The Most Popular Race in FFXIV, Ranked

Choose the race you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:06
Players often find themselves pondering over which race to choose when starting their journey in the mesmerizing world of FFXIV. This decision can significantly influence their gameplay experience and how they relate to their character. By compiling a list of the most popular races, new and veteran players alike can gain insights into current trends and community preferences, guiding them in making an informed choice. Your votes help illuminate which races capture the imagination and enthusiasm of the FFXIV community. Engaging in this ongoing tally not only reflects collective preferences but also encourages a broader participation in shaping this dynamic environment. Whether you’re confirming the popularity of fan favorites or boosting the visibility of less common choices, your input directly shapes this evolving snapshot of the game's vibrant community.

What Is the Most Popular Race in FFXIV?

  1. 1


    Lalafell are small, agile people known for their intelligence and friendly demeanor.
    • Divisions: Plainsfolk, Dunesfolk
    • Starting City: Varies
  2. 2

    Au Ra

    Au Ra are distinguished by their horns and scales, giving them a dragon-like appearance.
    • Divisions: Raen, Xaela
    • Starting City: Varies
  3. 3


    Hyur is the most human-like race in Final Fantasy XIV, known for their versatility and diversity.
    • Divisions: Midlander, Highlander
    • Starting City: Varies
  4. 4


    Miqo'te are cat-like humanoids known for their agility and keen senses, making them excellent hunters.
    • Divisions: Seekers of the Sun, Keepers of the Moon
    • Starting City: Varies
  5. 5


    Viera are rabbit-like humanoids known for their long ears and agility.
    • Divisions: Rava, Veena
    • Starting City: Varies
  6. 6


    Elezen are elf-like characters with long ears, known for their pride and sharp senses.
    • Divisions: Wildwood, Duskwight
    • Starting City: Gridania
  7. 7


    Roegadyn are large, muscular humanoids known for their strength and seafaring skills.
    • Divisions: Sea Wolves, Hellsguard
    • Starting City: Limsa Lominsa
  8. 8


    Hrothgar are lion-like humanoids known for their brute strength and unique appearance.
    • Divisions: Helions, The Lost
    • Starting City: Varies
  9. 9


    There are no other races officially ranked after Hrothgar as of the last data.
    • Note: Future expansions may introduce new races.
  10. 10


    There are no other races officially ranked after Hrothgar as of the last data.
    • Note: Future expansions may introduce new races.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular race in FFXIV. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or racing is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 160 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each racing once every 24 hours. The rank of each racing is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Race in FFXIV

In the world of Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV), players can choose from various races. Each race has unique traits and appearances. Among these, one race stands out as the most popular. This race has captured the hearts of many players due to its versatile look and engaging lore.

The race in question offers a wide range of customization options. Players can choose different hairstyles, facial features, and body types. This flexibility allows each character to feel unique. Many players enjoy creating their ideal character, leading to this race’s popularity.

The lore behind this race is rich and intriguing. They have a storied past, filled with conflicts and alliances. Their history is woven into the main story of the game, making them an integral part of the world. Players often find themselves drawn to this race because of their deep connection to the game’s narrative.

In terms of gameplay, this race is versatile. They perform well in various roles, whether it’s as a tank, healer, or damage dealer. This adaptability makes them a favorite among players who like to switch roles. Their balanced stats ensure they can handle any challenge the game throws at them.

The community around this race is vibrant and active. Many players create fan art, write stories, and share their experiences online. This sense of community adds to the appeal, as players feel a sense of belonging. They can find others who share their passion and enthusiasm for the game.

The developers of FFXIV have noticed the popularity of this race. They often feature them in promotional material and updates. This visibility helps maintain their status as the most popular race. Players new to the game often choose this race because they see them represented so prominently.

In character creation, this race often catches the eye first. Their aesthetic appeal is hard to ignore. The combination of striking features and a compelling backstory makes them an attractive choice. Players want to immerse themselves in the world, and this race offers a perfect entry point.

The gear and outfits available for this race also contribute to their popularity. Many armor sets and clothing items look particularly good on them. Players enjoy dressing their characters in different outfits, enhancing the role-playing experience. This fashion aspect is a significant draw for many.

In social settings within the game, this race is often well-represented. Whether in casual gatherings or high-stakes raids, you’ll see many characters of this race. Their presence in these activities underscores their popularity and versatility.

The appeal of this race extends beyond aesthetics. Their cultural background and traditions add depth to the game. Players can explore these aspects through quests and interactions. This exploration enriches the gaming experience, making it more immersive.

In conclusion, the most popular race in FFXIV offers a blend of customization, lore, and versatility. Their strong presence in the game’s story and community makes them a favorite. Players are drawn to their unique traits and the sense of belonging they provide. This race’s appeal is multifaceted, ensuring they remain a top choice for many adventurers.

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