The Most Popular Singer in Vietnam, Ranked

Choose the singer you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 16, 2024 07:59
Music lovers often look for reliable ways to find out which artists are resonating with audiences at any given time. By focusing on the popularity of singers in Vietnam, fans can gain insights into the prevailing musical trends and what makes certain artists stand out in the vibrant Vietnamese music scene. This live ranking offers a dynamic and interactive experience where your votes directly influence the standings. Engaging with this list not only connects you more deeply with the music scene but also helps in shaping a more accurate reflection of current musical preferences. Your participation is crucial in sculpting the landscape of popular music in Vietnam.

Who Is the Most Popular Singer in Vietnam?

  1. 1
    Sơn Tùng M-TP

    Sơn Tùng M-TP

    A Vietnamese singer-songwriter known for his innovative music and style.
    • Genre: Pop, R&B, Hip Hop
    • Hit Song: "Chạy Ngay Đi"
  2. 2

    Hương Tràm

    Winner of the first season of The Voice Vietnam, known for her soulful voice.
    • Genre: Pop, Ballad
    • Hit Song: "Em Gái Mưa"
  3. 3

    Đức Phúc

    A Vietnamese singer who rose to fame as the winner of a popular singing competition.
    • Genre: Pop, Ballad
    • Hit Song: "Hết Thương Cạn Nhớ"
  4. 4
    Bích Phương

    Bích Phương

    A Vietnamese singer known for her catchy tunes and unique voice.
    • Genre: Pop
    • Hit Song: "Bùa Yêu"
  5. 5

    Noo Phước Thịnh

    A Vietnamese pop singer and actor with a passionate fanbase.
    • Genre: Pop, Ballad
    • Hit Song: "Chạm Khẽ Tim Anh Một Chút Thôi"
  6. 6
    Tóc Tiên

    Tóc Tiên

    Known for her powerful vocals and dynamic performances.
    • Genre: Pop, Dance
    • Hit Song: "Ngày Mai"
  7. 7

    Trúc Nhân

    Known for his unique music style and engaging music videos.
    • Genre: Pop
    • Hit Song: "Thật Bất Ngờ"
  8. 8
    Hồ Ngọc Hà

    Hồ Ngọc Hà

    A multi-talented Vietnamese artist known for her singing, modeling, and acting.
    • Genre: Pop
    • Hit Song: "Không"
  9. 9
    Mỹ Tâm

    Mỹ Tâm

    A prominent Vietnamese pop singer with a significant impact on the music industry.
    • Genre: Pop
    • Hit Song: "Ước Gì"
  10. 10
    Chi Pu

    Chi Pu

    A Vietnamese actress and singer, known for her pop hits and acting roles.
    • Genre: Pop
    • Hit Song: "Từ Hôm Nay (Feel Like Ooh)"

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular singer in Vietnam. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Singer is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 163 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Singer once every 24 hours. The rank of each Singer is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Singer in Vietnam

Sơn Tùng M-TP
Rank #1 for the most popular singer in Vietnam: Sơn Tùng M-TP (Source)
Vietnam's music scene has seen remarkable growth over the years. The most popular singer in Vietnam today commands a vast following. This artist's journey to fame reflects the country's evolving music landscape.

In the early years, traditional music dominated the Vietnamese scene. Folk songs and classical tunes were the norm. However, the influence of Western music began to seep in. This shift brought new genres and styles. Young artists started to experiment with pop, rock, and hip-hop. The most popular singer emerged from this vibrant mix.

This singer's appeal lies in their versatility. They blend traditional Vietnamese sounds with modern beats. This fusion resonates with both older and younger audiences. Their songs often touch on themes of love, life, and personal growth. The relatable lyrics strike a chord with many listeners.

The rise of social media has also played a key role. Platforms like YouTube and Facebook provide a stage for artists to showcase their talent. The most popular singer leveraged these tools effectively. Their music videos attract millions of views. Engaging with fans online, they build a loyal community.

Live performances are another cornerstone of their success. Concerts draw large crowds, eager to see their favorite artist in action. The energy and passion displayed on stage captivate audiences. This connection extends beyond the music itself. Fans feel a personal bond with the singer.

Collaborations with other artists also boost their popularity. By working with international stars, they expand their reach. These partnerships introduce Vietnamese music to a global audience. The singer's ability to adapt and innovate keeps their music fresh and relevant.

Music awards and accolades further cement their status. Winning prestigious titles adds to their credibility. Recognition from peers and industry leaders validates their talent. These achievements inspire the next generation of artists.

The most popular singer's influence goes beyond music. They often engage in philanthropic activities. Supporting various causes, they use their platform for good. This commitment to social issues endears them to fans. It shows a different side of their personality.

Despite their fame, they remain grounded. Interviews reveal a humble and hardworking individual. They acknowledge the support of their fans and team. This humility adds to their charm and appeal.

The future looks bright for this music icon. With each new release, they continue to push boundaries. Their ability to evolve keeps them at the forefront of the industry. As they grow, so does their impact on Vietnamese music.

In conclusion, the most popular singer in Vietnam represents a blend of tradition and modernity. Their journey reflects the dynamic nature of the music scene. Through talent, hard work, and innovation, they have won the hearts of many. Their legacy will likely inspire future generations of artists.

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