The Most Popular Tank Game, Ranked

Choose the tank game you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:13
Choosing the right tank game can be a daunting task given the variety of options available. Each game offers a unique blend of strategy, action, and graphics, making it difficult to decide which one might suit your taste without spending hours on research. A ranked list of the most popular tank games provides a quick and easy solution by highlighting the top choices as voted by fellow gamers. This dynamic listing updates in real-time as new votes are cast, ensuring that the ranking always reflects the current preferences of the gaming community. By participating in the voting process, not only do you contribute to the accuracy and reliability of the rankings, but you also get a chance to influence which games gain more recognition and popularity. This democratic approach helps new players and seasoned gamers alike find their next favorite game efficiently.

What Is the Most Popular Tank Game?

  1. 1

    World of Tanks

    A multiplayer online game featuring mid-20th century era combat vehicles.
    • Developer: Wargaming
    • Release Year: 2010
  2. 2

    War Thunder

    A cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment.
    • Developer: Gaijin Entertainment
    • Release Year: 2013
  3. 3
    Armored Warfare

    Armored Warfare

    A free-to-play multiplayer tactical military video game that puts you in control of modern tanks, armored vehicles, and more.
    • Developer: Obsidian Entertainment initially, now developed by
    • Release Year: 2015
  4. 4

    Panzer Elite Action: Fields of Glory

    A World War II tank action game that lets players experience the thrill of commanding a tank in battle.
    • Developer: ZootFly
    • Release Year: 2006
  5. 5

    Tanki Online

    A free-to-play 3D browser based tank game built on Flash technology.
    • Developer: AlternativaPlatform
    • Release Year: 2009
  6. 6

    Tank Force

    A game combining the best qualities of a tank simulator and thrilling arcade battles.
    • Developer: Extreme Developers
    • Release Year: 2017
  7. 7

    Battle City

    A multi-directional shooter video game for the Family Computer produced and published by Namco.
    • Developer: Namco
    • Release Year: 1985
  8. 8

    Panzer Front

    A WWII tank simulation game, presenting a realistic scenario and battlefield conditions.
    • Developer: Enterbrain
    • Release Year: 1999
  9. 9

    Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942

    A simulation game dedicated to the events of the Battle of Kharkov.
    • Developer: Graviteam
    • Release Year: 2008
  10. 10

    World of Tanks Blitz

    A free-to-play mobile MMO action game developed by Wargaming, the award-winning online game developer and publisher of World of Tanks.
    • Developer: Wargaming
    • Release Year: 2014

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular tank game. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or tank game is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 136 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each tank game once every 24 hours. The rank of each tank game is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Tank Game

Tank games have a long history in the world of video games. They have captured the interest of players for decades. The concept is simple yet engaging. Players control tanks, navigate terrains, and engage in battles. The appeal lies in the blend of strategy and action.

Early tank games were basic. They featured simple graphics and controls. Players often viewed the action from above. The goal was to destroy enemy tanks while avoiding being hit. These games laid the groundwork for future developments.

As technology advanced, so did tank games. Graphics improved, making the experience more immersive. Developers added more features. Players could now choose from different tanks, each with unique abilities. The environments became more detailed. Weather conditions and varied terrains added complexity.

Multiplayer modes became a key feature. Players could now compete against each other. This added a new layer of excitement. It wasn't just about beating the computer anymore. It was about outsmarting real opponents. This shift made tank games even more popular.

Online play took things to another level. Players from around the world could now battle each other. Online forums and communities sprang up. Players shared tips, strategies, and stories. This sense of community kept players engaged.

Developers continued to innovate. They introduced new game modes. Some focused on team-based play. Others offered solo missions with complex objectives. Customization became a big draw. Players could modify their tanks to suit their play style. This added a personal touch to the game.

Sound design also improved. Realistic sound effects and music enhanced the experience. The roar of engines, the blast of cannons, and the clatter of tracks added to the immersion. These elements made the game feel more real.

The rise of mobile gaming brought tank games to a wider audience. Players could now enjoy these games on the go. Mobile versions retained the core elements. They offered quick matches and easy controls. This made them accessible to casual gamers.

Esports also embraced tank games. Tournaments with large prize pools attracted top players. These events were streamed online, drawing huge audiences. This competitive scene added prestige to the genre.

Despite changes, the core appeal of tank games remained the same. They offered a mix of strategy and action. Players had to think ahead and react quickly. This balance kept the gameplay engaging.

Tank games continue to evolve. Virtual reality and augmented reality are the next frontiers. These technologies promise even more immersive experiences. Players will feel like they are inside the tank, navigating the battlefield.

The future looks bright for tank games. They have a loyal fan base and a rich history. Developers keep pushing the boundaries. New features and technologies keep the genre fresh. Tank games will likely remain a staple in the world of video games for years to come.

In summary, tank games have come a long way. They started simple but have grown complex. They offer a unique blend of strategy and action. With continued innovation, they will keep captivating players.

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