The Most Romantic Thing to Say in French, Ranked

Choose the thing you think is the most romantic!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 06:57
Imagine you're strolling through the charming streets of Paris, the city of love, holding hands with your significant other. The ambiance is perfect: twinkling lights, the soft hum of conversation, and the magnificent Eiffel Tower in the background. At this moment, you want to whisper something utterly romantic in French, but what should it be? This is where our list comes in handy. By providing a compilation of the most romantic phrases in French as voted by users like you, we help ensure that you always have the perfect words at the tip of your tongue. Your votes help us determine which phrases truly capture the essence of romance, making every romantic encounter unforgettable.

What Is the Most Romantic Thing to Say in French?

  1. 1
    This is a classic and straightforward way to express your love to someone.
    The phrase "Je t'aime plus que tout au monde" is a widely recognized and classic expression of deep, romantic love in the French language. It is an intimate and affectionate way to convey one's overwhelming affection for someone special.
    • Language: French
    • Emotion: Romantic love
    • Intimacy: Deeply affectionate
    • Expression: Overwhelming affection
    • Popularity: Widely recognized
  2. 2
    This phrase conveys a sense of forever and true commitment.
    The phrase 'Tu es mon amour éternel' (You are my eternal love) is a beautifully poetic and heartfelt expression of everlasting love in French. It is often used as a declaration of deep affection and commitment to a loved one.
    • Language: French
    • Emotion: Romantic
    • Meaning: Expressing eternal love
    • Usage: Declaration of love
    • Sentiment: Deep affection and commitment
  3. 3
    This phrase expresses the intensity of your feelings towards someone.
    Je suis fou de toi (I am crazy about you) is a widely used romantic phrase in French that conveys a deep affection and infatuation towards another person. It is a powerful declaration of love.
    • Language: French
    • Meaning: Expresses intense love and infatuation
    • Emotion: Romantic
    • Popularity: High
    • Usage: Commonly used in personal relationships
  4. 4
    This phrase is a poetic way to express the way someone makes you feel.
    The phrase 'Tu me fais battre le cœur' is a heartfelt expression in French that conveys the romantic feeling of someone making your heart beat.
    • Language: French
    • Expression: Romantic
    • Sentiment: Affection
    • Literal Meaning: You make my heart beat
    • Usage: To express deep romantic feelings towards someone
  5. 5
    This phrase shows how much someone means to you and how much they have become a part of your life.
    The phrase 'Je n'imagine pas ma vie sans toi' translates to 'I can't imagine my life without you' in English. It is a heartfelt and romantic expression used to convey deep affection and dependence on someone. This phrase beautifully captures the sentiment of not being able to envision a life devoid of the person being addressed.
    • Language: French
    • Meaning: 'I can't imagine my life without you'
    • Emotion: Romantic, affectionate
    • Use: Expressing deep attachment
    • Style: Endearing
  6. 6
    This phrase expresses the idea that someone is meant to be with you and completes you.
    The phrase 'Tu es mon âme sœur' is a heartfelt expression used to convey that the person being addressed is considered the speaker's soulmate, their perfect match in life and love. It signifies a deep emotional bond and affection between two individuals.
    • Language: French
    • Meaning: Expresses the concept of someone being a soulmate
    • Emotion: Romantic, profound, and intense
    • Usage: Can be used in various contexts like expressing love, commitment, or affirmation of a strong connection
    • Impact: Can evoke strong emotions and create a deep sense of intimacy
  7. 7
    This phrase is a simple but powerful way to express your love.
    Je t'aime de tout mon cœur is a classic and timeless phrase in the French language, often considered one of the most romantic expressions. It conveys a deep and unconditional love for someone, expressing that the love is coming from the very core of the speaker's heart.
    • Language: French
    • Emotion: Romantic
    • Intensity: High
    • Sentiment: Deep love
    • Expression Type: Phrase
  8. 8
    This phrase conveys how important someone is to you and how they bring happiness and joy into your life.
    Tu es la lumière de ma vie (You are the light of my life) is a romantic phrase in French that expresses deep love and admiration for someone. It is a heartfelt compliment that signifies the immense importance and happiness the person brings to the speaker's life.
    • Language: French
    • Meaning: Expressing deep love and admiration
    • Emotion: Romantic
    • Intensity: High
    • Symbolism: Comparing the person to light and emphasizing their significance
  9. 9
    This phrase expresses how much someone means to you and how they have become the center of your world.
    The phrase 'Tu es la raison de mon existence' is a deeply romantic statement in French, expressing that the person addressed is the very reason why the speaker exists. It conveys a profound sense of love, devotion, and dependence on their partner.
    • Language: French
    • Meaning: Expressing love and devotion
    • Emotion: Romantic
    • Intimacy: Deep emotional connection
    • Expression: Affirmation of love and commitment
  10. 10
    This phrase conveys the depth of your love and how it is beyond what can be expressed in words.
    The phrase 'Je t'aime plus que les mots ne peuvent le dire' is a beautiful and heartfelt expression of love in French. It conveys a profound depth of affection and represents the immense love someone has for another person, surpassing the limits of language and words.
    • Language: French
    • Sentiment: Romantic
    • Emotion: Love
    • Phrase: Je t'aime plus que les mots ne peuvent le dire
    • Translation: I love you more than words can say

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most romantic thing to say in French. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or thing is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 175 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each thing once every 24 hours. The rank of each thing is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most romantic thing to say in french

French is known as the language of love, and for good reason. The French language has long been associated with romance and passion, and is often considered one of the most beautiful languages in the world. From classic French love songs to romantic movies set in Paris, the French language has been used to express love and affection in countless ways. When it comes to expressing love in French, there are many beautiful and romantic phrases to choose from. From the simple "Je t'aime" (I love you) to more poetic expressions like "Mon amour pour toi est infini" (My love for you is infinite), French offers a wealth of options for those looking to express their feelings in a romantic way. Whether you're planning a romantic trip to Paris or simply looking to impress your significant other with your language skills, learning some romantic French phrases can help you add a touch of romance to any situation. So why not explore the language of love and discover some of the most romantic things to say in French?

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