The Most Popular Pokémon Type, Ranked

Choose the type you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 22, 2024 07:26
In the ever-expansive world of Pokémon, trainers often debate which type holds the crown of popularity. While some argue in favor of the types that excel in battle, others prefer those that boast rare or unique abilities. This ongoing discussion has made it clear a definitive ranking could settle the debates once and for all. Hence, establishing a ranked list of Pokémon types based on fan votes becomes a quintessential tool for both new and seasoned trainers. By casting your vote on this list, you contribute to a dynamic tally that reflects the current trends and preferences within the Pokémon community. This not only serves as a fun engagement for fans around the globe but also helps new trainers decide which Pokémon might be worth pursuing. As more fans participate, the accuracy of the ranking improves, giving everyone a clearer picture of the Pokémon types that stand out in the community today.

What Is the Most Popular Pokémon Type?

  1. 1
    Water-type Pokemon are the most common type, with almost 25% of all Pokemon being Water-type. They are versatile and can be found in a variety of environments, making them popular among players.
    Water is a transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance. It covers about 71% of the Earth's surface and is essential for all forms of life. Water is a vital resource that exists in various forms including liquid, solid (ice), and gas (water vapor). It plays a crucial role in numerous natural processes and human activities.
    • Chemical formula: H2O
    • Boiling point: 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit)
    • Freezing point: 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit)
    • Density: 1 g/cm3
    • Specific heat capacity: 4.18 J/g°C
  2. 2
    Normal-type Pokemon are the second most common type, making up 23% of all Pokemon. They are often seen as the "default" type and have a wide range of moves and abilities.
    Normal is one of the eighteen different Pokémon types. It is widely considered the most common and versatile type. Normal-type Pokémon are typically adept at learning a wide variety of moves, making them well-rounded battlers. They lack any major strengths, but also have no significant weaknesses.
    • Primary Advantages: None
    • Primary Disadvantages: None
    • Effective Against: None
    • Not Very Effective Against: {"Rock","Steel"}
    • Weak Against: {"Fighting"}
  3. 3
    Grass-type Pokemon are popular for their ability to heal themselves and their teammates, as well as their resistance to Water-type moves. They make up 9% of all Pokemon.
    Grass stain is a tough stain caused by the chlorophyll pigment present in grass. It commonly occurs when grass comes into contact with fabrics, such as clothing or carpets, leaving behind a greenish-yellow or brownish stain.
    • Composition: Chlorophyll pigment
    • Color: Greenish-yellow or brownish
    • Origin: Contact between grass and fabric
    • Difficulty to Remove: High
    • Common Occurrence: When engaging in outdoor activities on grassy surfaces
  4. 4
    Fire-type Pokemon are known for their high attack power and ability to inflict burn status on opponents. They make up 8% of all Pokemon.
    Fire is one of the four fundamental bending elements in the world of Avatar. It is associated with power, energy, and destruction. Firebenders are able to create and manipulate flames, as well as generate heat. They derive their bending abilities from the fire-generating breath of the mighty fire lion turtle, the ancient creator of firebending.
    • Element Type: Bending Element
    • Primary Manipulation: Control and creation of fire and flames
    • Associated Abilities: Heat manipulation, combustion, lightning redirection
    • Strengths: Powerful offensive capabilities, energy generation, self-sustaining in warm climates
    • Weaknesses: Vulnerability to water-based attacks, less effective in cold environments
  5. 5
    Psychic-type Pokemon are known for their powerful special attacks and resistance to Fighting-type moves. They make up 7% of all Pokemon.
    Psychic is a popular Pokémon type known for its powerful psychic abilities. It focuses on manipulating psychic energy to control minds, levitate objects, and unleash devastating psychic attacks. Psychic Pokémon are often portrayed as intelligent, mystical, and enigmatic creatures.
    • Psychic Abilities: Psychic Pokémon possess a wide range of psychic abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, and precognition.
    • Strong Special Attack: Psychic types excel in special attacks, making them formidable opponents in battles.
    • Weak to Dark Types: Psychic Pokémon are vulnerable to Dark-type moves, which can deal significant damage.
    • Resistant to Fighting Types: Psychic types are resistant to Fighting-type moves, reducing the damage they take from such attacks.
    • Versatility: Psychic Pokémon can learn a wide variety of moves, allowing them to adapt to different battle situations.
  6. 6


    Bug-type Pokemon are popular for their fast speed and ability to inflict status conditions like poison and paralysis. They make up 6% of all Pokemon.
    The Bug type is one of the eighteen different Pokémon types. Bug-type Pokémon are known for their small size, often resembling insects or arachnids. They possess a wide array of abilities and moves that can vary from physical attacks to status-inflicting techniques. Bug-type moves are super effective against Grass, Psychic, and Dark types, while they are not very effective against Fire, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Ghost, Steel, Fairy, and fellow Bug types.
    • Number of Pokémon: Over 100
    • Strengths: Grass, Psychic, Dark types
    • Weaknesses: Fire, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Ghost, Steel, Fairy, and fellow Bug types
    • Most common move: Bug Bite
    • Typical characteristics: Fast and agile
  7. 7
    Electric-type Pokemon are popular for their high speed and ability to paralyze opponents. They make up 6% of all Pokemon.
    Electric is one of the most popular Pokémon types in the franchise. Pokémon of this type have electrical abilities, which allow them to generate and manipulate electricity for various purposes. Electric-type Pokémon are known for their speed and high special attack stats. They often possess moves that involve electric shocks, paralyzing opponents, or boosting their own speed and abilities.
    • Weaknesses: Ground
    • Strengths: Water, Flying
    • Immunities: Electric-type Pokémon cannot be paralyzed
    • Notable Abilities: Static, Lightning Rod, Volt Absorb
    • Notable Moves: Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thunder Punch, Discharge
  8. 8
    Fighting-type Pokemon are popular for their high attack power and ability to resist Normal-type moves. They make up 5% of all Pokemon.
    Fighting games are a genre of video games that involve one-on-one combat between two or more characters. Players control these characters and engage in combat in various arenas or stages. The objective is to defeat opponents using a combination of physical attacks, special moves, and strategic tactics.
    • Multiplayer: Allows two or more players to battle against each other.
    • Character roster: Offers a diverse selection of playable characters, each with unique abilities and fighting styles.
    • Special moves: Includes powerful and flashy moves specific to each character.
    • Combo system: Enables players to chain together a series of attacks for more damage.
    • Health bar: Displays the remaining health of each character during battles.
  9. 9
    Dragon-type Pokemon are rare and powerful, with high attack power and resistance to Fire, Water, and Electric-type moves. They make up 4% of all Pokemon.
    The Dragon is a majestic and powerful creature in Chinese astrology. It is one of the most beautiful and revered zodiac signs, known for its strength, charisma, and luck. It is associated with the element of Wood and has a yang energy. People born under the Dragon sign are said to be ambitious, confident, and passionate. They are natural leaders and possess great intuition and intelligence. The Dragon is also believed to bring good fortune and prosperity.
    • Element: Wood
    • Energy: Yang
    • Characteristics: Ambitious, confident, passionate
    • Leadership: Natural leaders
    • Intuition: Strong intuition
  10. 10
    Dark-type Pokemon are known for their ability to cause confusion and lower opponents' accuracy, as well as their immunity to Psychic-type moves. They make up 4% of all Pokemon.

Missing your favorite type?


Ranking factors for popular type

  1. Pokémon Popularity
    Consider the popularity of individual Pokémon within each type. Are there any iconic or fan-favorite Pokémon that belong to that type?
  2. Game Usage Statistics
    Look at in-game usage rates for the type. Are certain types more commonly used by players in their team compositions or battles?
  3. Competitive Play
    Research how frequently a type is present in competitive play, such as in the Pokémon World Championships or other official tournaments.
  4. Type Effectiveness
    Consider the type's strengths and weaknesses in battle. Some types might be more popular due to their favorable matchups or lower number of weaknesses.
  5. Design and Aesthetics
    Account for the visual appeal of Pokémon within a type, as this can influence the popularity among fans.
  6. Evolution Lines
    Evaluate the Pokémon lines within the type, as some fans might prefer types with more interesting or diverse evolutions.
  7. Move Pool Variety
    Examine the overall diversity of moves available to Pokémon within the type. This can impact a Pokémon's battle effectiveness and make certain types more preferable to players.
  8. Legendary and Mythical Pokémon
    Take into account any legendary or mythical Pokémon that belong to the type, as these usually have a large fan following and can heavily influence the type's popularity.
  9. Media Appearances
    Look at the type's presence in the Pokémon anime, movies, spin-off games, and other media. This can influence the perception and popularity of the type.
  10. Nostalgia
    Consider the history and nostalgic value of certain types, especially those from earlier generations of Pokémon games. This can play a significant role in their enduring popularity.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Pokémon type. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or type is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 190 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each type once every 24 hours. The rank of each type is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular pokémon type

Background Information: What is the Most Popular Pokémon Type? Pokémon enthusiasts around the world have been captivated by the various types of Pokémon that exist in the universe. With over 800 species of Pokémon, each with their own unique abilities and attributes, it can be challenging to determine which type reigns supreme. There are a total of 18 different types of Pokémon, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. These types include Normal, Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Steel, and Fairy. Each type has its own unique set of moves and abilities, making them an integral part of the game. When it comes to popularity, however, there are a few types that stand out above the rest. According to StrawPoll's extensive database of polls and rankings, the most popular Pokémon type is undoubtedly the Water type. This type is beloved by fans for its versatility, with many Water-type Pokémon possessing a wide range of moves that can be used both offensively and defensively. Following closely behind the Water type is the Fire type, which is known for its raw power and aggression. Fire-type Pokémon are often some of the most visually stunning, with their fiery designs and explosive attacks. Of course, there are plenty of fans who swear by other types as well, from the mystical Psychic type to the rugged Rock type. But when it comes to sheer popularity, it's hard to beat the classic Water and Fire types.

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