The Most Popular Person in Lebanon, Ranked

Choose the person you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 15, 2024 07:58
Identifying the most popular person in Lebanon provides a unique way to gauge the pulse of the nation's cultural, social, and political preferences. People often look to prominent figures to represent their values and aspirations, and a popularity ranking can highlight those who resonate most with the public. By participating in this vote, individuals have the opportunity to express their opinions and contribute to a collective voice. This live ranking not only reflects current sentiments but also stimulates conversation and debate around the figures who influence society.

Who Is the Most Popular Person in Lebanon?

  1. 2
    Rafic Hariri

    Rafic Hariri

    Lebanese business tycoon and the Prime Minister of Lebanon, assassinated in 2005.
    • Born: November 1, 1944
    • Death: February 14, 2005
  2. 3
    Ziad Rahbani

    Ziad Rahbani

    Lebanese composer, pianist, playwright, and political commentator, known for his contributions to Lebanese music and theater.
    • Born: January 1, 1956
    • Occupation: Composer, playwright
  3. 4


    Famous Lebanese singer known for her ballads and music videos.
    • Full Name: Elissar Zakaria Khoury
    • Genre: Pop music
  4. 5
    Gebran Bassil

    Gebran Bassil

    Lebanese politician and head of the Free Patriotic Movement.
    • Born: June 21, 1970
    • Political Party: Free Patriotic Movement
  5. 6
    Najib Mikati

    Najib Mikati

    Lebanese politician who has served multiple terms as Prime Minister of Lebanon.
    • Born: November 24, 1955
    • Political Party: Independent
  6. 7
    Hassan Nasrallah

    Hassan Nasrallah

    Secretary-General of Hezbollah, a major political and militant organization.
    • Born: August 31, 1960
    • Organization: Hezbollah
  7. 8

    Michel Aoun

    Lebanese army commander and politician who served as the President of Lebanon.
    • Born: September 30, 1933
    • Political Party: Free Patriotic Movement
  8. 9
    Nancy Ajram

    Nancy Ajram

    One of the most famous Lebanese pop singers, known for her music videos and Arab pop music.
    • Born: May 16, 1983
    • Genre: Arab pop
  9. 10
    Walid Jumblatt

    Walid Jumblatt

    Leader of the Progressive Socialist Party and a prominent Druze figure.
    • Born: August 7, 1949
    • Political Party: Progressive Socialist Party

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular person in Lebanon. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or person is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 139 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each person once every 24 hours. The rank of each person is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Person in Lebanon

Rank #1 for the most popular person in Lebanon: Fairuz (Source)
Lebanon, a small country on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, has a rich history and diverse culture. Known for its vibrant cities, beautiful landscapes, and hospitable people, Lebanon often finds itself in the global spotlight. Among its many notable figures, one stands out as the most popular person in the country.

This individual has captured the hearts of many through their work and influence. They have a strong presence in both local and international scenes. Their journey began in Lebanon, where they grew up surrounded by the unique blend of cultures and traditions that define Lebanese society. This environment shaped their worldview and fueled their ambitions.

As they pursued their career, they faced numerous challenges. The political and economic instability in Lebanon often posed obstacles. However, their determination and talent helped them overcome these hurdles. They built a reputation for excellence and became a symbol of hope and resilience for many Lebanese people.

Their work spans various fields. They have made significant contributions to the arts, entertainment, and public service. Their creativity and dedication have earned them numerous awards and accolades. They use their platform to promote Lebanese culture and address important social issues.

Their influence extends beyond Lebanon. They have gained international recognition and have a large following around the world. Their success has brought positive attention to Lebanon and highlighted the country’s rich cultural heritage. They often speak about their love for their homeland and advocate for its people on global stages.

Despite their fame, they remain deeply connected to their roots. They frequently return to Lebanon, where they engage in various philanthropic activities. They support local charities, fund educational programs, and work on initiatives to improve the lives of the less fortunate. Their efforts have made a tangible impact on many communities.

Their popularity is not just due to their professional achievements. People admire them for their character and values. They are known for their humility, kindness, and generosity. They often use their influence to inspire others and promote positive change. Their story resonates with many because it reflects the spirit of the Lebanese people – resilient, passionate, and hopeful.

In a country that has seen its share of hardships, this person stands as a beacon of hope. They remind the world of Lebanon’s potential and the strength of its people. Their journey is a testament to what can be achieved with hard work, perseverance, and a deep love for one’s roots. They continue to inspire and uplift those around them, both in Lebanon and beyond.

Through their work and actions, they have become a symbol of pride for Lebanon. Their legacy is not just in their achievements but in the hope and inspiration they provide to others. They show that despite challenges, success is possible, and that one person can make a difference. Their story is a reminder of the power of determination and the impact of staying true to one’s values.

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