The Most Popular YouTube Gardening Channel, Ranked

Choose the channel you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 07:18
Gardening enthusiasts often turn to YouTube to find tips, inspiration, and guidance for cultivating their gardens. With the myriad of gardening channels available, it can be quite overwhelming to sift through them to find the one that best suits your gardening style and needs. A ranked list of the most popular YouTube gardening channels can serve as a crucial tool for both novice and experienced gardeners alike. This ranked list is dynamically created based on user votes, reflecting current preferences and trends in the gardening community. By participating in the voting process, users contribute to a more tailored and useful resource, helping to highlight channels that offer valuable content. This makes it easier for everyone to access high-quality gardening advice and ideas, enhancing their own gardening practices.

What Is the Most Popular YouTube Gardening Channel?

  1. 1

    Epic Gardening

    Epic Gardening teaches viewers about urban gardening, hydroponics, and sustainable living, making it accessible for people with limited space.
    • Subscribers: 1.5M
    • Videos: Over 1,000
  2. 2

    Self Sufficient Me

    Self Sufficient Me is a channel that focuses on self-sufficiency, permaculture, and sustainable living, encouraging viewers to grow their own food.
    • Subscribers: 1.3M
    • Videos: Over 600
  3. 3

    The Rusted Garden

    The Rusted Garden provides viewers with gardening tips, seed starting guides, and pest control solutions, focusing on vegetable gardening.
    • Subscribers: 380K
    • Videos: Over 800
  4. 4

    Garden Answer

    Garden Answer is a popular YouTube channel known for its helpful gardening tips, DIY garden projects, and detailed plant care guides.
    • Subscribers: 1.2M
    • Videos: Over 1,400
  5. 5

    California Gardening

    California Gardening offers advice on growing a variety of plants in the unique climate of California, from vegetables to exotic flowers.
    • Subscribers: 430K
    • Videos: Over 500
  6. 6


    MIgardener is a channel that offers simple and sustainable gardening tips, focusing on growing organic produce efficiently.
    • Subscribers: 1.08M
    • Videos: Over 1,100
  7. 7

    Charles Dowding

    Charles Dowding is an advocate of no-dig gardening, sharing his expertise and methods for growing vegetables with minimal soil disturbance.
    • Subscribers: 400K
    • Videos: Over 500
  8. 8

    HuwsNursery - Grow Organic Produce Inexpensively

    HuwsNursery focuses on growing organic produce inexpensively, offering tips on budget gardening, permaculture, and creating a sustainable garden.
    • Subscribers: 290K
    • Videos: Over 400
  9. 9


    GrowVeg focuses on vegetable gardening, providing viewers with plans, advice, and tips to grow their own food, regardless of the garden size.
    • Subscribers: 740K
    • Videos: Over 400
  10. 10

    Gardening Australia

    Gardening Australia is a comprehensive channel that covers a wide range of gardening topics, from native plants to garden design and maintenance.
    • Subscribers: Not specified
    • Videos: Hundreds

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular YouTube gardening channel. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or channel is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 168 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each channel once every 24 hours. The rank of each channel is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular YouTube Gardening Channel

Gardening has seen a rise in popularity, with many turning to YouTube for tips and inspiration. Among the vast sea of content, a few channels stand out, drawing millions of viewers. These channels offer a mix of practical advice, engaging content, and a personal touch that keeps people coming back.

The most popular gardening channels often start with simple, relatable beginnings. Many creators begin by sharing their own gardening journey. They document their successes and failures, providing a genuine look at what it takes to grow a thriving garden. This honesty resonates with viewers, who appreciate the real-life experiences and lessons learned.

Content on these channels covers a wide range of topics. From how to start a garden from scratch to advanced techniques for seasoned gardeners, there is something for everyone. Viewers can find videos on planting, pruning, pest control, and even garden design. The variety ensures that no matter what stage of gardening someone is in, they can find helpful information.

One key to the success of these channels is the personality of the creators. They often have a warm, approachable demeanor that makes viewers feel like they are learning from a friend. This connection builds a loyal audience who return for new content and engage with the community. The interaction between creators and viewers adds a layer of depth to the content, making it more than just instructional videos.

The production quality of these channels also plays a role. Many invest in good cameras and editing software to produce clear, visually appealing videos. High-quality visuals help viewers see the details of gardening techniques, making it easier to follow along. Some creators also use drone footage to showcase their gardens from unique angles, adding a professional touch.

Consistency is another important factor. Popular channels often have a regular posting schedule, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. This reliability helps build anticipation and keeps the audience engaged. Over time, viewers come to expect and look forward to new videos, which helps the channel grow.

Collaborations with other creators and experts in the field also contribute to the popularity of these channels. By featuring guest appearances, they bring fresh perspectives and new ideas to their audience. These collaborations can introduce viewers to different gardening styles and techniques, broadening their knowledge and inspiring them to try new things.

In addition to videos, many of these channels have expanded their reach through other platforms. They may have blogs, social media accounts, or even books that offer additional content and resources. This multi-platform presence helps them connect with a wider audience and provides more ways for viewers to engage with their content.

The rise of popular gardening channels on YouTube reflects a growing interest in gardening. These channels offer valuable information, inspiration, and a sense of community. They make gardening accessible to everyone, regardless of experience level. By sharing their passion and knowledge, these creators help others discover the joys of gardening and the satisfaction of growing their own plants.

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