energetic friend, Kel brings light to the game's darker themes.
    • Personality: Optimistic
    • Sport: Basketball
  3. 3


    A sensitive character intertwined deeply with the game's central mystery.
    • Trait: Empathetic
    • Hobby: Photography
  4. 4


    A key character who experiences significant personal growth throughout the game.
    • Personality: Complex
    • Weapon: Bat
  5. 5


    An older, caring figure who acts as a stabilizing force for the group.
    • Role: Caretaker
    • Skill: Cooking
  6. 6


    An unexpectedly powerful character with a humorous side.
    • Trait: Strength
    • Occupation: Planet
  7. 7

    Space Boyfriend

    A memorable NPC with a unique storyline that captivates players.
    • Theme: Space
    • Relationship: Complex
  8. 8


    A dramatic and over-the-top character who adds a distinct flavor to the game.
    • Personality: Narcissistic
    • Role: Antagonist
  9. 9


    A pivotal character whose presence and absence are deeply felt throughout the story.
    • Relation: Omori's Sister
    • Instrument: Piano
  10. 10


    The real-world counterpart of Omori, whose story is critical to the game's emotional depth.
    • Aspect: Reality
    • Instrument: Violin

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Omori character. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or character is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 233 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each character once every 24 hours. The rank of each character is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Omori Character

Omori is a role-playing game that has captured the hearts of many. The game, created by Omocat, features a rich story and deep characters. Each character has unique traits that make them stand out. Players form bonds with these characters as they progress through the game.

The game’s setting shifts between a dream world and reality. This duality adds to the complexity of the characters. In the dream world, characters often display exaggerated traits. These traits can be strengths, weaknesses, or quirks. In reality, these same characters might act differently, showing more depth and nuance.

One character in Omori stands out for many players. This character has a compelling backstory that unfolds as the game progresses. The character’s journey is filled with challenges and growth. Players see both the character’s strengths and vulnerabilities. This balance makes the character relatable and memorable.

The character’s design also plays a big role in their popularity. The visual style of Omori is unique, and this character’s design fits perfectly within it. The character’s appearance is distinct, making them easy to recognize. This visual appeal, combined with the character’s story, creates a strong connection with players.

The character’s interactions with others in the game add to their charm. These interactions reveal different facets of the character’s personality. Whether it’s through dialogue, actions, or choices, players get to see a well-rounded character. This depth makes the character feel real and engaging.

Music in Omori also enhances the character’s presence. The game’s soundtrack is carefully crafted to match the mood of each scene. The character has specific themes that play during key moments. These themes evoke emotions and help players connect with the character on a deeper level.

The character’s role in the story is crucial. They are involved in major plot points and decisions. This involvement makes players feel invested in the character’s journey. The character’s growth mirrors the player’s progress in the game, creating a parallel that is satisfying to experience.

Fan communities celebrate this character in various ways. Art, stories, and discussions about the character are common. This ongoing engagement keeps the character alive in the minds of players. The character’s impact goes beyond the game, influencing fan creations and conversations.

The character’s appeal lies in their complexity and relatability. They are not perfect, but their flaws make them human. Players see parts of themselves in the character, which strengthens the bond. This connection is a key reason why the character remains popular.

In summary, one character in Omori stands out due to their compelling story, unique design, and deep interactions. The character’s presence in the game is enhanced by music and crucial plot involvement. Fan communities keep the character alive through various forms of engagement. This character’s complexity and relatability make them a favorite among players.

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