The Most Popular Romantic Trope, Ranked

Choose the romantic trope you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 28, 2024 06:47
In the world of romance, few things capture the heart like a well-crafted romantic trope. These cherished narratives guide the plot twists and emotional journeys that engage and delight audiences. By participating in the ranking of these tropes, you contribute to an ongoing dialogue about which motifs resonate the most universally and deeply. This engagement not only reflects current trends but also shapes future storytelling in literature and film. Understanding which tropes captivate hearts the most can also offer fascinating insights into the collective emotional pulse of society at any given time. Voting on your favorite romantic scenarios helps to highlight those patterns that have a timeless appeal or those emerging as new favorites. As results fluctuate and new trends are highlighted, each vote plays a critical role in mapping the landscape of romantic storytelling.

What Is the Most Popular Romantic Trope?

  1. 1
    The idea of two people starting off as rivals or enemies, but eventually falling in love, is a popular trope in romantic fiction, movies, and TV shows. This trope creates tension and conflict, which makes the eventual romantic resolution all the more satisfying.
    The Enemies-to-lovers trope involves two characters who start off as adversaries or enemies but eventually develop romantic feelings for each other. It often showcases the growth and transformation of their relationship from animosity to love.
    • Initial Conflict: Characters begin with a strong dislike or hostility towards each other.
    • Unexpected Circumstances: They are forced to spend time together due to various circumstances or external factors.
    • Emotional Tension: There is intense emotional tension and heated arguments between the characters.
    • Unexpected Attraction: One or both characters start experiencing a growing attraction despite their initial animosity.
    • Exploration of Backstories: Their pasts and reasons for their conflict are delved into, leading to understanding and empathy.
  2. 2
    This trope involves two people who were once in a relationship but broke up, only to reunite later in life. This trope is popular because it allows for a more complex and emotionally charged relationship, as the characters must confront their past mistakes and work to rebuild their trust and love.
    Second chance romance is a popular romantic trope that revolves around two individuals who get a second opportunity at love after a breakup or period of separation. It explores the idea that people can change and grow, giving them a chance to right their past mistakes and rekindle their relationship. This trope often involves themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the belief in the power of love to overcome obstacles. It typically follows a narrative where the characters rediscover their feelings for each other and work towards rebuilding their relationship on a stronger foundation.
    • Reunion: The main characters have a chance encounter or deliberately reconnect after a period of separation.
    • Past Relationship: The characters have a romantic history together, with their previous relationship serving as a foundation for their second chance.
    • Growth and Change: The characters undergo personal growth and transformation during their time apart, allowing them to approach the relationship differently.
    • Rebuilding Trust: The characters must rebuild the trust that was lost or damaged in their previous relationship.
    • Redemption: The trope often explores themes of redemption, where characters seek to atone for past mistakes and prove they have changed for the better.
  3. 3
    Similar to enemies-to-lovers, this trope involves two people who start off as friends but eventually fall in love. This trope is popular because it allows for a gradual and natural progression of the relationship, as the characters already have a strong foundation of friendship.
    The 'Friends-to-lovers' trope revolves around two characters who start off as friends and gradually develop romantic feelings for each other, leading to a romantic relationship.
    • Slow burn: The transition from friends to lovers is usually portrayed as a slow and gradual process, building up anticipation and romantic tension.
    • Deep emotional connection: The characters involved share a strong emotional bond as friends before realizing their romantic feelings for each other.
    • Mutual understanding: Friendship serves as a foundation of trust and understanding, making the transition to romantic partners more seamless.
    • Playful banter: There is often a lighthearted dynamic between the characters, involving teasing and humorous banter.
    • Fear of ruining the friendship: The characters may initially resist pursuing a romantic relationship out of fear that it could damage their friendship.
  4. 4
    A classic romantic trope, the love triangle involves three characters who are romantically interested in each other, creating tension and conflict. This trope is popular because it allows for a dramatic and emotional storyline, as the characters must navigate their feelings and choose between two potential love interests.
    The love triangle is a popular romantic trope where a central character is faced with a difficult choice between two potential romantic partners. It creates tension and drama as the character becomes torn between conflicting feelings for both suitors.
    • Conflict: The love triangle revolves around a central conflict where one character must choose between two romantic options.
    • Tension: The trope creates emotional tension as the character is torn between two suitors and the potential consequences of their choice.
    • Emotional depth: Love triangles often explore the complex emotions and internal struggles that arise when a character is torn between two people they care about.
    • Jealousy: Jealousy is a common theme in love triangles, as both suitors may feel threatened or competitive for the affections of the central character.
    • Dynamic relationships: Love triangles explore the dynamics of multiple relationships, including the relationships between the central character and each suitor individually, as well as the dynamic between the two suitors themselves.
  5. 5
    This trope involves two people who are in love but face obstacles that prevent them from being together, such as social class, family disapproval, or cultural differences. This trope is popular because it creates a sense of forbidden passion and longing, which can be very compelling for audiences.
    Forbidden love is a popular romantic trope that revolves around a love relationship that is socially, culturally, or morally prohibited or discouraged. It often involves two individuals who are not allowed to be together due to various reasons, such as societal norms, family expectations, or existing commitments. The forbidden love trope frequently explores themes of sacrifice, passion, and the struggle to overcome obstacles.
    • Emotionally intense: Forbidden love stories tend to evoke strong emotional responses from the audience.
    • Challenging societal norms: It challenges established societal rules and expectations by showcasing a love that defies conventions.
    • Secretive nature: Characters involved in forbidden love often keep their relationship hidden or covert, adding an element of secrecy.
    • Tragic outcomes: Many forbidden love stories end with tragic or bittersweet conclusions, emphasizing the heartbreak and sacrifice.
    • Social and cultural constraints: The love is hindered by social, cultural, or moral constraints that create obstacles for the characters.
  6. 6
    This trope involves two characters who pretend to be in a romantic relationship for various reasons, such as to make someone jealous or to hide their true feelings. This trope is popular because it allows for a fun and playful storyline, as the characters must navigate the challenges of pretending to be in love.
    The 'Fake relationship' is a popular romantic trope in which two individuals pretend to be in a romantic relationship for various reasons, leading to the development of genuine feelings.
    • Initial Pretense: The romance begins with the characters entering into a fake relationship, usually based on a mutual agreement or arrangement.
    • Hidden Motives: One or both characters have ulterior motives for entering the fake relationship, such as gaining social status, evoking jealousy, or avoiding unwanted romantic advances.
    • Emotional Conflict: Amidst maintaining the facade, the characters start experiencing genuine emotions, creating conflict within themselves as they navigate the boundary between pretense and reality.
    • Miscommunication and Tension: Misunderstandings and miscommunications often arise due to the pretense of the relationship, leading to heightened tension and emotional moments.
    • Growing Intimacy: As the fake relationship continues, the characters grow closer and develop a deeper emotional connection, blurring the lines between what is real and what is pretend.
  7. 7
    This trope involves two characters who are very different from each other but fall in love despite their differences. This trope is popular because it creates a sense of excitement and adventure, as the characters must learn to appreciate and accept each other's quirks and personalities.
    The 'Opposites attract' romantic trope revolves around two characters who are fundamentally different in nature, yet ultimately find themselves attracted to each other. This trope explores the notion that individuals with contrasting personalities, backgrounds, or beliefs can form a deep bond and overcome their differences for love.
    • Character traits: The main characters possess opposing personality traits, such as introverted vs. extroverted, serious vs. carefree, or adventurous vs. cautious.
    • Backgrounds: The characters come from different social, cultural, or economic backgrounds, leading to initial clashes or misunderstandings.
    • Interests: Their hobbies, passions, or interests differ greatly, presenting an opportunity for them to learn from and challenge each other.
    • Conflict: The initial attraction is often accompanied by conflicts arising from their differences, creating tension and providing opportunities for character growth.
    • Complementary strengths: Despite their differences, the characters often possess strengths that complement each other, resulting in a balanced and mutually beneficial relationship.
  8. 8
    This trope involves two characters from different socioeconomic backgrounds who fall in love, creating tension and conflict due to their different lifestyles and expectations. This trope is popular because it allows for a exploration of class and social issues, as well as a sense of romantic fantasy.
    The 'Rich/poor romance' is a popular romantic trope that revolves around a love story between individuals from contrasting socioeconomic backgrounds. It typically portrays a wealthy character falling in love with someone who is economically disadvantaged, creating tension and obstacles to overcome in their relationship.
    • Economic disparity:: Highlighting the significant differences in wealth and social status between the romantic leads.
    • Class conflicts:: Exploring the challenges and disapproval faced by the couple due to societal expectations and prejudices.
    • Struggle for acceptance:: Portraying the difficulties the characters face in gaining acceptance from their respective circles, be it the wealthy or the economically disadvantaged.
    • Materialism vs. simplicity:: Contrasting the luxurious lifestyle associated with wealth against the values of simplicity and contentment.
    • Sacrifice and selflessness:: Depicting acts of sacrifice and selflessness as characters navigate the challenges brought by their differing socioeconomic backgrounds.
  9. 9

    Small town romance

    Various authors
    This trope involves two characters who meet and fall in love in a small, close-knit community, creating a sense of warmth and familiarity. This trope is popular because it allows for a exploration of the charm and quirks of small town life, as well as a sense of community and belonging.
    Small town romance is a popular romantic trope that portrays a love story set in a small, close-knit town or community. It often emphasizes the charm and simplicity of small town life, while bringing together two characters who find love amidst the backdrop of familiar faces and local traditions.
    • Setting: Small, close-knit town or community
    • Charm: Emphasizes the charm and simplicity of small town life
    • Love story: Focuses on a central romance between two characters
    • Backdrop: Local traditions and familiar faces play a role in the story
    • Sense of community: Highlights the supportive and interconnected nature of small town residents
  10. 10
    This trope involves two characters who fall in love despite being from different time periods, creating a sense of magical and fantastical romance. This trope is popular because it allows for a exploration of history and time travel, as well as a sense of romantic adventure.
    Time travel romance is a popular romantic trope that involves a love story where one or both of the main characters travel through time. This allows them to meet and fall in love across different time periods, bringing together two souls from different eras. The time travel element adds an exciting and often complex layer to the romance, as the characters navigate the challenges of altering history, dealing with the consequences of their actions, or finding a way to stay together despite the constraints of time.
    • Time periods: Involves characters falling in love across different time periods.
    • Temporal Paradoxes: Often addresses the challenges of altering history or dealing with the consequences of time travel.
    • Love transcending time: Explores the idea of love being stronger than the constraints of time.
    • Dual timelines: Frequently showcases parallel storylines in two different time periods.
    • Historical accuracy: Incorporates accurate historical details and events to enhance the setting.

Missing your favorite romantic trope?


Ranking factors for popular romantic trope

  1. Cultural relevance
    How widespread and well-known is the trope across various cultures and regions? A popular romantic trope would be one that is recognized and appreciated by people from diverse backgrounds.
  2. Timelessness
    A popular romantic trope should stand the test of time, meaning it continues to appeal to audiences across different generations. This can be gauged by how often it appears in literature, movies, and other forms of media over time.
  3. Relatability
    How easily can people identify with the characters and situations depicted in the trope? The more relatable a romantic trope is, the more likely people are to connect with it and find it appealing.
  4. Versatility
    Can the trope be applied to various themes, genres, and types of media? Popular romantic tropes can often be found in different forms of storytelling, from novels and movies to TV shows and music.
  5. Originality
    While certain romantic storylines might be overused, a popular trope will have some element of uniqueness that sets it apart from other similar tropes.
  6. Conflict and resolution
    A compelling romantic trope often involves conflict or obstacles that the protagonists must overcome to achieve their happy ending. The resolution of this conflict can play a significant role in the trope's popularity.
  7. Iconic moments or scenes
    Popular romantic tropes often have memorable scenes or moments that become etched in people's minds and hearts, contributing to their overall popularity.
  8. Popularity and engagement
    Analyze the number of times the trope is used in literature, movies, and other media, as well as audience engagement, such as online discussions, fanfiction, and fan art. The more often a trope appears and the more people engage with it, the more popular it is likely to be.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular romantic trope. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or romantic trope is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 162 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each romantic trope once every 24 hours. The rank of each romantic trope is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular romantic trope

Romantic tropes have been a staple in literature, movies, and television for decades. They are the recurring themes, motifs, or clichés that are used to create a romantic storyline. These tropes often involve the classic elements of love such as passion, heartbreak, and devotion. Some of the most popular romantic tropes include the love triangle, the forbidden romance, the second chance at love, and the opposites attract. However, with so many different romantic tropes out there, it can be difficult to determine which one is the most popular. That's why we've conducted a poll to find out which romantic trope is the favorite among our users. Read on to discover the results and see if your favorite romantic trope made the cut.

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