The Most Popular Romance in Mass Effect, Ranked

Choose the romance you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:59
The Mass Effect series offers a compelling array of story arcs and character developments, with romance options that have prompted discussions and debates among fans. Each player's choice can significantly alter the gaming experience, making certain playthroughs particularly memorable due to these intimate relationships. Understanding the preferences of the wider community can be intriguing, as it highlights trends and favorite storylines within the fan base. By participating in this ranking, users contribute to a crowd-sourced perspective, helping elucidate which romances resonate most and why they stand out in the series.

Who Is the Most Popular Romance in Mass Effect?

  1. 1

    Tali'Zorah nar Rayya

    A Quarian engineer and a key member of Shepard's team. Tali's romance is exclusive to a male Shepard and evolves significantly over the trilogy.
    • Species: Quarian
    • First Appearance: Mass Effect 1
    • Voiced By: Liz Sroka
  2. 2

    Liara T'Soni

    An Asari archaeologist and a companion to Commander Shepard. Liara's romance is available to both male and female Shepards and is known for its depth and development throughout the series.
    • Species: Asari
    • First Appearance: Mass Effect 1
    • Voiced By: Ali Hillis
  3. 3

    Garrus Vakarian

    A Turian former C-Sec officer and a loyal companion to Commander Shepard. Garrus' romance is notable for its charm and is available for a female Shepard from Mass Effect 2 onwards.
    • Species: Turian
    • First Appearance: Mass Effect 1
    • Voiced By: Brandon Keener
  4. 4

    Ashley Williams

    A human soldier and a member of Shepard's team. Ashley's romance is available for a male Shepard and is characterized by its complexity and development over the series.
    • Species: Human
    • First Appearance: Mass Effect 1
    • Voiced By: Kimberly Brooks
  5. 5

    Miranda Lawson

    A human Cerberus Officer with a complex background. Miranda's romance is available for a male Shepard and is known for its intricacies and challenges.
    • Species: Human
    • First Appearance: Mass Effect 2
    • Voiced By: Yvonne Strahovski
  6. 6

    Kaidan Alenko

    A human biotic and a member of Shepard's original crew. Kaidan's romance can be pursued by female Shepard in Mass Effect 1 and both male and female Shepard in Mass Effect 3.
    • Species: Human
    • First Appearance: Mass Effect 1
    • Voiced By: Raphael Sbarge
  7. 7


    Also known as Subject Zero, Jack is a powerful human biotic with a troubled past. Jack's romance is available for a male Shepard and is noted for its emotional growth.
    • Species: Human
    • First Appearance: Mass Effect 2
    • Voiced By: Courtenay Taylor
  8. 8

    Thane Krios

    A Drell assassin and a deeply spiritual character. Thane's romance is available for a female Shepard and is known for its emotional depth.
    • Species: Drell
    • First Appearance: Mass Effect 2
    • Voiced By: Keythe Farley
  9. 9

    Samantha Traynor

    The Normandy's communications specialist in Mass Effect 3. Samantha's romance is available for a female Shepard and is known for its wit and charm.
    • Species: Human
    • First Appearance: Mass Effect 3
    • Voiced By: Alix Wilton Regan
  10. 10

    Steve Cortez

    The Normandy's shuttle pilot in Mass Effect 3. Steve's romance is available for a male Shepard and is praised for its sensitivity and depth.
    • Species: Human
    • First Appearance: Mass Effect 3
    • Voiced By: Matthew Del Negro

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular romance in Mass Effect. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or romance is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 318 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each romance once every 24 hours. The rank of each romance is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Romance in Mass Effect

Mass Effect, a series of action role-playing games, offers players a rich narrative filled with choices. One of the most engaging aspects of the game is the ability to form romantic relationships. These relationships add depth and personal stakes to the story. Players can choose from various characters to romance, each offering a unique experience.

The game allows players to build these relationships through dialogue choices and actions. As players progress, they can deepen their bond with a chosen character. This bond can influence the story in significant ways, making choices feel meaningful. The development of these relationships is often gradual, requiring players to invest time and effort.

Romantic relationships in Mass Effect are not just about love. They also explore themes of trust, loyalty, and sacrifice. Characters reveal their vulnerabilities and personal struggles, which makes the relationships feel real and relatable. These moments of intimacy provide emotional weight to the narrative, enhancing the player's connection to the story.

The diversity of potential romantic partners is another strength of the series. Characters come from different backgrounds and species, each with their own personality and story arc. This variety allows players to find a character that resonates with them. The game respects player choice, offering multiple paths to explore.

Romance in Mass Effect also impacts gameplay. Certain characters may offer unique abilities or support in missions. The player's relationship with a character can affect their performance in critical moments. This integration of romance into gameplay ensures that these relationships are not just side plots but integral to the overall experience.

The popularity of romance in Mass Effect speaks to its execution. The writing and voice acting bring characters to life, making interactions feel genuine. Players often feel a strong emotional connection to their chosen partner, which can lead to memorable moments. These relationships are often cited as highlights of the series.

Mass Effect's approach to romance sets it apart from other games. It treats these relationships with care and complexity, avoiding superficial portrayals. The series shows that romance can be a powerful narrative tool, enhancing the player's immersion and investment in the story.

In conclusion, romance in Mass Effect is a key feature that enriches the game. It offers players the chance to form deep, meaningful connections with characters. These relationships add layers to the narrative, making choices feel impactful. The game's handling of romance is a testament to its commitment to storytelling and player engagement.

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