The Most Popular Twilight Book, Ranked

Choose the book you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 19, 2024 07:15
Fans of the Twilight series often have strong opinions about which book stands out as the best. Each book brings something unique to the table, whether it’s the depth of character development or the twists in the plot. By ranking their favorite, readers help fellow enthusiasts see which book resonates most with the community. This list isn’t just about finding out which book tops the charts, but also a way to engage with the community about why certain stories stir the passions of readers. As votes accumulate, the list becomes a dynamic reflection of the ever-changing opinions and new readers joining the community. Encouraging participation helps ensure that all perspectives are included in shaping this list.

What Is the Most Popular Twilight Book?

  1. 1


    The first book in the Twilight Saga, introducing Bella Swan and Edward Cullen.
    • Publication Year: 2005
    • Genre: Young adult, Fantasy, Romance
  2. 2

    New Moon

    The second book in the Twilight Saga, focusing on Bella's deep depression after Edward's departure.
    • Publication Year: 2006
    • Genre: Young adult, Fantasy, Romance
  3. 3


    The third book in the Twilight Saga, dealing with a series of mysterious killings in Seattle and Bella's love triangle.
    • Publication Year: 2007
    • Genre: Young adult, Fantasy, Romance
  4. 4

    Breaking Dawn

    The fourth and final book in the Twilight Saga, covering Bella and Edward's marriage and her subsequent transformation into a vampire.
    • Publication Year: 2008
    • Genre: Young adult, Fantasy, Romance
  5. 5

    Midnight Sun

    A companion novel to the Twilight series, retelling the events of Twilight from Edward Cullen's perspective.
    • Publication Year: 2020
    • Genre: Young adult, Fantasy, Romance
  6. 6

    The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

    A novella in the Twilight series, telling the story of a newborn vampire mentioned briefly in Eclipse.
    • Publication Year: 2010
    • Genre: Young adult, Fantasy, Novella
  7. 7

    Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined

    A reimagining of the original Twilight novel with swapped gender roles, released for the 10th anniversary of Twilight.
    • Publication Year: 2015
    • Genre: Young adult, Fantasy, Romance
  8. 8

    Twilight: The Graphic Novel

    A graphic novel adaptation of the first Twilight book, offering a visual representation of the story.
    • Publication Year: 2010
    • Genre: Graphic novel, Young adult, Fantasy, Romance
  9. 9

    Eclipse: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion

    A companion book to the Eclipse movie, providing insights into the making of the film.
    • Publication Year: 2010
    • Genre: Movie companion, Non-fiction
  10. 10

    New Moon: The Graphic Novel

    A graphic novel adaptation of the second book in the Twilight Saga.
    • Publication Year: 2013
    • Genre: Graphic novel, Young adult, Fantasy, Romance

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Twilight book. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or book is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 195 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each book once every 24 hours. The rank of each book is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Twilight Book

The Twilight series, written by Stephenie Meyer, has captivated millions of readers worldwide. The series blends romance, fantasy, and drama, creating a compelling narrative that appeals to a wide audience. The most popular book in the series stands out for its intense plot and emotional depth.

The story centers on a human girl and a vampire. Their relationship faces many challenges, both from within their worlds and from external threats. The vampire's family plays a significant role in the story, adding layers to the narrative. Each family member brings a unique perspective, enriching the plot.

The book's setting is a small, rainy town. The weather adds to the story's mood, creating a sense of mystery and suspense. The town's isolation also emphasizes the characters' struggles and their need to protect their secrets.

The book explores themes of love, loyalty, and identity. The characters grapple with their desires and the consequences of their choices. These themes resonate with readers, making the story relatable despite its supernatural elements.

One of the key factors in the book's popularity is its relatable protagonist. Readers see the world through her eyes, experiencing her emotions and dilemmas. Her inner conflicts and growth throughout the story make her a compelling character.

The vampire love interest is equally captivating. His struggle with his nature and his desire to protect the protagonist adds tension to the story. His character combines strength and vulnerability, making him a memorable figure.

The book's pacing keeps readers engaged from start to finish. The plot moves quickly, with each chapter ending on a note that makes readers eager to continue. The balance between action and character development ensures that the story remains dynamic.

The book also introduces a love triangle, adding complexity to the protagonist's emotions. This element creates suspense and keeps readers guessing about the outcome. The love triangle is a common trope in romance, but it is executed well in this book, adding to its appeal.

The book's release sparked a phenomenon. Fans of all ages connected with the characters and the story. The series' success led to adaptations, expanding its reach and influence. The book's impact on popular culture is undeniable, with references appearing in various media.

The writing style is accessible, making the book easy to read. The language is straightforward, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the story without distraction. This accessibility contributes to the book's broad appeal.

The book's themes and characters have sparked discussions and debates among fans and critics. Some appreciate the depth and complexity of the story, while others critique certain aspects. Regardless, the book's ability to generate conversation speaks to its significance.

In summary, the most popular book in the Twilight series captivates readers with its engaging plot, relatable characters, and emotional depth. Its success is a testament to its ability to connect with a wide audience, making it a standout in contemporary literature.

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