The Most Popular Stand-up Comedians in India, Ranked

Choose the stand-up comedians you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:26
The world of stand-up comedy in India has increasingly become a vibrant space where voices from myriad regions and backgrounds leap into the limelight. This rise has birthed a diverse array of comedic talents, each bringing a unique flavor to their performances. However, with so many comedians to choose from, finding the best can be a daunting task for fans new and old. By setting up a ranking system where enthusiasts can vote for their preferred stand-up comedians, this system aims to provide clarity and celebrate the talents that resonate most with audiences. Your votes directly influence live rankings, giving a dynamic insight into who is making waves in the comedy circuit across India today.

Who Are the Most Popular Stand-up Comedians in India?

  1. 1
    Zakir Khan

    Zakir Khan

    Known for his unique style of comedy, which involves quintessential Indian middle-class mannerisms.
    • Famous Show: Haq Se Single
  2. 2
    Kanan Gill

    Kanan Gill

    He gained popularity through 'Pretentious Movie Reviews' on YouTube and is known for his witty humor.
    • Famous for: Pretentious Movie Reviews
  3. 3
    Biswa Kalyan Rath

    Biswa Kalyan Rath

    Known for his sarcastic and observational style of comedy, Biswa rose to fame with the YouTube series, 'Pretentious Movie Reviews'.
    • Famous Series: Pretentious Movie Reviews
  4. 4
    Atul Khatri

    Atul Khatri

    One of the leading stand-up comedians in India, known for his fresh and unique take on various aspects of Indian and global culture.
    • Notable Aspect: Oldest Indian stand-up comedian to perform on Netflix
  5. 5

    Abish Mathew

    Known for his work with All India Bakchod and as the host of 'Son of Abish', Abish brings a musical and variety comedy style to the Indian comedy scene.
    • Famous Show: Son of Abish
  6. 6

    Rahul Subramanian

    His comedy mostly revolves around Indian corporate culture, making it highly relatable for anyone who has ever worked in an office.
    • Popular for: Corporate humor
  7. 7
    Anubhav Singh Bassi

    Anubhav Singh Bassi

    Known for his storytelling style, Bassi brings his experiences as a lawyer and UPSC aspirant to the stage with a humorous twist.
    • Background: Former lawyer and UPSC aspirant
  8. 8

    Neeti Palta

    She offers a female perspective to the Indian stand-up comedy scene, with humor that combines observational comedy with anecdotes.
    • Specialty: Female perspective in Indian comedy
  9. 9
    Kenny Sebastian

    Kenny Sebastian

    Popular for his clean humor, Kenny talks about his observations from everyday life.
    • Popular Show: The Most Interesting Person in the Room
  10. 10
    Vir Das

    Vir Das

    An actor and comedian known for his work in Bollywood and his comedy specials on Netflix.
    • Netflix Special: Abroad Understanding

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular stand-up comedians in India. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Comedian is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 100 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Comedian once every 24 hours. The rank of each Comedian is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Stand-up Comedians in India

Zakir Khan
Rank #1 for the most popular stand-up comedians in India: Zakir Khan (Source)
Stand-up comedy in India has seen a rapid rise in recent years. The art form, once limited to small venues, now thrives on digital platforms. It attracts millions of viewers, both young and old. The growth of the internet has played a key role in this shift. Social media and video-sharing sites have become the new stage for comedians.

Indian stand-up comedians often draw from daily life. They talk about family, work, and social issues. Their humor resonates with many because it reflects common experiences. They use wit to address topics that might otherwise be hard to discuss. This approach has won them a loyal audience.

Many comedians started their careers in small clubs. These venues provided a space to test new material. Over time, some performers gained a following. As their popularity grew, so did their opportunities. They began to appear in larger venues and on television. Some even secured deals with streaming platforms. These platforms offer a wider reach and more creative freedom.

Comedy festivals have also contributed to the rise of stand-up in India. These events bring together comedians from across the country. They provide a platform to showcase talent and network with peers. Festivals often feature workshops and panels, helping comedians hone their craft. These gatherings have become a staple in the comedy scene.

The influence of Western stand-up is evident in the Indian comedy landscape. Many comedians cite international acts as inspirations. However, they add a unique twist by incorporating local flavor. This blend of global and local elements makes their acts relatable and fresh.

The rise of stand-up comedy has also sparked a change in public perception. Comedy is now seen as a viable career option. This shift has encouraged more people to pursue it professionally. Comedy clubs have sprung up in major cities, offering regular shows. These clubs serve as breeding grounds for new talent.

The audience for stand-up comedy in India is diverse. It includes people from different age groups and backgrounds. This diversity is reflected in the content of the acts. Comedians tailor their material to appeal to a broad spectrum. Some focus on urban life, while others draw from rural experiences. This variety keeps the scene vibrant and dynamic.

Stand-up comedy has also become a tool for social change. Comedians use their platform to address important issues. They tackle subjects like gender, politics, and mental health. Through humor, they spark conversations and challenge norms. This aspect of stand-up has added depth to the art form.

The future of stand-up comedy in India looks promising. With more platforms and opportunities, the scene continues to grow. New voices emerge, bringing fresh perspectives. Established comedians keep pushing boundaries, exploring new themes and styles. The blend of tradition and innovation ensures that stand-up remains relevant.

In summary, stand-up comedy in India has evolved rapidly. It draws from everyday life, blends global and local elements, and addresses social issues. The scene is diverse and dynamic, reflecting the country's rich cultural tapestry. As it continues to grow, stand-up comedy promises to remain a vital part of India's entertainment landscape.

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