The Most Successful Business in Cyprus, Ranked

Choose the business you think is the most successful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 17, 2024 07:23
Businesses thrive by understanding where they stand in the marketplace. In Cyprus, a dynamic business environment shaped by diverse industries, gauging a company's success relative to its peers can provide valuable insights. Such rankings not only spotlight leaders but also highlight emerging trends and successful strategies employed by various sectors. This site enables you to participate actively in shaping these rankings. By casting your votes, you contribute to a transparent and evolving picture of business excellence across the island. Your input not only recognizes the achievements of top performers but also influences future market trends and investments in Cyprus.

What Is the Most Successful Business in Cyprus?

  1. 1
    Bank of Cyprus

    Bank of Cyprus

    The largest financial institution in Cyprus, offering a wide range of banking and financial services.
    • Headquarters: Nicosia, Cyprus
    • Founded: 1899
  2. 2

    Hellenic Bank

    One of the largest financial institutions in Cyprus, providing a wide array of banking services.
    • Headquarters: Nicosia, Cyprus
    • Founded: 1976
  3. 3

    Columbia Shipmanagement

    A global leader in ship management and maritime services, based in Cyprus.
    • Headquarters: Limassol, Cyprus
    • Founded: 1978
  4. 4


    The leading telecommunications provider in Cyprus, offering mobile, fixed telephony, and internet services.
    • Type: Public
    • Founded: 1961
  5. 5

    EAC (Electricity Authority of Cyprus)

    The primary electricity provider in Cyprus, responsible for generation, transmission, and distribution.
    • Type: Public
    • Founded: 1952
  6. 6
    MTN Cyprus (now Yettel)

    MTN Cyprus (now Yettel)

    A major telecommunications provider in Cyprus, offering mobile and internet services.
    • Type: Private
    • Founded: MTN Cyprus was rebranded to Yettel in 2021
  7. 7

    Tsokkos Hotels & Resorts

    The largest hotel chain in Cyprus, offering a variety of hospitality services.
    • Headquarters: Protaras, Cyprus
    • Founded: 1979
  8. 8

    Lanitis Group

    One of the most diversified groups in Cyprus, with interests in energy, agriculture, real estate, and hospitality.
    • Headquarters: Limassol, Cyprus
    • Founded: 1896
  9. 9

    KEO plc

    A leading beverage company in Cyprus, producing beer, wine, and soft drinks.
    • Headquarters: Limassol, Cyprus
    • Founded: 1927
  10. 10


    A leading energy company in Cyprus, specializing in the import and marketing of petroleum products.
    • Headquarters: Larnaca, Cyprus
    • Founded: 1961

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most successful business in Cyprus. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or business is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 119 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each business once every 24 hours. The rank of each business is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Successful Business in Cyprus

Bank of Cyprus
Rank #1 for the most successful business in Cyprus: Bank of Cyprus (Source)
Cyprus has seen many businesses grow and thrive. One stands out as the most successful. Its success story began many years ago. The company started small but had big dreams. It focused on quality and customer satisfaction. This approach helped it gain a loyal customer base.

The business operates in various sectors. It did not limit itself to one area. This strategy reduced risks and opened new opportunities. The company invested in technology and innovation. It always stayed ahead of trends. This foresight helped it remain competitive in changing markets.

The company values its employees. It provides training and development programs. This ensures that staff stay skilled and motivated. Happy employees lead to happy customers. This belief is a core part of the company’s culture. It has a low turnover rate, which is rare in many industries.

The business also focuses on sustainability. It adopts eco-friendly practices. This reduces its environmental impact. Customers appreciate this effort. It also helps attract new clients who value green practices.

The company has a strong online presence. It uses social media and other digital tools effectively. This helps it reach a wider audience. Online marketing has become a key part of its strategy. The business also offers online shopping, making it convenient for customers.

Customer service is another strength. The company listens to feedback and acts on it. This builds trust and loyalty. It also helps improve products and services. The business has a dedicated team for customer support. They are always ready to help.

The company also gives back to the community. It supports local charities and events. This builds a positive image and strengthens community ties. People feel good about supporting a business that cares.

Financial management is another area where the company excels. It keeps a close eye on costs and revenues. This helps maintain a healthy profit margin. The business also reinvests profits wisely. This fuels further growth and expansion.

The leadership team plays a crucial role. They have a clear vision and strategy. They make informed decisions and take calculated risks. This has guided the company through various challenges. The team also fosters a culture of innovation. They encourage new ideas and improvements.

The company has received many awards. These recognize its excellence in various areas. They also boost its reputation. Awards attract more customers and partners. They also motivate employees to strive for excellence.

The business plans for the future. It sets clear goals and works towards them. This ensures continued growth and success. The company is always looking for new opportunities. It is ready to adapt to changes in the market.

In conclusion, the most successful business in Cyprus excels in many areas. It focuses on quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. It values its employees and supports the community. It manages finances well and plans for the future. This holistic approach has made it a leader in its field.

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