The Most Random Song, Ranked

Choose the song you think is the most random!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 26, 2024 06:54
Imagine stumbling across a tune so oddly catchy, it sticks with you all day, but you can't seem to categorize it under common musical genres. Such songs often don't get the spotlight in traditional music charts despite having a unique charm that can turn any mundane day into an amusing memory. By ranking these offbeat tracks, we give them the recognition they mysteriously deserve and provide a curated collection of curiosities for music lovers. Every vote here casts a spotlight on these quirky melodies, potentially shaping a list as unpredictable and diverse as our musical tastes. This isn't just about finding the next big hit; it's about celebrating the unusual and the memorable. Engaging in this ranking allows you to contribute to a collective exploration of musical oddities, where each contribution reshapes the landscape of this eccentric compilation.

What Is the Most Random Song?

  1. 1
    This song is popular at weddings and other celebrations, and features a series of random clucks, flaps, and waddles that are meant to resemble a chicken.
    The Chicken Dance is a popular GoNoodle dance video that involves imitating the movements of a chicken. It is a fun and energetic dance that encourages kids to get up, move, and be silly. The Chicken Dance video is set to an upbeat music track and is designed to get children active and engaged.
    • Video duration: 2 minutes
    • Target audience: Children
    • Difficulty level: Easy
    • Activity type: Dance
    • Participation: Individual or group
    The Chicken Dance in other rankings
  2. 2
    This viral sensation features nonsensical lyrics and animal sounds, including the question "What does the fox say?"
    What Does the Fox Say? is a novelty dance-pop song that became an internet sensation in 2013. It features absurd and humorous lyrics that attempt to answer the question of what sound a fox makes. The song gained popularity for its catchy melody, quirky vocals, and colorful music video.
    • Genre: Dance-pop, novelty
    • Language: English
    • Release Date: September 3, 2013
    • Length: 3 minutes and 45 seconds
    • Label: Parlophone
  3. 3
    This instrumental song features a repetitive melody that sounds like popping popcorn, and has been covered by a variety of artists.
    Popcorn is a light and fluffy snack made from dried corn kernels that have been heated until they burst open. It is typically seasoned with salt or a variety of flavors like caramel, butter, or cheese. The result is a crispy and addictive snack that is enjoyed by people of all ages.
    • Nutritional content: Popcorn is low in calories and fat, making it a healthier alternative to many other snacks. It is also a good source of fiber.
    • Popping method: Popcorn kernels pop when heated due to the moisture inside turning into steam. This causes the kernel to expand and create the characteristic airy texture.
    • Varieties: Popcorn comes in various shapes and sizes, including butterfly, snowflake, and mushroom varieties. Each has its own unique popping characteristics.
    • Popcorn machines: Specialized machines are available to cook popcorn, ranging from stovetop pans to electric poppers. These machines ensure even heating and prevent burnt or unpopped kernels.
    • Common flavors: While salted popcorn remains a classic favorite, other popular flavors include butter, caramel, cheese, chocolate, and even spicy variations.
  4. 4
    This hit from the late 90s features a catchy chorus, but the lyrics are completely nonsensical and random.
    Barbie Girl is a catchy pop song that gained massive popularity in the late 90s. It is known for its playful and satirical lyrics that focus on the stereotypical image of Barbie dolls. The song combines elements of electronic dance music with bubblegum pop, creating a unique and memorable sound.
    • Release Date: May 14, 1997
    • Genre: Pop, Dance-pop, Eurodance
    • Length: 3:16
    • Album: Aquarium
    • Record Label: MCA
  5. 5
    This viral song features a muffin that comes to life and sings about wanting to die. The lyrics are completely random and absurd.
    The Muffin Song is a humorous and catchy song that gained popularity on the internet. It is known for its quirky lyrics and repetitive chorus about wanting to die and reincarnate as a muffin. The song uses a mix of singing and storytelling to create an absurd and playful narrative.
    • Release Date: April 1, 2018
    • Genre: Comedy
    • Duration: 3 minutes
    • Views on YouTube: Over 200 million
    • Language: English
  6. 6

    Numa Numa

    Gary Brolsma
    This viral hit from the early 2000s features a Romanian pop song, but the lyrics are completely nonsensical and the dance is random and silly.
    Numa Numa is a viral video meme on YouTube featuring Gary Brolsma enthusiastically lip-syncing and dancing to the song 'Dragostea Din Tei' by the Moldovan pop group O-Zone. The video became immensely popular for its infectious energy and the charismatic performance of Brolsma.
    • Title: Numa Numa
    • Song: Dragostea Din Tei
    • Artist: O-Zone
    • Year: 2004
    • Views (as of November 2021): Over 178 million
    Numa Numa in other rankings
  7. 7
    This song features a dancing banana and random lyrics about peanut butter and jelly, and has become a popular meme.
    Peanut Butter Jelly Time is a popular GIF featuring a dancing banana. The banana moves back and forth while waving its arms and singing along to the 'Peanut Butter Jelly Time' song. The GIF is widely used to convey excitement, joy, or a playful dance in various online conversations and social platforms.
    • Format: GIF
    • Resolution: 240x180 pixels
    • Duration: 5 seconds
    • Color Palette: 256 colors
    • Frame Rate: 10 frames per second
    Peanut Butter Jelly Time in other rankings
  8. 8
    This viral hit from the early days of the internet features a series of random hamster noises and a catchy melody.
  9. 9
    This classic disco hit features random lyrics about martial arts and a catchy melody that has been used in numerous movies and TV shows.
    Kung Fu Fighting is an iconic disco song that became popular in the 1970s. It is characterized by its catchy melody, energetic vocals, and memorable lyrics about martial arts. The song incorporates elements of funk and soul, with a fast-paced rhythm that encourages listeners to dance.
    • Genre: Disco
    • Year of Release: 1974
    • Duration: 3 minutes and 15 seconds
    • Record Label: Pyramid
    • Chart Performance: Reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart
  10. 10
    This classic children's song features random lyrics about being a teapot and a catchy melody that is often used as a dance.
    I'm a Little Teapot is a popular children's song and nursery rhyme. It is a playful and catchy tune that teaches kids about the actions and posture of a teapot.
    • Genre: Children's song
    • Length: Approximately 1 minute
    • Key: F major
    • Time signature: 4/4
    • Temperament: Upbeat and lively

Missing your favorite song?


Ranking factors for random song

  1. Lyrics
    The lyrics of the song should be nonsensical or completely unexpected. The more off-the-wall the lyrics are, the more random the song will be.
  2. Music
    The music should also be unexpected and out of the ordinary. A truly random song may incorporate unusual instruments or sounds.
  3. Context
    The context in which the song is used can also play a role in its randomness. A song that is completely out of place in a particular setting can be considered more random.
  4. Audience reaction
    The reaction of the audience can also be a factor. If a song elicits confusion or surprise from listeners, it may be considered more random.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most random song. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 167 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each song once every 24 hours. The rank of each song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most random song

Background: The Quest for the Most Random Song Music is a universal language that transcends boundaries of age, gender, and culture. It has the power to evoke emotions, memories, and even inspire us to dance. However, not all songs are created equal. Some songs are so random that they defy categorization and leave us scratching our heads in confusion. But what exactly makes a song random? Is it the lyrics, the melody, or the overall vibe? The search for the most random song has been going on for years, with music enthusiasts and critics alike trying to find the ultimate answer. Some say that randomness is subjective and depends on individual taste, while others argue that there are objective criteria that make a song truly random. One thing is for sure: random songs can be both entertaining and frustrating at the same time. They can be catchy and infectious, or downright annoying and nonsensical. But regardless of how we feel about them, there's no denying the fact that they exist and continue to captivate our attention. So, let's dive into the world of random songs and discover some of the most bizarre and obscure tunes out there.

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