The Most Popular Railroad, Ranked

Choose the railroad you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 19, 2024 07:07
Assessing the popularity of railroads can significantly influence travel plans and investment decisions. By determining which railroads are favored, travelers can make informed choices about efficient and enjoyable routes. Likewise, investors can identify which lines might warrant financial support for enhancements or expansions. This dynamic list reflects the preferences and experiences of a broad community. Each vote helps sketch a clearer picture of which railways truly stand out in the eyes of the public. We encourage everyone to contribute their perspective and help shape this ongoing ranking.

What Is the Most Popular Railroad?

  1. 1
    Union Pacific Railroad

    Union Pacific Railroad

    The largest railroad network in the United States.
    • Headquarters: Omaha, Nebraska, USA
    • Founded: 1862
  2. 2
    BNSF Railway

    BNSF Railway

    One of the leading freight transportation companies in North America.
    • Headquarters: Fort Worth, Texas, USA
    • Founded: 1996
  3. 3
    CSX Transportation

    CSX Transportation

    An American Class I freight railroad operating in the eastern United States and the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
    • Headquarters: Jacksonville, Florida, USA
    • Founded: 1980
  4. 4
    Canadian National Railway

    Canadian National Railway

    Canada's largest freight railroad, provides transportation and intermodal service throughout North America.
    • Headquarters: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    • Founded: 1919
  5. 5

    Norfolk Southern Railway

    One of the major Class I railroads in the United States, operating in the Eastern United States.
    • Headquarters: Norfolk, Virginia, USA
    • Founded: 1982
  6. 6

    China Railway

    The state-owned national railway operator of China, part of the People's Republic of China's Ministry of Railways.
    • Headquarters: Beijing, China
    • Founded: 1948
  7. 7
    Indian Railways

    Indian Railways

    The fourth-largest railway network in the world by size, and the national railway system of India.
    • Headquarters: New Delhi, India
    • Founded: 1853
  8. 8
    Deutsche Bahn

    Deutsche Bahn

    The largest railway operator and infrastructure owner in Europe.
    • Headquarters: Berlin, Germany
    • Founded: 1994
  9. 9
    East Japan Railway Company

    East Japan Railway Company

    One of the major passenger railway companies in Japan, serving the Greater Tokyo Area as well as regional areas.
    • Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan
    • Founded: 1987
  10. 10

    Russian Railways

    One of the largest railway companies in the world, based in Russia.
    • Headquarters: Moscow, Russia
    • Founded: 1992

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular railroad. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or railway is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 139 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each railway once every 24 hours. The rank of each railway is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Railroad

Union Pacific Railroad
Rank #1 for the most popular railroad: Union Pacific Railroad (Source)
Railroads have shaped the world in many ways. They have transported goods and people across vast distances. The rise of the railroad began in the 19th century. It marked a shift from slower forms of transport to faster, more reliable ones. This change helped fuel the growth of cities and industries.

The first railroads used wooden tracks and horse-drawn carts. These early systems were not very efficient. The invention of the steam engine changed everything. Steam engines could pull heavier loads over longer distances. This made rail transport more practical and profitable. Soon, railroads began to spread across countries and continents.

Railroads played a key role in the Industrial Revolution. Factories could now ship products to distant markets. Raw materials could be transported to factories more easily. This led to increased production and economic growth. Towns and cities grew around railroad stations. They became hubs of activity and commerce.

The construction of railroads was a massive undertaking. It required large amounts of labor and resources. Workers faced harsh conditions and long hours. Many were immigrants seeking a better life. Despite the challenges, they built the tracks that connected distant places.

Railroads also had a significant social impact. They made travel more accessible to the general public. People could visit new places and experience different cultures. This led to greater understanding and exchange of ideas. Railroads helped shape national identities and fostered a sense of unity.

Over time, railroads evolved. Diesel and electric engines replaced steam engines. These new technologies made trains faster and more efficient. Rail networks expanded, reaching even remote areas. High-speed trains emerged, reducing travel times between major cities.

Railroads continue to be important today. They are a key part of the transportation infrastructure. They move large quantities of goods and people efficiently. Rail transport is also more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. It produces less pollution and uses less energy.

Modern railroads use advanced technology. Computer systems help manage train schedules and track conditions. GPS and sensors improve safety and reliability. Innovations like magnetic levitation trains promise even faster speeds in the future.

Despite the rise of cars and planes, railroads remain vital. They offer a sustainable alternative for transport. Many countries invest in their rail networks to improve efficiency and connectivity. Railroads will likely continue to play a crucial role in the future.

Railroads have a rich history and a promising future. They have connected people and places, driven economic growth, and shaped societies. The story of the railroad is one of innovation, hard work, and progress. It is a testament to human ingenuity and perseverance.

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