The Most Popular Zombie Game on Roblox, Ranked

Choose the zombie game you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:17
With the multitude of zombie games available on Roblox, finding the one that matches your taste and expectations can often feel overwhelming. Determining which game stands out due to its engaging gameplay, challenging scenarios, and innovative features is crucial for both new and seasoned players. This is where the importance of a community-driven ranking comes into play, offering a clear overview of what games are resonating with the audience. By participating in the voting process, users not only contribute to a more accurate ranking but also help shape the gaming experience for fellow enthusiasts. This dynamic voting system ensures that the rankings reflect the current trends and player preferences. Such feedback is invaluable as it guides developers in enhancing their games and helps new players in making informed choices about where to invest their time.

What Is the Most Popular Zombie Game on Roblox?

  1. 1

    Zombie Rush

    Players can team up to fend off waves of zombies or become a zombie to infect survivors.
    • Developer: Beacon Studio
    • Genre: Survival, Shooter
  2. 2

    Zombie Attack

    A fast-paced survival game where players fight off waves of zombies with friends.
    • Developer: Wenkly Studio
    • Genre: Survival, Shooter
  3. 3

    Zombie Uprising

    A challenging game where players must survive against hordes of zombies using a wide range of weapons.
    • Developer: The Real USSF
    • Genre: Survival, Shooter
  4. 4

    Field Trip Z

    A story-driven zombie game where players experience a zombie outbreak during a school field trip.
    • Developer: Splitting Point Studios
    • Genre: Adventure, Story
  5. 5

    Project Lazarus: Zombies

    A classic round-based survival game inspired by Call of Duty's Zombies mode.
    • Developer: Logitech101
    • Genre: Survival, Shooter
  6. 6

    Zombie Strike

    A team-based shooter where players complete missions and fight bosses to save the world from a zombie apocalypse.
    • Developer: Good Ape
    • Genre: Shooter, Adventure
  7. 7

    Zombie Defense Tycoon

    A tycoon game where players build up their base to defend against zombie invasions.
    • Developer: Char Studio
    • Genre: Tycoon, Strategy
  8. 8

    Zombie Hunting Simulator

    A simulator game where players hunt zombies to earn coins and upgrade their gear.
    • Developer: Infinite Tycoon
    • Genre: Simulator, Shooter
  9. 9

    Zombie Apocalypse Roleplay: From Scratch

    A roleplay game set in a post-apocalyptic world where players must survive against zombies.
    • Developer: jopede
    • Genre: Roleplay, Survival
  10. 10

    Brain Simulator

    A unique twist on the zombie genre where players grow their zombie horde to take over the world.
    • Developer: ArkhamDeluxe
    • Genre: Simulator, Strategy

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular zombie game on Roblox. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Zombie game is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 110 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Zombie game once every 24 hours. The rank of each Zombie game is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Zombie Game on Roblox

Roblox offers many games, but zombie games stand out. These games attract many players. They mix excitement with survival. Players face zombie hordes and must stay alive. The concept is simple yet thrilling.

In these games, players often start with basic tools. As they progress, they gain better weapons. The goal is to fend off zombies and survive waves of attacks. Each wave becomes harder, pushing players to improve their skills. The challenge keeps them engaged.

Many zombie games on Roblox feature team play. Players can join forces to fight zombies. This adds a social element. Working together, they plan strategies. Communication is key. Players often use in-game chat to coordinate. This teamwork builds a sense of community.

The settings of these games vary. Some take place in cities. Others are set in forests or abandoned buildings. Each setting offers unique challenges. Players must adapt to their environment. This variety keeps the gameplay fresh.

Roblox developers often update these games. They add new features, weapons, and challenges. These updates keep players returning. Developers listen to feedback from the community. This interaction helps improve the game.

Zombie games on Roblox also have different modes. Some focus on survival. Others have story-driven missions. These modes cater to different player preferences. Some players enjoy the endless waves of zombies. Others prefer completing missions with a clear goal.

Customization is another key aspect. Players can often customize their characters. They can choose different outfits and gear. This personalization adds a fun element. It allows players to express themselves in the game.

The popularity of these games also comes from their accessibility. Roblox is available on many platforms. Players can join from PCs, consoles, or mobile devices. This wide reach means more players can enjoy the games.

Graphics in these games are simple but effective. They create an immersive experience. Sound effects and music add to the atmosphere. The combination of visuals and audio enhances the tension.

Zombie games on Roblox also encourage creativity. Some games let players build defenses. They can create barriers to slow down zombies. This building aspect adds another layer of strategy. Players must think ahead and plan their defenses.

The community around these games is active. Players share tips and strategies online. They discuss updates and new features. This interaction extends beyond the game. It creates a larger community of fans.

In conclusion, zombie games on Roblox are popular for many reasons. They offer a mix of excitement, challenge, and social interaction. The variety of settings, modes, and customization options keep players engaged. Regular updates and community involvement ensure the games stay fresh. These elements combined make zombie games a favorite on Roblox.

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