The Most Popular Party in Pakistan, Ranked

Choose the party you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:25
In a country as diverse and politically active as Pakistan, understanding the public's preference for different parties can be quite insightful. Various parties vie for attention, advocating distinct policies and visions for the future. This dynamic landscape can shift with emerging issues and public sentiment, making it crucial to gauge which parties are gaining momentum and which are not. By casting your vote in this live ranking, you contribute to a broader understanding of political leanings in Pakistan. This interactive process not only reflects current preferences but also encourages a more engaged and informed electorate. So, cast your vote today and see where your favorite party stands among the rest.

Which Is the Most Popular Party in Pakistan?

  1. 1

    Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)

    A centrist political party in Pakistan, founded by Imran Khan. It aims for a welfare state, where the state is responsible for education, health, and employability of citizens.
    • Founded: 1996
    • Political position: Centre to centre-right
  2. 2

    Balochistan National Party (BNP)

    A Baloch nationalist party in Pakistan, advocating for the rights of the Baloch people and greater autonomy for Balochistan.
    • Founded: 1996
    • Political position: Centre-left
  3. 3

    Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Fazl (JUI-F)

    An Islamist political party in Pakistan that primarily represents Deobandi Islam.
    • Founded: 1988
    • Political position: Right-wing
  4. 4

    Awami National Party (ANP)

    A leftist, secular, and Pashtun nationalist political party in Pakistan.
    • Founded: 1986
    • Political position: Left-wing
  5. 5

    Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP)

    A political party in Pakistan, founded by Mustafa Kamal. The party aims to provide a platform for addressing civic issues, and for political representation of urban Sindh.
    • Founded: 2016
    • Political position: Centre
  6. 6

    Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan (JI)

    A socially conservative and Islamist political party in Pakistan. It aims to implement Islamic law in the country.
    • Founded: 1941
    • Political position: Right-wing
  7. 7

    Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)

    A liberal political party in Pakistan, mostly popular in the urban areas of Sindh province, such as Karachi and Hyderabad.
    • Founded: 1984
    • Political position: Centre to centre-left
  8. 8

    Pakistan Muslim League (N) (PML-N)

    A centre-right conservative party in Pakistan. It is part of the larger Pakistan Muslim League, and came into existence following the 1985 Elections.
    • Founded: 1985
    • Political position: Centre-right
  9. 9

    National Party (NP)

    A political party in Pakistan advocating for the rights of the Baloch people and the development of Balochistan.
    • Founded: 2003
    • Political position: Centre-left
  10. 10

    Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)

    A left-wing, socialist-progressive political party of Pakistan. It is one of the major and oldest political parties in Pakistan.
    • Founded: 1967
    • Political position: Centre-left to left-wing

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular party in Pakistan. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or party is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 6 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each party once every 24 hours. The rank of each party is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Party in Pakistan

Pakistan's political landscape has seen many shifts over the years. The country's most popular party today has a rich history and significant influence. It has roots in the struggle for independence and has evolved through various phases. Its leaders have played key roles in shaping the nation's policies and direction.

The party's early years were marked by efforts to gain autonomy from colonial rule. It gathered support from various regions and communities. Its leaders were charismatic and able to inspire the masses. They promised a better future and worked towards creating a separate state for Muslims in South Asia. This vision resonated with many, leading to broad support.

After independence, the party faced new challenges. It had to transition from a movement to a governing body. This required building institutions and addressing the needs of a diverse population. The early years were tough, with economic and social issues at the forefront. The party worked to establish a stable government and improve living conditions.

The party's focus has always been on democracy and development. It has aimed to create a society where everyone has equal opportunities. Over the years, it has introduced various reforms to improve education, healthcare, and infrastructure. These efforts have helped it maintain its popularity among the people.

Leadership changes have also shaped the party's journey. Different leaders have brought their own vision and style. Some have been more successful than others in implementing their policies. Internal conflicts and external pressures have tested the party's unity. Despite these challenges, it has managed to stay relevant and influential.

The party's ability to adapt has been key to its success. It has responded to changing political and social dynamics. This flexibility has allowed it to stay connected with the people. It has used modern communication tools to reach out to the masses. This has helped it maintain a strong presence in the political arena.

Economic policies have been a major focus for the party. It has aimed to boost growth and create jobs. Various initiatives have been launched to attract investment and support local businesses. These efforts have had mixed results, but the party continues to push for economic progress.

Foreign relations have also been an important area for the party. It has sought to build strong ties with other countries. This has included efforts to improve trade and cooperation on various issues. The party's approach to foreign policy has often reflected the changing global landscape.

The party's support base is diverse. It includes people from different regions, ethnicities, and social backgrounds. This broad support has been a strength, allowing the party to win elections and govern effectively. It has worked to address the concerns of various groups and promote national unity.

Critics argue that the party has not always lived up to its promises. Corruption and mismanagement have been recurring issues. However, its supporters believe that it has made significant progress. They point to improvements in infrastructure, education, and healthcare as evidence of its achievements.

The party's future remains uncertain. It faces competition from other political groups and must navigate a complex landscape. However, its history and track record suggest that it will continue to play a major role in Pakistan's politics. Its ability to connect with the people and adapt to changing circumstances will be crucial in the years ahead.

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