The Most Popular Voltron Ship, Ranked

Choose the ship you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 06:53
In the world of fandom, the relationships between characters can often take on a life of their own, creating vibrant discussions and passionate debates. With Voltron, the array of character dynamics has spawned numerous fan theories and ships, each with its own dedicated following. Ranking these ships provides clarity and a sense of community consensus on which relationships resonate the most with the audience. By participating in this ranking, fans contribute their voice to a collective narrative, shaping how the community views these character relationships. This interactive ranking not only provides insights into the most beloved pairings but also encourages a deeper engagement with the content and camaraderie among fans. It's an engaging way for newcomers and long-time viewers alike to see which ships are sailing the strongest in the Voltron universe.

What Is the Most Popular Voltron Ship?

  1. 1
    This ship is one of the most popular in the Voltron fandom. Fans love the dynamic between Keith and Lance, and their moments of banter and tension.
    Klance is a popular ship in the Voltron fandom, referring to a romantic or sexual relationship between Keith and Lance, two characters from the animated series Voltron: Legendary Defender. It is a fan-created ship that gained significant attention and following within the fandom.
    • Ship Name: Klance
    • Characters: Keith and Lance
    • Category: Romantic/sexual relationship
    • Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
    • Popularity: Very popular within the fandom
  2. 2
    Shiro and Keith have a strong mentor-mentee relationship, and some fans interpret it as romantic.
    Sheith (Shiro and Keith) is a popular ship in the Voltron: Legendary Defender fandom. It revolves around the romantic or sexual relationship between Shiro and Keith, two of the main characters in the show. Fans who support this ship often portray the deep bond and connection these characters share, highlighting their trust, loyalty, and shared experiences as Paladins of Voltron.
    • Ship Name: Sheith
    • Characters: Shiro (Takashi Shirogane) and Keith (Keith Kogane)
    • Relationship Type: Romantic or sexual
    • Shared Traits: Trust, loyalty, leadership qualities
    • Shared Experiences: Paladins of Voltron, fighting the Galra Empire
  3. 3
    This ship gained popularity in the later seasons of the show, as Shiro and Allura developed a closer bond.
    Shallura is a popular ship in the Voltron fandom, pairing the characters Shiro and Allura from the animated television series 'Voltron: Legendary Defender'. The ship gained significant traction due to the evolving relationship between Shiro, the skilled leader of the Paladins, and Allura, the brave princess of Altea. Fans were captivated by their deepening emotional connection and shared moments of vulnerability throughout the series.
    • Ship Name: Shallura
    • Voltron Series: 'Voltron: Legendary Defender'
    • Characters: Shiro and Allura
    • Relationship Type: Romantic
    • Canon Status: Non-canon
  4. 4
    Although Adam only appeared briefly in the show, his relationship with Shiro was touching and many fans ship them.
    Adashi, also known as Adam and Shiro, is a popular ship in the Voltron: Legendary Defender fandom. It romanticizes the relationship between two characters, Adam W. Holt and Takashi 'Shiro' Shirogane. The ship gained popularity after the release of the seventh season of the animated series, where Adam was introduced as Shiro's former partner and love interest.
    • Ship Name: Adashi (Adam and Shiro)
    • Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
    • Origin: Adashi ship originated from the Voltron fandom and gained popularity online.
    • Relationship: Romantic
    • Characters: Adam W. Holt and Takashi 'Shiro' Shirogane
  5. 5
    Hunk and Lance have a close friendship, and some fans enjoy imagining them as a romantic pair.
    Hance is a popular ship in the Voltron fandom that pairs the characters Hunk and Lance together romantically or platonically. It explores the dynamics between the characters, often showcasing their close friendship and supporting each other in the face of adversity. Fans enjoy the humorous interactions and the potential for growth in their relationship.
    • Ship Name: Hance
    • Relationship Type: Romantic or platonic
    • Characters: Hunk and Lance
    • Dynamics: Close friendship and support
    • Tropes: Humor, comfort, character growth
  6. 6
    Lotor and Allura had a complex and fraught relationship throughout the show, which some fans ship.
    Lotura (Lotor and Allura) is a popular ship in the Voltron fandom that pairs Lotor, the former prince of the Galra Empire, with Allura, the princess and leader of the Voltron team. This ship gained popularity due to their complex dynamic and the potential for redemption and growth in Lotor's character.
    • Ship Name: Lotura
    • Fandom: Voltron
    • Character 1: Lotor
    • Character 2: Allura
    • Ship Type: Romantic
  7. 7
    Pidge and Lance have a playful dynamic, and some fans see romantic potential between them.
  8. 8
    Keith and Allura have a strong bond as teammates, and some fans see romantic potential there.
    Kallura (Keith and Allura) is a popular ship in the Voltron: Legendary Defender fandom, featuring the romantic pairing of Keith, the Red Paladin, and Allura, the princess of Altea. This ship gained substantial attention due to their close bond, shared experiences, and moments of mutual support throughout the series.
    • Chemistry: Keith and Allura share a strong on-screen chemistry, marked by their deep emotional connection.
    • Similar Destiny: Both Keith and Allura are part of the team fighting against the Galra Empire, making their shared destiny a central aspect of their relationship.
    • Opposites Attract: Keith's more impulsive and hot-headed nature contrasts with Allura's regal and composed personality, creating an intriguing dynamic.
    • Shared Growth: Throughout the series, Keith and Allura grow individually and in their relationship, facing challenges and finding strength together.
    • Emotional Support: They often offer each other emotional support during tough times, showcasing a deep understanding and empathy for one another.
  9. 9
    Shiro and Hunk have a close friendship and respect for one another, which some fans interpret as romantic.
    Shunk is a popular Voltron ship in the fanfiction and fandom community, which pairs Shiro and Hunk as a romantic couple. It explores the potential romantic relationship between these two characters from the animated series. The ship is commonly depicted in fan art, fanfiction, and other fan-created content.
    • Ship Name: Shunk
    • Characters: Shiro (Takashi Shirogane) and Hunk (Hunk Garrett)
    • Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
    • Ship Type: Romantic
    • Status: Popular ship in the Voltron fandom
  10. 10
    This ship imagines a polyamorous relationship between Shiro, Allura, and Lance.
    Shallurance is a popular ship in the Voltron fandom that revolves around the romantic relationship between Shiro, Allura, and Lance. This ship explores a polyamorous dynamic, showcasing the emotional connections and love between the three characters.
    • Ship Name: Shallurance
    • Characters: Shiro, Allura, and Lance
    • Relationship Dynamic: Polyamorous
    • Romantic Involvement: Romantic relationship between all three characters
    • Emotional Connections: Explores the deep emotional connections between the characters

Missing your favorite ship?


Ranking factors for popular ship

  1. Canon vs. Fanon
    Canon ships are those that are supported by the source material, while fanon ships are those that are supported by the fans through their own interpretation of the characters and relationships.
  2. Character Compatibility
    The compatibility of the characters involved in a ship, including their personalities, chemistry, and interactions.
  3. Storyline Importance
    The importance of the ship to the overall storyline and plot of the Voltron series.
  4. Fan Response
    The response and popularity of the ship among the fans, including fan art, fan fiction, and social media activity.
  5. Longevity
    The longevity of the ship's popularity over time, which can indicate its lasting impact on the fandom.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Voltron ship. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or ship is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 207 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each ship once every 24 hours. The rank of each ship is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular voltron ship

Voltron is a popular animated television series that has captured the hearts of fans all over the world. The show centers around a team of five pilots, who each control a giant robotic lion that can combine to form the titular character, Voltron. As with many fandoms, fans have taken to creating their own ships, or relationships between characters. In the case of Voltron, there are many different ships, or pairings, that fans have come to love. From the popular Klance ship, which pairs Keith and Lance, to the lesser-known Sheith ship, which pairs Shiro and Keith, there are many different opinions on which ship is the most popular. At StrawPoll, we've hosted thousands of polls on this topic, and the results are always fascinating. So, which Voltron ship is the most popular? Let's take a look!

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