The Most Popular Surname in Northern Ireland, Ranked

Choose the surname you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 26, 2024 06:51
In Northern Ireland, surnames are as much a part of the landscape as the rolling hills and historic castles. They carry with them stories of ancestry and heritage, echoing through time from generations past. By ranking these surnames, we create a living archive that not only celebrates these names but also traces how they weave through the fabric of local communities. This dynamic tally offers a unique glimpse into the cultural and familial trends that shape society. As you participate in shaping this list, you contribute to a broader understanding of how deeply intertwined our identities are with our names. It’s an engaging way to see which surnames are most prevalent today, influenced by your votes and interest.

What Is the Most Popular Surname in Northern Ireland?

  1. 1
    According to the 2019 list of the 100 most common surnames in Northern Ireland, Wilson is the most popular surname, with over 5,000 people having this surname.
    The Wilson is a common family name of English origin that is widely spread across the United Kingdom, United States, and other English-speaking countries. It is derived from the medieval given name Will, a diminutive of William.
    • Origin: English
    • Popularity: Common
    • Countries: United Kingdom, United States, English-speaking countries
    • Derived from: Medieval given name Will
    • Meaning: Son of Will or Will's son
  2. 2
    Campbell is a Scottish surname that is also prevalent in Northern Ireland, with over 4,000 people having this surname.
    Campbell is one of the most popular surnames in Northern Ireland. It originated from Scotland and was brought to Northern Ireland during the Plantation of Ulster in the 17th century. The Campbell clan played a significant role in the region and had strong connections to Scotland.
    • Origin: Scotland
    • Arrival in Northern Ireland: 17th century
    • Clan affiliation: Campbell
    • Significance in Northern Ireland: Prominent surname
    • Connections to Scotland: Strong
  3. 3
    Robinson is a popular English surname that is also quite common in Northern Ireland, with over 3,000 people having this surname.
  4. 4
    Thompson is a surname of English and Scottish origin that is quite common in Northern Ireland, with over 3,000 people having this surname.
    Thompson is a commonly found last name in Australia, with its origins rooted in England and Scotland. The name is derived from the ancient surname 'Tomson' meaning 'son of Thomas'. Over time, Thompson has become one of the most popular and widespread surnames in the country.
    • Origin: England and Scotland
    • Meaning: 'Son of Thomas'
    • Popularity: One of the most common last names in Australia
    • Spelling Variations: Thomson, Tomson
    • Distribution: Widespread across Australia
  5. 5
    Brown is a popular English and Scottish surname that is also quite common in Northern Ireland, with over 2,500 people having this surname.
    Brown is a warm and versatile epoxy floor color that adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space. It is known for its natural and classic appeal, mimicking the warm tones of wood or earth. The brown epoxy floor is a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications, as it complements a wide range of interior styles.
    • Color Family: Brown
    • Finish: Glossy or matte
    • Application: Indoor and Outdoor
    • Durability: High
    • Resistance: Chemicals, stains, impacts, and scratches
  6. 6
    Stewart is a Scottish surname that is also prevalent in Northern Ireland, with over 2,500 people having this surname.
    Stewart is one of the most popular surnames in Northern Ireland. It is of Scottish origin and is derived from the occupational name for a steward or keeper of a household.
    • Origin: Scottish
    • Meaning: Steward or keeper of a household
    • Popularity: Most popular surname in Northern Ireland
    • Alternate Spellings: Stuart, Steward
    • Variants: Steuart, Stuard, Steward
  7. 7
    Moore is an English and Scottish surname that is also quite common in Northern Ireland, with over 2,000 people having this surname.
  8. 8
    Allen is a surname of English and Irish origin that is quite common in Northern Ireland, with over 2,000 people having this surname.
    The surname 'Allen' is one of the most popular surnames in Northern Ireland. It has its origins in various sources, including the Gaelic name 'Ó h-Ailín' meaning 'descendant of Ailín', and the English and Scottish name 'Alan' derived from the Old Breton name 'Alaun'. The surname has a rich and diverse history in Northern Ireland, with numerous notable individuals carrying this name throughout the years.
    • Origin: Gaelic and English/Scottish
    • Meaning: Descendant of Ailín (Gaelic), or derived from the Old Breton name 'Alaun' (English/Scottish)
    • Popularity: One of the most popular surnames in Northern Ireland
    • Variants: Allan, Alan, Allin, Allanach, MacAllen, etc.
    • Geographical Distribution: Predominantly found in counties Antrim, Down, and Armagh
  9. 9
    McLaughlin is an Irish surname that is quite popular in Northern Ireland, with over 2,000 people having this surname.
    McLaughlin is a popular surname that originated in Northern Ireland. It is predominantly found among the Irish and Scottish communities. The name McLaughlin is derived from the Gaelic form 'Mac Lochlainn', which means 'son of Lochlann'.
    • Origin: Northern Ireland
    • Meaning: Son of Lochlann
    • Ethnicity: Irish, Scottish
    • Language: Gaelic
    • Popularity: High in Northern Ireland
  10. 10
    Gallagher is an Irish surname that is also quite popular in Northern Ireland, with over 2,000 people having this surname.
    Gallagher is a popular surname in Northern Ireland with roots tracing back to Gaelic origin. It is derived from the Irish surname Ó Gallchobhair, meaning 'foreign assistance' or 'foreign aid'. The Gallagher surname is predominantly found in the counties of Donegal and Derry/Londonderry in Northern Ireland.
    • Origin: Gaelic
    • Meaning: Foreign assistance
    • Region: Northern Ireland
    • Common variations: {"Ó Gallchobhair","O'Gallagher","Gallaher"}
    • Frequency: Highly prevalent

Missing your favorite surname?


Ranking factors for popular surname

  1. Population
    The surname with the highest number of people having that name should be ranked higher than surnames with smaller numbers.
  2. Historical significance
    Some surnames may be more common in certain areas due to factors such as migration patterns or historical events.
  3. Ethnic diversity
    Northern Ireland has a mix of ethnicities, and surnames from various cultures may be popular.
  4. Frequency of use
    Surnames that are more commonly used in everyday conversation and media may be more popular than others.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular surname in Northern Ireland. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Last is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 191 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Last once every 24 hours. The rank of each Last is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular surname in northern ireland

Northern Ireland is a country steeped in history and culture, with a rich heritage that spans centuries. One aspect of this heritage is the surnames that are commonly found among the people of Northern Ireland. The most popular surname in this region is an interesting topic of discussion, as it provides insight into the ancestry and history of the people who live here. From the traditional Irish surnames to those of English, Scottish or Welsh origin, the surname diversity in Northern Ireland is truly fascinating. Through the analysis of polls and surveys, we can get a better understanding of what the most popular surnames are and how they reflect the region's history and people.

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