The Most Popular Song by Ice Nine Kills, Ranked

Choose the song by Ice Nine Kills you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 25, 2024 06:49
When it comes to bands like Ice Nine Kills, known for their theatrical flair and intricate storytelling through music, every fan has their own personal favorite track. To see which songs resonate the most across their expansive audience, a live ranking based on fan votes offers a clear insight into the crowd favorites. It’s fascinating to see how different songs connect with fans and generate buzz within the community. By participating in this dynamic voting process, not only do you get a chance to ensure your favorite tracks get the recognition they deserve, but you also discover potentially overlooked gems in their discography. This list serves as a real-time reflection of the band's popularity and the impact of their songs. So whether you're a long-time listener or new to their music, your vote helps shape the ever-changing landscape of fan favorites.

What Is the Most Popular Song by Ice Nine Kills?

  1. 1

    A Grave Mistake

    Ice Nine Kills
    This song has over 40 million streams on Spotify and was a top 10 hit on the Billboard Mainstream Rock chart. Its haunting melody and intense lyrics make it a fan favorite.
    A Grave Mistake is a song by Ice Nine Kills. It was released as a single on June 8, 2018, as part of their album 'The Silver Scream'. The song is inspired by the horror film 'The Crow' and incorporates elements of metalcore and post-hardcore genres. It features intense instrumentals, aggressive vocals, and haunting lyrics that tell a dark and tragic story. A Grave Mistake has gained significant popularity among fans, becoming one of Ice Nine Kills' most well-known songs.
    • Release Date: June 8, 2018
    • Album: The Silver Scream
    • Genre: Metalcore, Post-hardcore
    • Inspiration: The Crow (film)
    • Instrumentation: Intense guitars, drums, and bass
  2. 2

    Communion of the Cursed

    Ice Nine Kills
    This song features a catchy chorus and a powerful breakdown that has become a staple of the band's live shows. It has over 18 million streams on Spotify.
    Communion of the Cursed is a song by the American metalcore band Ice Nine Kills. It is one of their most popular tracks, known for its intense sound and dark lyrical theme. The song was released as part of their 2015 album 'Every Trick in the Book'.
    • Genre: Metalcore
    • Album: Every Trick in the Book
    • Year: 2015
    • Length: 4 minutes and 11 seconds
    • Lyricist: Spencer Charnas
  3. 3
    This song is a tribute to the horror movie franchise Halloween and has over 31 million streams on Spotify. Its eerie intro and heavy riffs make it a standout track.
  4. 4

    The American Nightmare

    Ice Nine Kills
    This song was inspired by the character Freddy Krueger from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies and has over 24 million streams on Spotify. Its aggressive lyrics and intense instrumentation make it a fan favorite.
    The American Nightmare
    • Release Date: October 10, 2017
    • Genre: Metalcore, post-hardcore, horror punk
    • Album: The Silver Scream
    • Duration: 3 minutes and 31 seconds
    • Label: Fearless Records
  5. 5

    Your Number's Up

    Ice Nine Kills
    This song is a tribute to the movie Final Destination and has over 11 million streams on Spotify. Its catchy chorus and intense breakdowns make it a standout track on the album.
    Your Number's Up is a popular song by the band Ice Nine Kills. It is a part of their album 'Every Trick in the Book' released in 2015. The song is inspired by the horror novel 'American Psycho' by Bret Easton Ellis and the film adaptation. The lyrics of the song vividly depict gruesome violence and reflect the sinister character of the story. The music is a blend of metalcore and alternative metal, combined with melodic choruses and intense breakdowns. The song is known for its catchy hooks, aggressive instrumentation, and haunting atmospheres.
    • Album: Every Trick in the Book
    • Release Year: 2015
    • Genre: Metalcore, Alternative Metal
    • Inspirations: 'American Psycho' novel and film adaptation
    • Lyrics: Gruesome violence and sinister themes
  6. 6

    Thank God It's Friday

    Ice Nine Kills
    This song is a tribute to the movie Friday the 13th and has over 27 million streams on Spotify. Its catchy chorus and memorable lyrics make it a fan favorite.
    Thank God It's Friday is a popular song by Ice Nine Kills. It is a heavy metal song with horror-themed lyrics inspired by the classic horror film Friday the 13th. The track is known for its intense instrumentation, aggressive vocals, and catchy hooks. The song was released as part of the album The Silver Scream in 2018.
    • Genre: Heavy metal
    • Lyrics: Horror-themed, inspired by Friday the 13th
    • Album: The Silver Scream (2018)
    • Release Date: 2018
    • Intense Instrumentation: Yes
  7. 7
    This song features a guest appearance from rapper J.R. and has over 17 million streams on Spotify. Its heavy instrumentation and aggressive lyrics make it a standout track on the album.
    Savages is a song by Ice Nine Kills, an American metalcore band. It was released on their fourth studio album, 'The Predator Becomes the Prey', in 2014. The song combines intense heavy metal instrumentals with melodic choruses and haunting lyrics, showcasing the band's unique fusion of metalcore and horror themes. The lyrics of Savages draw inspiration from the movie 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' and explore themes of violence and survival. The song quickly became one of Ice Nine Kills' most popular tracks, especially among fans of the horror genre and heavy music enthusiasts.
    • Album: The Predator Becomes the Prey
    • Release Year: 2014
    • Genre: Metalcore
    • Length: 3:31
    • Lyric Themes: Horror, Violence, Survival
  8. 8

    The Jig Is Up

    Ice Nine Kills
    This song features a guest appearance from former Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison and has over 8 million streams on Spotify. Its intense breakdowns and powerful vocals make it a standout track on the album.
    The Jig Is Up is a song by American metalcore band Ice Nine Kills. It was released as a single on October 25, 2019, and is featured on their album 'The Silver Scream' (2018). The song combines heavy instrumentals with intense vocals and provides a mix of hard-hitting metalcore and melodic elements. The lyrics are inspired by the horror film 'Scream' (1996) and showcase the band's signature blend of horror themes and catchy hooks.
    • Producer: Drew Fulk
    • Release Date: October 25, 2019
    • Album: The Silver Scream (2018)
    • Genre: Metalcore
    • Length: 3:34
  9. 9

    Enjoy Your Slay

    Ice Nine Kills
    This song is a tribute to the movie The Shining and has over 6 million streams on Spotify. Its haunting melody and intense instrumentation make it a standout track on the album.
    Enjoy Your Slay is a song by Ice Nine Kills, an American metalcore band known for their theatrical and horror-inspired music. The song is featured on their album 'The Silver Scream', released in 2018. It is inspired by the horror film 'The Shining', directed by Stanley Kubrick.
    • Album: The Silver Scream
    • Year: 2018
    • Genre: Metalcore
    • Inspiration: The Shining
    • Length: 3:51
  10. 10
    IT Is The End
    Hudson6dogs · CC BY-SA 3.0

    IT Is The End

    Ice Nine Kills
    This song is a tribute to the movie IT and has over 5 million streams on Spotify. Its intense breakdowns and powerful vocals make it a standout track on the album.
    IT Is The End is a song by Ice Nine Kills, a post-hardcore band from Boston, Massachusetts. It was released on their fifth studio album, The Silver Scream, in 2018. The song is an homage to the horror film 'IT' based on Stephen King's novel. It combines heavy instrumentation, catchy melodies, and intense vocals to capture the essence of the horror genre. The lyrics of IT Is The End cleverly reference various iconic scenes and characters from the 'IT' story, creating a thrilling and immersive experience for fans of the band and the film.
    • Album: The Silver Scream
    • Release Year: 2018
    • Genre: Post-hardcore
    • Length: 4:04
    • Label: Fearless Records

Missing your favorite song by Ice Nine Kills?


Ranking factors for popular song by Ice Nine Kills

  1. Streams/views
    The number of streams on platforms like Spotify and YouTube can be a good indicator of a song's popularity.
  2. Chart performance
    Check if the song has peaked on music charts, including the Billboard charts.
  3. Fan engagement
    Consider the level of engagement on social media platforms and fan communities, like Reddit and Tumblr. This can include likes, shares, comments, and hashtags.
  4. Critical acclaim
    Look for reviews and see if the song has been positively received by music critics.
  5. Impact on the band's career
    Take note of any milestones or unique achievements that the song has brought to the band's career, such as awards or notable performances.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular song by Ice Nine Kills. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 222 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Song once every 24 hours. The rank of each Song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular song by ice nine kills

Ice Nine Kills is an American metalcore band known for their unique blend of horror-inspired lyrics and heavy instrumentals. Since their formation in 2002, the band has released six studio albums and has amassed a dedicated fan base. Their 2018 album, "The Silver Scream," was a concept album based on horror films and included tracks inspired by movies such as "The Shining" and "Scream." With a distinctive sound and visually stunning music videos, Ice Nine Kills has become a force to be reckoned with in the metalcore scene. In this article, we will explore the most popular songs by Ice Nine Kills as voted by fans on StrawPoll.

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