The Most Popular Politician in Australia, Ranked

Choose the politician you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:58
Assessing the popularity of politicians can aid citizens in understanding who is resonating well with the public, potentially influencing future policies and political landscapes. By keeping track of which politicians gather more public favor, individuals can discern trends and shifts in political opinions across Australia. It helps provide a clearer picture of political alignments and public satisfaction without necessarily diving deep into the complex details of daily political activities. On this site, you have the opportunity to vote for the politician you believe best represents or addresses the public's needs, which contributes to an ongoing tally of popularity among Australia's political figures. This dynamic voting procedure ensures that the rankings reflect current public opinion, updated with each new vote. Engaging in this process does not only keep the community informed but also empowers voters by making their opinions count in a direct and impactful way.

Who Is the Most Popular Politician in Australia?

  1. 1
    Scott Morrison

    Scott Morrison

    Former Prime Minister of Australia, serving from 2018 to 2022.
    • Political Party: Liberal Party of Australia
    • Term as Prime Minister: 24 August 2018 – 23 May 2022
  2. 2
    Anthony Albanese

    Anthony Albanese

    Current Prime Minister of Australia, serving since 2022.
    • Political Party: Australian Labor Party
    • Term as Prime Minister: 23 May 2022 – present
  3. 3
    Peter Dutton

    Peter Dutton

    Australian politician and leader of the Liberal Party of Australia since 2022.
    • Political Party: Liberal Party of Australia
    • Position: Leader of the Opposition
  4. 4
    Bob Hawke

    Bob Hawke

    Former Prime Minister of Australia, serving from 1983 to 1991.
    • Political Party: Australian Labor Party
    • Term as Prime Minister: 11 March 1983 – 20 December 1991
  5. 5

    John Howard

    Former Prime Minister of Australia, serving from 1996 to 2007.
    • Political Party: Liberal Party of Australia
    • Term as Prime Minister: 11 March 1996 – 3 December 2007
  6. 6
    Paul Keating

    Paul Keating

    Former Prime Minister of Australia, serving from 1991 to 1996.
    • Political Party: Australian Labor Party
    • Term as Prime Minister: 20 December 1991 – 11 March 1996
  7. 7
    Bill Shorten

    Bill Shorten

    Australian politician who served as the leader of the Australian Labor Party and Leader of the Opposition from 2013 to 2019.
    • Political Party: Australian Labor Party
    • Term as Leader of the Opposition: 13 October 2013 – 30 May 2019
  8. 8
    Julia Gillard

    Julia Gillard

    Former Prime Minister of Australia and the first woman to hold the position, serving from 2010 to 2013.
    • Political Party: Australian Labor Party
    • Term as Prime Minister: 24 June 2010 – 27 June 2013
  9. 9
    Kevin Rudd

    Kevin Rudd

    Former Prime Minister of Australia, serving from 2007 to 2010 and again in 2013.
    • Political Party: Australian Labor Party
    • Terms as Prime Minister: 3 December 2007 – 24 June 2010, 27 June 2013 – 18 September 2013
  10. 10
    Malcolm Turnbull

    Malcolm Turnbull

    Former Prime Minister of Australia, serving from 2015 to 2018.
    • Political Party: Liberal Party of Australia
    • Term as Prime Minister: 15 September 2015 – 24 August 2018

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular politician in Australia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Politician is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 118 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Politician once every 24 hours. The rank of each Politician is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Politician in Australia

Scott Morrison
Rank #1 for the most popular politician in Australia: Scott Morrison (Source)
Australia has a rich political history. Many politicians have risen to prominence through their actions and policies. The most popular ones often share common traits. They connect with the public, show strong leadership, and have clear visions for the country.

These politicians often start their careers in local politics. They build their reputations by addressing community issues. Success at the local level can lead to roles in state or federal government. Once there, they continue to work on larger issues.

Communication is key for popular politicians. They use clear and direct language. They avoid jargon and speak in a way that resonates with everyday people. This helps them build trust and rapport with their constituents. They also use various media platforms to reach a wider audience.

Leadership is another crucial trait. Popular politicians often take decisive actions. They do not waver in their decisions, even when faced with opposition. This strength of character earns them respect and loyalty. They also show empathy, understanding the struggles of their people.

Vision is important too. These politicians have clear and achievable goals. They focus on issues that matter most to the public, like healthcare, education, and the economy. They present detailed plans and follow through on their promises. This consistency helps them maintain public support.

Public engagement plays a significant role. Popular politicians attend community events, listen to concerns, and provide solutions. They are visible and accessible. This presence in the community strengthens their connection with voters.

Policy-making is another area where popular politicians excel. They introduce and support legislation that benefits the majority. They work across party lines to achieve common goals. This ability to collaborate shows their commitment to the country's well-being.

Crisis management is a defining moment for many politicians. How they handle emergencies can make or break their popularity. Effective leaders remain calm and take swift action. They communicate clearly with the public, providing updates and reassurance.

Popular politicians also rely on a strong support team. Advisors, staff, and volunteers play crucial roles. They help with research, strategy, and communication. A well-organized team ensures that the politician can focus on their duties.

Ethics and integrity are vital. Popular politicians maintain high moral standards. They avoid scandals and corruption. Their honesty and transparency build trust with the public.

In summary, the most popular politicians in Australia share several key traits. They are effective communicators, strong leaders, and have clear visions. They engage with the public, excel in policy-making, and manage crises well. They rely on strong support teams and maintain high ethical standards. These qualities help them earn and keep the trust and support of their constituents.

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